The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 245 The ice silkworm is too poisonous.

Chapter 245 The ice silkworm is too poisonous.

Tong Li understood, and turned to Pei Jiuyin and said, "Find it something to eat."

"What does it eat?" Judging by its appearance, it doesn't seem to be the kind that eats leaves.

Tong Li frowned, apparently not knowing what it ate.

"Get it some raw meat and see if it eats it."

Pei Jiuyin ordered to go on, and the servant quickly brought a plate of raw meat. At first, Pei Jiuyin didn't say what it was for, and they specially sliced ​​the meat as thin as a cicada's wings.

As a result, the piece of meat was eaten up by it in two or three strokes, and it seemed that it was not full from its unfinished appearance.

Pei Jiuyin asked for another two cuts.

Tong Li was trying her best to treat the snake. I don't know if the ice silkworm was poisonous, and the place it swallowed had already started to fester, so it wouldn't last long if it continued like this.

She worked hard for a while, but finally ended in failure: "It can't be done, I can't save it."

Ice silkworms are too poisonous.

Tong Li immediately took a knife, disemboweled the snake on the spot, took out the snake's gall, and put it in a box.

Another small bottle was brought to collect its blood.

Pei Jiuyin was stunned. Seeing her smooth operation, she didn't even frown. Isn't she afraid of a girl?
'That's because you didn't see her heroic figure fighting snakes. '

When Tong Li came back after washing his hands, he asked the doubt in his heart: "Do you often disembowel snakes?"

Tong Li: "It's okay."

"When I used to practice medicine, I would catch snakes for gallbladder."

Pei Jiuyin: "?"

"Aren't you afraid? This snake is poisonous."

Tong Li gave him a strange look: "What's there to be afraid of?"

Let alone snakes, is there anything scary in this world that she hasn't seen?
Pei Jiuyin choked.

What kind of life had she lived before?He found that he knew too little about her.

He wanted to continue asking, but before he could ask, Tong Li took the lead and said, "I have to go to the pharmacy first."

Pei Jiuyin could only swallow back what he wanted to ask.

The two drove directly to Qu's pharmacy, and everyone was not surprised when they saw Tong Li coming.

But seeing Pei Jiuyin coming in hand in hand, he felt a little weird.

Ms. Tong, isn't it Dr. Qu's? Why is Mr. Pei leading him?

Everyone looked at these two people as if they had seen ghosts. They couldn't see through. Could it be because of Mr. Pei that Dr. Qu was so nice to Ms. Tong?
As soon as Tong Li entered the door, she went straight to the third floor, picking out the medicinal materials she needed, and she could find them accurately without the guidance of others, which was no less familiar than at her own home.

Pei Jiuyin didn't bother her, and found a place to sit by himself, with his hands resting on his cheeks, and stared at Tong Li's figure intently, so that he could enjoy some warm leisure time, even if he just watched her do things, he Also satisfied.

Tong Li could see Pei Jiuyin smirking every time she turned her head. She didn't know what he was laughing at, so she just gave him a puzzled look.

I don't know how long it took, Qu Rui also rushed over after hearing the news, and as soon as he entered the door, his eyes fell on Tong Li, and he was very happy to see that she was safe and sound.

Then his eyes fell on the man next to him, and he realized that Tong Li was instructing Pei Jiuyin to cut the medicine.

It's just that Pei Jiuyin didn't do this, and the medicines he cut out were uneven.

Tong Li took the trouble to teach him, you come and go, the scene looks so warm and cozy, the air is filled with the smell of love, watching Pei Jiuyin's face full of indulgence, his excited mood instantly becomes calm.

In this case... he should have gone out, but
The two looked up when they heard the movement.

Qu Rui pulled out a smile: "Is Jiu Yin here?"

"Qu Rui is here." Pei Jiuyin replied, and then concentrated on cutting his medicine.

Tong Li slightly gestured to him.

Qu Rui pursed his lips, but didn't say anything more.

He just stood in the distance and watched quietly, seeing that Pei Jiuyin had made a wrong cut again, before Tong Li could speak, he walked forward and snatched the cutting knife from him: "That's not the case, the direction of the knife you used was wrong, cut it out. The thickness of the medicine is different, which will affect the effective time of the medicine."

Pei Jiuyin was pushed aside, and he didn't think it was wrong. Qu Rui was more professional than him, so he just entrusted him with this difficult task.

He looked at the side for a while, and felt bored, so he walked to the side and sat down.

Qu Rui was cutting the medicinal materials, feeling regretful in his heart, why did he rush over.

In order to ease the embarrassment, he casually asked Tong Li: "You have been out for a long time this time."

"Well, it's been a while." Tong Li fanned the smoke from the medicine stove, and seeing that it was almost done, he stuffed another medicine into it.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Qu Rui told her about Qu Manman's physical condition again. Tong Li had been away for too long. After Qu Manman took the medicine, his recovery stagnated.

He tried to dispense several medicines, but to no avail.

Tong Li said unhurriedly: "It's okay, I have already found the snake, and I can make her stand up in a month at the earliest."

Qu Rui's eyes lit up, and he stopped the knife: "Really?"


But when she thought about what she said before that was a poisonous snake, her face suddenly became tense: "You didn't get hurt when you caught it, didn't you?"

Tong Li shook her head: "No."

Qu Rui lowered his head and murmured twice: "It's fine if you don't have one."

On the other hand, Pei Jiuyin's gaze remained on Tong Li, and he didn't notice Qu Rui's flash of admiration at all.

It took Tong Li half a day to make the medicine.

After the medicine was ready, the three of them drove to Qu Manman's house.

The little girl was basking in the sun in the backyard. When she heard that Tong Li had returned, she was extremely excited and shouted to go out.

When Qu Manman went out to the hall, he saw Tong Li at the first sight, and Pei Jiuyin indifferently at the second.

The smile on his face froze.

Shouted in a daze: "Sister Tong, Brother Nine...Brother Rui, you are all here."

After two months of recuperation, Qu Manman gained a lot of weight, completely different from the skinny girl before.

Tong Li stepped forward, placed her finger on her pulse, and touched it.

"Sorry, something was delayed."

Although Qu Manman is small, he is very sensible: "It's okay, my sister is busy, I can wait."

"As long as my sister remembers to come back."

Tong Li withdrew his hand and patted her head.

"This time, I'll give you an injection. I'll soak it in the medicine bath tomorrow. I'll replace the medicine with a new one. This medicine may be a bit painful to take, and it will cause your body to have a great reaction."

"But it will make you get better quickly. You can see the effect in half a month at the slowest, and you can stand up within a month."

Qu Manman's eyes widened in disbelief: "So fast?"

"Unfortunately, your treatment has been intermittent because of the delay of my sister's business."

"But it was a blessing in disguise when I went out this time, and helped you find the most important medicine."

"As long as you can bear this pain, I believe you will be able to stand up soon, just like a normal person."

Qu Manman nodded firmly: "I am not afraid of hardship."

She went from being a cripple to being able to sit up and stand up again, which was already a miracle among miracles. She didn't feel at ease if she didn't suffer a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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