Chapter 246
Tong Li was pestered by Pei Jiuyin for a few days, and after her tireless persuasion, she finally drove him to work.

She can also free up some time to do her own things.

When she came to the company corridor, she found that there were two more strangers guarding the company door.

'What's the matter? '

Tong Li slowed down and recognized one of them who had met her once.

It was the policeman Yu Yali met last time.

'What are they doing here? '

The two people at the door heard the movement, and subconsciously looked in the corridor. When they saw Tong Li, they were overjoyed and stepped forward quickly.

"Is that Tong Li?" The two people smiled happily, one left and one right, one forward and the other backward, their seemingly normal positions actually blocked Tong Li's way back and forth, making her unable to escape even if she wanted to.

However, in Tong Li's opinion, this position is a little redundant. If she wants to run, how can these two people stop her.

"What's the matter?" Tong Li was very indifferent. She just came back not long ago, and she didn't do anything wrong. These policemen came here...

The two straightened up, with a businesslike look: "Hi, I'm Liu Jie from xxx District. We came here today mainly to ask Ms. Tong to assist us in investigating a case."

Tong Li glanced at him lightly: "What case?"

What does it have to do with her?
The two plain clothes looked at each other, as if they had reached some kind of consensus, they nodded at each other: "Can Miss Tong talk inside?"

This case is still in a state of secrecy. They must be cautious in their words and deeds. If things get out of their mouths, they cannot bear the responsibility.

Tong Li nodded and led the two back to the company and directly into the office.

The little girl at the front desk brought two bottles of mineral water to the two men, and made another pot of tea for her boss.

Every detail is incomparably done.

Sitting on the upper seat, Tong Li frowned and said, "Tell me, what's the matter."

Liu Jie coughed lightly, and straightened her expression: "Miss Tong, do you still remember that two months ago, you rescued two girls who had accidents because of wearing wigs?"

Tong Li was silent for a while, then looked at them suspiciously: "So?"

The plainclothes suppressed the excitement in his heart: "We want to ask Ms. Tong to help us find out the murderer behind the scenes or the specific location of the store."

In fact, they have been investigating this case for three or four months, but so far, they have found nothing, not even an exact address.

It's not that they are incompetent, but that this wig shop is too mysterious, it is like a mirage, appearing and disappearing out of thin air, very weird.

"To tell you the truth, Ms. Tong, there were only a few cases before this case happened, but two months ago, a large number of victims suddenly broke out all over the country, and many people died because of it."

They used all kinds of high-tech methods, but they still couldn't track their location until they found Yu Yali and Feng Yue.

They said that this is a non-human case, which cannot be found out by normal means.

At first they didn't believe this, but the pressure from above was too tight, so they started to go to the doctor in an emergency.

They have secretly sought out famous masters, but it seems that they are only here to go through the motions, it is completely useless, and they can't solve it if they are a bit capable.

They wanted to find Tong Li, but the clerk said she was on a business trip and didn't know when she would be back.

Under great pressure, they investigated the case while waiting for Tong Li, and finally the emperor paid off. When they were still arguing, they finally waited for the master's return.

Tong Li looked at them silently.

"Miss Tong, it is the duty of every citizen to assist in committing crimes. I hope you can assist us to find out the truth as soon as possible and restore a stable society to everyone."

"Although we can't give the price, it's too high, but if Ms. Tong can find out the leader of this matter, we can personally present you with a pennant."

This is an honor to be a national of country A, and I believe no one can refuse this honor.

However, Tong Li is not the kind of person who seeks fame and fame. It has nothing to do with her whether it is a brocade or a pennant, whether it is honor or not.

"I don't have time." Tong Li refused aloud.

The last time has been delayed for more than two months, she must go to Shennongjia as soon as possible to gather all the medicinal materials.

The two were stunned. They obviously didn't expect Childhood to refuse: "Miss Tong, if you care about the amount, just ask how much you need. We will apply to the higher authorities."

Generally, as long as you don't go too far, you should be able to apply.

Tong Li shook her head: "It's not about money, I really don't have time."

"I have to go out in a few days."

The two plainclothes were in a hurry: "Miss Tong, what is more important than human life? That's hundreds of human lives, and it may be more than this number. If the murderer behind the scenes is not caught, there will be more ignorant girls who will suffer from it." Harmful."

"At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Another colleague helped: "Miss Tong, if you have any urgent matters, please tell me, we will arrange for you here."

Tong Li still shook her head and insisted on her own thoughts: "You can't help me with my affairs."

"But..." Another person grabbed him and shook his head at him.

"Miss Tong is going out in a few days?"

"If you two have nothing to do, please come back first, I still have things to deal with." Tong Li was a little impatient, and began to issue orders to them to evict the guests.

She doesn't like others to inquire about her actions, especially people she doesn't know well.

"Miss Tong..."

The person next to him poked his elbow and smiled at Tong Li: "Miss Tong, I'm sorry... we took the liberty today, you might as well think it over again, and we'll ask again tomorrow."

They knew that Tong Li's identity was not simple, and their attitude should not be too tough, otherwise they would not be able to invite them, and they would have to walk around.

After the two left, Yi Jianzhou came over after hearing the news. You must know that it is not easy to catch this big boss, and you have to race against time.

Fortunately, Tong Li is still there.

Yi Jianzhou supported the table panting, and was so excited that he was about to cry: "Master are back."

More than two months, he waited for more than two months, it was too difficult for him.


Tong Li glanced at him: "What's the matter?"

"It's something...Of course it's something." Yi Jianzhou picked up a bottle of water next to him and unscrewed it, took a couple of sips and drank the bottle of water before he could breathe.

Sitting on the chair next to him, he didn't care at all why there were two chairs and two bottles of water here.

"Master Tong, you have participated in the incident where the wig harmed people, right?"

Before she could answer, she continued: "A lot of people have come to me in the past two months, just for wigs, but I pushed them away when you weren't here."

But the more he pushed them, the more persistent he became, and the temptation became bigger and bigger, but no one was there, no matter how jealous he was, it would not help.

But this matter has taken root in his heart, so as soon as Tong Li came back, he rushed over to ask her opinion without stopping.

Tong Li frowned and was it about the wig?

(End of this chapter)

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