The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 247 The Duck Comes Uninvited 'Distressed'

Chapter 247 The Duck Comes Uninvited 'Distressed'

"Master Tong, this matter involves a lot, and it affects a lot of people."

"As far as I know, the police are also investigating, but the wig seller is too mysterious, and they haven't found any clues so far."

"I also heard that those people also approached Taoist priests, but the people behind the scenes are too powerful, they can't do anything to him at all, so they can only drag on."

But he knows that Tong Li can do what others can't do, and only she can do it. This thing is like tailor-made for her.

"Master Tong, as long as we do this well, the money will come in continuously. It can be said that this list is more valuable than any other."

"Furthermore, the higher authorities are closely watching this matter, and the scope of news dissemination is not large. If we can catch up with the logistics, our company's road will be much easier in the future."

In fact, if this case is accepted, it will be Yi Jianzhou who will benefit the most. Although he does not need money, what he receives is favors that are more important than money.

In the past few months, because of Tong Li, his career has been rising steadily like flying a plane.

He was so promoted that he almost couldn't believe that this was his own company.

In just a few months there has been a sea change.

Having tasted the sweetness, he can't wait to pass all the orders to Tong Li.

It's a pity that Tong Li doesn't seem to be interested in money recently, and she often disappears. It's difficult for her to take orders.

Tong Li was entangled in her heart and did not give an answer immediately.

Last time, she discovered that the person behind the scenes was using a wig to suck the vitality of others. With such sinister intentions, there must be an ulterior conspiracy.

After thinking for a moment: "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

If you want to check it out...

While the two were discussing things inside, there were noisy voices outside.

Tong Li frowned in displeasure, but after listening carefully, he felt that the voice was a little familiar.

Seeing this, Yi Jianzhou stood up and went out to check the situation.

As soon as the door was opened, the child's voice became louder.

Tong Li froze, and instantly remembered where she had heard these voices.

The days in the space of the two-headed monster slowly emerged in my mind. Twenty or so children chattered every day, like tens of thousands of ducks quacking in my ears.

That voice was so magical that it made life worse than death.

She shouted urgently: "Close the door quickly...don't let them in."

But it was too late, a group of children swarmed in, and the small office was instantly filled with half-tall children.

When they saw Tong Li, their eyes sparkled with starlight, and they shouted happily: "It's really Sister Tong, you're finally back, we've waited so hard for you."

Seeing so many children, Yi Jianzhou still knew Tong Li, and was also stunned for a while.

"Sister, sister, sister..." The child's innocent smile and clear and sweet voice made Tong Li's head explode.

She held her forehead helplessly: "Why are you here?"

"Brother Erfeng brought us here."

"Sister, you don't know how worried we are about you if we didn't see you coming out."

"We waited for you outside for a long time but couldn't come out. Brother Xuesheng said you came out from another door, but we haven't seen you all this time."

"Yes, sister, they said they couldn't find you, so I thought you wouldn't come back."

"Big sister, I'm worried about you too...Brother Xuesheng is gone...You're locked up again..."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo on you..."

Children have a particularly strong ability to contagious emotions. Before they started to say a few words, one child shed tears, and then a group of children's tears fell one after the other as if they didn't want money.

The whole office was filled with the cries of children, which made people have a splitting headache.

Tong Li plugged her ears and looked at the group of children unfeelingly.

Yi Jianzhou's eyes widened and his mouth opened. He likes children very much, but seeing so many children crying and chirping together seems a little scary. What's going on?

"do not Cry."

As soon as Tong Li uttered these three words, she was drowned in crying.

The child vented his emotions heartily, crying louder and louder.

Tong Li's face became more and more ugly, she had no idea what these little kids were crying about, and she was not dead.

Yi Jianzhou also saw that Tong Li was very impatient, he was afraid that if these children continued to cry, Tong Li might beat them.

In order to avoid such a bad situation, he yelled at the group of children: "Okay, don't cry."

But how could the child listen to him, he still opened his mouth wide and howled.

"Shut up all of them." Tong Li couldn't bear it anymore, stood up abruptly, and slapped his hands on the table angrily, causing a huge vibration, and the solid wood table cracked a thin crack.

Tong Li was worried that if she continued to listen, she would not be able to help throwing all these children out.

The child looked at Tong Li who was full of anger, and immediately shut up, his big teary eyes looked innocent.

They were all crying so sad, it's fine if sister Tong doesn't comfort them, why are they so fierce?

And the culprit who brought a bunch of children over was leaning against the door frame with an extremely comfortable smile on his face.

"Si Erfeng." Tong Li gritted his teeth and called out his name.

"What did you bring them back for?"

Si Erfeng spread his hands helplessly: "I can't help it, these kids are arguing in front of me every day to find you."

"You must know that the crime you are suffering now is what I suffer every day."

"I finally found out that you were back yesterday, so I brought them all here."

Save these guys from going to him and crying.Si Erfeng
Tong Li waved at him: "Hurry up and take them back."

Si Erfeng and the others huffed and said, "Then you have to ask them if they are willing to leave."

Tong Li supported the child who was leaning on her body: "Okay, I watched and watched, and cried and cried, so go back quickly."


"We came here to thank my sister."

Then a child took something out of his body pocket.

"Sister, this is the diamond my uncle gave me. It's so shiny and beautiful. Thank you for saving me last time. If it wasn't for you, I might never come back and see my mother again."

A child's heart is very pure, what is right and what is wrong?They made it very clear that Tong Li was their savior, so naturally they wanted to leave the best things to her.

"Sister, I also gave you this little kitty. This is my treasure, out of print. I like it the most. After you accept it, you must treat it well, otherwise it will cry at night."

Then more gifts came to her, such as bracelets, rings, small spaceships, and figurines.

Tong Li looked at this pile of presents, and the corner of her mouth twitched: "I..."

It is not necessary to hear Si Erfeng say the three words.

"Miss Tong, don't discourage children's enthusiasm."

Tong Li choked suddenly.

A group of little guys stared at her pitifully, but if Tong Li didn't accept her, they would cry immediately.

Definitely a threat.

(End of this chapter)

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