Chapter 249

But now this man who was once out of his reach, stood in front of him brightly.

Unless he is blind, no one can ignore this dragon-browed and phoenix-eyed lord.

But how could he appear here?

Seeing Pei Jiuyin approaching step by step, Yi Jianzhou's nerves also tensed up.

His eyes seemed to be looking at...

Pei Jiuyin's dark pupils looked at Tong Li instead of someone else.

Not to mention his identity, just this appearance can make the people present unable to take their eyes off, because of his appearance, the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly became quiet.

Until Pei Jiuyin stopped next to Tong Li, with his palm resting on Tong Li's shoulder.

The indifferent eyes just now became tender instantly, and this intimate act seemed to show their relationship to everyone.

Tong Li stood up, her eyes revealing a trace of helplessness: "Here we come."


Out of the corner of Pei Jiuyin's eyes, his eyes fell on the little boy next to him, and he almost said, "Go away quickly, I want to sit here."

How can a child understand the deep meaning of an adult, not to mention looking out of the corner of your eye, even if you stare at him and don't speak clearly, he won't know how to give way.

Pei Jiuyin coughed lightly, and Yi Jianzhou came back to his senses, and immediately stepped forward to pick up the child from the seat.

"Mr. Pei, please sit down."

Yi Jianzhou's voice couldn't hide his excitement, his whole body seemed to be floating in the air, and he was dizzy. Today he not only met with the overlord of the business world, but also talked to him.

And he's a partner....

No wonder before.
Yi Jianzhou gasped in his heart, feeling extremely exciting.

A little girl sitting next to him couldn't help reaching out and pulling his finger, her eyes glowed with starlight: "Brother, you are so handsome, are you sister Tong's boyfriend?"

Pei Jiuyin frowned, and pulled his hand back without the slightest hesitation. He didn't like being touched by anyone other than Tong Li, not even children.

But when she heard the last question she asked, the corner of her mouth that had just been bent down instantly lifted, and she nodded slightly: "Yes."

"WOW, brother and sister are a good match, brother is handsome and sister is beautiful, the baby you will give birth to in the future will definitely be the most beautiful woman in the world."

The little girl smiled, her mouth seemed to be covered with honey, and piles of nice words came out of her mouth.

Pei Jiuyin almost didn't laugh when he heard the previous paragraph, but when he heard that the baby was born, he was stunned for a moment, and he didn't feel disgusted in his heart. He subconsciously looked at Tong Li.

Tong Li looked flat and didn't say anything, her attention seemed to be on the food.

When she found that everyone's eyes were on her, she replied indifferently: "Eat."

The child ate obediently. Although Pei Jiuyin was eating, Tong Li's evasive attitude just now made him feel very uncomfortable, even though he didn't like children.

But if it's her, it's not impossible if she insists, at least he has the ability to protect his child now.

It's okay to have one.

Pei Jiuyin ate one bite at a time, but that joke, which was originally a child's joke, was deeply rooted in his mind, and he was already planning to find a time to talk to Tong Li.


At ten o'clock in the evening, the night outside is getting dark, scattered stars hang in the sky, occasionally twinkling twice.

Tong Li leaned on the bedside and meditated, holding the Buddha's Epiphyllum fruit that Si Erfeng gave her in her hand, and the room was filled with a strange fragrance.

She thought about what the two policemen said today.

The wig matter is indeed strange. As far as last time, she knew that the people behind were very cautious, and cut off all contact immediately at the slightest sign of trouble, making it impossible to investigate.

But it's not impossible to get people out, it may take a little thought, but her own affairs have been delayed for too long, if
Suddenly there was a buzzing vibration from the mobile phone on the table, Tong Li was forced to pull back his thoughts,

Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at the caller ID, it was Chen Xuzong's call.

That Soul Transformer.

Tong Li picked up the phone, pressed the connect button and put it to her ear: "Hello."

The other side was very quiet, there was no sound, but the next second.

"Miss Tong, you finally answered the phone. If you don't answer the phone, you will have to collect my body in a few days." Chen Xuzong yelled bluffing.

Tong Li pulled the phone away from her ear.

"Miss Tong, you don't know how I've been through this period of time. In just this one month, all the roots of my hair that just grew out due to internal friction have fallen out."

"Miss Tong, no, you must help me."

Something must have happened to Chen Xuzong. Hearing this voice, he seemed to be about to collapse.

"What's the matter?" Tong Li's voice was cold and steady, giving people a feeling of peace of mind, as if she could solve everything.

"Miss Tong, you don't know that I have just started for a month, and I am safe and sound. I spend so many ignorant ghosts every day, and I have been living in peace."

"Just a month ago, Ghost Yasha suddenly appeared. He snatched my ghost everywhere. I was eaten by Ghost Yasha before I finished my transformation."

"Two days ago when I was sleeping, my spirit body suddenly came out of my body, and I was almost eaten by Ghost Yasha. Fortunately, I was able to drive him away with the talismans you gave me earlier."

"I've been calling you all these days, but I couldn't get through. Fortunately, I got through today."

The phone was hung up suddenly, but it was obvious that there was still something to say.

Tong Li looked at her mobile phone and frowned. She came back a few days ago, and the phone has been connected all the time, so there is no problem of not being able to get through.

It's clearly not her phone's problem.

"Ghost Yasha." She murmured the name in a low voice.

This is an extremely ugly, fast-moving ghost, but this kind of yaksha just likes to play tricks on people, how can it eat ghosts?
ennnn, it cannot be ruled out that Chen Xuzong admitted his mistake.

The phone call you just hung up suddenly?
Tong Li stretched out his hand, pinched his fingers, and his face became cold and serious for a moment: Chen Xuzong is in danger.

She tossed off the quilt and walked to the dressing room.

When Pei Jiuyin came out wiping his wet hair, he saw Tong Li's hurried back. He only hesitated for three seconds, and then followed closely.

As soon as he opened the dressing room, his eyes flickered, and he ate some small benefits, but when he saw her changing clothes normally, he frowned: "Where are you going?"

Tong Li buttoned up his buttons, and looked at him sideways: "Something happened to Chen Xuzong, I have to go and have a look."

"Chen Xuzong? Who is it?" I knew it was a man's name after hearing it, so I went to find a man in the middle of the night?

Tong Li replied: "A soul transforming master, he just joined the profession not long ago."

Pei Jiuyin was not happy anymore, and walked behind her and put his hands around her waist: "Do you have to go?"

"Go and have a look, if it's really Ghost Yasha, it's quite troublesome." Tong Li dressed and opened his hands.

Oni Yasha, trouble
"I also need to go."

I knew it was not a good thing when I heard it.

She was going alone, he was worried, how could she get involved with these things again not long after she came back.

"Change clothes if you want to go." Tong Li didn't refuse him. It won't affect anything if he goes this time, and maybe he can help.

"Okay." Pei Jiuyin was immediately happy.

(End of this chapter)

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