Chapter 250 The secret passage under the bed
The neon lights of the city at night are dazzling, brilliant and charming.

Although it is late at night, its prosperity is no less than during the day.

Look at all kinds of beauties with famous cars gathered on both sides of this road, and the sound of teasing and laughing spreads throughout the street, you can know how rich these people have in their nightlife.

And Tong Li is also one of them, the difference is that they come out to play at night while they come out to run errands.

Pei Jiuyin sat in the driver's cab with an indescribably satisfied expression on his face. He drove the car with one hand and held Tong Li's hand with the other, driving both beautiful and beautiful.

He has figured it out now, Tong Li's own mission is this, he can't stop it, and he can't stop it either.

Since it cannot be stopped, then he will accompany her, protect her, and be her strongest backing.

Tong Li leaned on the back of the chair and closed her eyes, thinking about Yasha.

Yasha eats the soul, which is against common sense.

Maybe it's not necessarily a mistake.

The car soon arrived at Chen Xuzong's villa area. The villa area was huge, brightly lit, and full of popularity. It didn't look like there was anything wrong.

Pei Jiuyin stepped forward and rang the doorbell, and a servant came out in a hurry.

They explained their purpose to the servant, and when the servant heard that it was Tong Li, his eyes lit up with fiery light, and without saying a word, he immediately opened the door for them to enter.

This is what the master has repeatedly said, as long as a person named Tong Li comes over, he must be treated as a guest of honor. Although it is a bit inappropriate to come here at night, she dare not be slighted.

The servant took them into the living room, Tong Li looked around, and found nothing wrong just now outside.

But as soon as she entered the house, she found that the air here was filled with a foul and unpleasant smell.

Moreover, the things here almost blinded her eyes: "Why are there so many gold utensils here?"

What money tree, golden bowls and chopsticks, golden painting scenery, and many more... Basically, everything that is visible to the naked eye has the shadow of gold.

This life is a bit too extravagant.

The servant smiled and said, "This is called by the master. He said it can ward off evil spirits, but it's not all gold, it's just covered with gold clothes."

His master is very superstitious these days. Whenever there are things that can ward off evil spirits, he builds them all at home. The living room is fine, but the real blindness is in his house.

Tong Li just made him speechless, she gave him so many talismans, he could wear any one to keep him safe, why bother with all these bells and whistles.

The servant brought the two of them to the door of Chen Xuzong's room, and knocked on the door: "Master, Miss Tong is here."

No one responded.

The servant continued to knock on the door: "Ms. Tong is here."

...still no response.

"Hey...what's the matter today, master?"

She still wanted to keep knocking on the door, but Tong Li reached out to stop her.

Before she could make a move, Pei Jiuyin seemed to see her intentions, took a step back, raised his leg, and kicked hard on the door.

But this door is not the paper door on the TV. Even if he kicked the door with all his strength, the door still stood upright except for the slightest vibration.

Pei Jiuyin's face darkened, and he was a little embarrassed. Originally, he wanted to show off his skills, but he underestimated the strength of this set of doors and made a joke.

The servant fumbled in his pocket, took out the room key, and smiled awkwardly: "Actually, I have the key."

She didn't know why this person was in such a hurry, at least she had to ask if it was right, this door in their house was not the paper door on TV, it was all imported solid wood, very hard, how could it be kicked open casually.

Pei Jiuyin's face became even darker, and he said coldly, "Why didn't you take out the key earlier?"

The servant shrank his neck in fright from his coldness, and muttered softly, "You didn't even ask."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

Tong Li looked up at him, pursed the corners of her mouth, wanted to laugh but felt it was inappropriate, she also wanted the servant to find the key to open the door, who knew he kicked it out.

"Hurry up and open the door." Pei Jiuyin glared at her

"Oh..." The servant turned the key tremblingly under Pei Jiuyin's frightening gaze.

Listening to the key turning of the key, the servant chuckled and said, "Master, it is locked from the inside, so it cannot be opened."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

Afraid that he would kick the door again, Tong Li walked up first and turned the key twice.

With a click, Tong Li opened the door that was said to be locked just now.

The servant stared wide-eyed, and couldn't believe it. She couldn't open it no matter how hard she twisted it just now, and it was locked inside. How could she open it after twisting it twice in her hand? Could it be that she was hallucinating?

Under her surprised eyes, Tong Li slowly pushed the door open, and there were a few small dim lights inside. Although the lights were dim, but with his room full of golden gold, the light of the small dim lights was magnified dozens of times in an instant. .

In addition to the gold in the room, she was shocked by the number of yellow symbols in the room.

She wondered if Chen Xuzong had pasted up all the talismans she gave her.

"Huh? Where's the person?" The servant looked at the room full of talisman papers and was not surprised.

"Grandpa and Miss Tong are here, where are you?" She searched for the quilt, curtains, and any place that could hide people, but she couldn't find Chen Xuzong.

"Master hasn't gone out these days, why did he disappear?"

Tong Li carefully observed every corner of his room, there was still Chen Xuzong's aura here, indicating that he stayed here not long ago, as for why he disappeared....

Tong Li turned to the servant and said, "You can go out now."

The servant looked distressed: "Huh? But..."

She knows it's not good to speculate about others like this, but everything here is priceless, and she can't afford to compensate if something is lost.

Tong Li's face turned cold, and he emphasized his tone: "Go out."

The servant stared at Tong Li's eyes, and was stunned. The eyes were so terrifying, just a slight glance, as if strangling her throat, making her unable to breathe.

She didn't know how she got out, anyway, when she recovered, she was already sitting on her bed.

After the servant went out, Tong Li walked around the room again and again, and finally fixed her eyes on the bed.

Pei Jiuyin's eyes had been locked on Tong Li, and when he found her eyes falling on the bed many times, he went over and pushed the bed away.

As soon as the bed was pushed away, a leather blanket was exposed. He lifted the leather blanket, and an iron plate slightly higher than the ground was exposed.

'Secret passage? '

Tong Li went up and knocked twice, the bottom was empty, it was indeed a secret passage.

But there is no handle on it, how to open it?

"This kind of ground cover should have a remote sensor, look for it."

The two immediately rummaged in the room, but they searched all over the room, and there was also the remote control.

"I can't find it." Pei Jiuyin shook his head.

"It may be in my hands."

As the servant said just now, if no one went out, he must have gone down with the remote control.

Tong Li frowned: "Does it have to be remote?"


"If you insist on going in, I can call someone to come and tear it down."

"You don't need to be so troublesome." Tong Li glanced lightly, and transformed into her own sword.

Without a trace of hesitation, he swung his sword and chopped down.

(End of this chapter)

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