Chapter 252 Ghost Domain Again?

Tong Li glanced at the living soul who had run away, and seemed to have guessed the purpose of Ghost Yasha in catching Chen Xuzong.

Chen Xuzong was originally a soul transforming master, and he had a special gravitational force that would lure living souls to come to him and complete the transformation.

And that Ghost Yaksha wants to eat ghosts to improve his strength, so it must be very difficult to find them one by one, so it's better to catch Chen Xuzong.

As long as Chen Xuzong is around, are you still afraid that the soul will not come back?

Oh, it's really a good plan.

Tong Li's eyes turned cold, and she moved her mouth: "Go in."

No matter what the purpose is, if you dare to disturb the order of the underworld, you will be killed.

Looking at the dark environment, Pei Jiuyin tensed up, and followed Tong Li every step of the way, his sharp eyes always paying attention to the danger hidden in the dark.

As soon as they entered the dilapidated house, they saw Chen Xuzong being hung upside down on the beam like a salted fish.

Tong Li looked around, carefully observing every corner, even the slightest disturbance could attract her attention.

Suddenly there was a strange wind blowing around, Tong Li turned her head to look in the direction of the sound, just took a look, she pretended nothing happened and looked away.

Pei Jiuyin pointed to the person who was hung upside down: "Do you want to put him down?"

Tong Li glanced sideways at Chen Xuzong, and didn't care if he wasn't dead.

"Have you seen the wind?"

"What?" Pei Jiuyin didn't understand what she meant.

Tong Li sneered in her heart, lowered her head with a thoughtful expression.

Oni Yasha is faster than the wind?

When she recalled the abnormality she encountered when she came here, he was not absent, but everywhere.

Suddenly... Tong Li raised his head and looked in a certain direction, and a few talismans flew out of his hand, and the talisman paper was firmly pasted to the wall as if 502 had been brushed on it.

Shhhhhhh...a golden light flashed out one after another.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the talisman that flew out, wondering if it was an illusion, the wind in the room seemed to be getting stronger.

And the leaves outside didn't even move.

Pei Jiuyin was very vigilant at 12, he could sense that an invisible danger was quietly rising.

In a place invisible to the naked eye, there was indeed an invisible object, jumping up and down anxiously, but the exit was blocked, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't jump out.

Tong Li looked in that direction, her eyes became dark and dark, her hands slowly raised, and her hands began to form seals.

The surrounding wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the house was filled with a foul smell.

Pei Jiuyin smelled the smell with disgust on his face, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, but seeing that there was no discomfort on Tong Li's face, he could only endure the stench.

It wasn't until I couldn't stand it anymore that I raised my hand to cover my nose tightly, but I couldn't cover up the stench.

Zizizi... There was an electric spark in the sky for some reason, and a puff of white smoke burst out.

But the strange thing is that there are no wires here, how can there be ionization?
Tong Li stuck the sword in his hand into the ground, and was not in a hurry to stop him, but let him jump vigorously on it to see how long he could jump.

"Tongtong, is there something here?" Pei Jiuyin questioned.

"En." Tong Li replied coldly.

After a few minutes, as expected, the thing above began to slow down until it stopped, gradually revealing its true colors.

This Yaksha is estimated to be 3 meters tall, with an irregular face, eyes as big as a bull's eye, a high nose, and a big bloody mouth. Overall, it looks extremely ferocious. The crying kind.

Look at the blue-green flames above his head, which is a symbol of his strength. The brighter his flames, the more powerful he is and the more evil he does.

Yasha was suspended in the air, staring at Tong Li and Pei Jiuyin with blood-red eyes angrily. It was these two people who appeared suddenly that ruined his good deed. A lot of souls had come over just now, and he could have had a full meal.

Who knew... hum.

Since they chased his soul away, let them replace those few souls.

He greedily stretched out his long tongue to lick around his lips, and waved his sharp claws: "Looking for death."

After speaking, he leaned over and rushed towards the two, Tong Li pushed Pei Jiuyin to the side of Chen Xuzong, and said: "Stay here and don't move around."

He raised his sword and confronted it head-on.

Bang dong qiang qiang sharp swords fought with Yasha, fierce sparks were generated in the air, and the two fought without a trace.

Pei Jiuyin kept busy moving his eyes back and forth. He was very confident in his eyesight, but facing the speed of the two of them, he said that even if he had a pair of sharp eyes, he was helpless.

It's too fast.

Sometimes even afterimages are invisible.

The direction of the two can only be tracked by sound.

Looking at the speed of the shadow chasing the wind, I couldn't help being amazed.

In this world, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

Tong Li knew that this thing was fast, so he trapped people in the house in advance, so that he could close the door and beat the dog.

But she didn't expect that a mere yaksha could be so powerful.

Yasha obviously didn't expect that the Taoist in front of him was so powerful. They fought countless moves, but they were actually overwhelmed by her.

It is impossible to say in my heart, how can there be such a strong person in this world now?
Ghost Yasha became more and more frustrated, and suddenly panicked, he was not her opponent, and it was only a matter of time before he was caught like this.

He can't be trapped here, let alone caught by her.

Just when he was distracted, Tong Li slapped him fatally. Gui Yasha couldn't bear the huge force, and fell behind with the gravity, hitting the yellow talisman directly,
"Ah..." Yasha tensed up, hissing in pain.

Zizizi...a smell of roasted carrion permeates every corner.

Boom... He was rebounded by the power of the talisman again, and hit the ground heavily.

Holding a sharp sword in his hand, Tong Li pointed at Yasha's head, and looked at him contemptuously: "Things that don't know life and death dare to come out to make trouble."

Yasha lowered his head, clutching the injured part, his nasal cavity let out a rough panting sound, the claws hidden in the dark slowly gathered together, and from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the talisman he had hit just now.

Although he was burned by the talisman, he also consumed a lot of talisman power because of the collision just now.

And he just wanted to use that place as a location for an assault.

But before that, the woman had to be distracted.

Ghost Yasha crouched and knelt on the ground, showing weakness: "Tianshi, please forgive me. I was just confused for a while. Please give me a chance to reform. I will never dare again."

"Forgive me?"

The murderous look in Tong Li's sword: "How dare a wicked ghost beg for mercy?"

Ghost Yasha shrank her body: "Tianshi, I have no choice but to. My dominatrix was killed by Guiyu Jishi, and they still want to kill me. I was forced to use ghosts to improve my cultivation to save my life." Own."

"I really know I was wrong, and I ask the celestial master to spare my life."

"In the future, I will practice honestly and dare not come up to make trouble again."

"I beg the celestial master to spare my life." Yasha begged bitterly, trying to put himself in the position of the victim.

(End of this chapter)

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