Chapter 253 Ghost Yasha is here again.

But he also knew that this was in vain, it was impossible for the Heavenly Master to let things like them go, all he wanted was to distract her.

"Human Domain?" Tong Li frowned, is it Ghost Domain again?

What the hell is this ghost domain thinking?
And Ghost Yasha took advantage of Tong Li's distraction and sprayed a ball of flames at him.

Taking advantage of this gap, he jumped, raised his arms high, and threw a ball of flames at the talisman.

With a bang, bang, one talisman paper was damaged, and the other talisman papers also exploded.

The enchantment of the house dissipated, and Ghost Yasha regained his freedom.

Tong Li was caught off guard by his beating, and immediately formed a mask in front of him to resist his flames, and when the flames dissipated, Gui Yasha had disappeared without a trace

Assault her?
Tong Li's eyes lit up with monstrous anger, and he quickly threw out several tracking symbols, one of which followed his breath and accurately entered his body.

Without turning her head, she said to the people behind her, "Don't go anywhere here."

Then he chased out with a sword in hand.

Pei Jiuyin's whole heart was clenched, and he chased him out and shouted a few times, but the person in front of him had long since disappeared, and she couldn't hear what he said.

He followed Tong Li to deal with this kind of matter before, and she handled that incident with ease. Although there was an accident in the end, it was really caused by him, and it was not counted.

But this time it was obvious that the opponent was much stronger. He didn't know if it would be dangerous for her to chase her out, and what if something happened and he was not around.

He wanted to find her, but when he thought of Tong Li's instructions, he stopped again.

He's here to help her, it's one thing whether he can help her after chasing him out, and it might even become her burden.

At this time, Chen Xuzong was awakened by the loud voice, moved his fingers, and his eyelids trembled violently, but he just couldn't open his eyes.

He only felt that his head was so heavy and his legs hurt so much. He knew he was in a dream, but when he remembered, his eyelids seemed to be weighed down and he couldn't open them.

With a thud, a sharp pain swept through his whole body. He didn't know where he got the strength to break free from the trap in his dream, and he opened his eyes with a swoosh.

It was pitch black in front of his eyes, and he couldn't see his fingers. For a while, he thought he hadn't woken up from his dream.

No, there is a smell of corruption coming from the tip of the nose, and the pain is so obvious on the body, there is no smell and no feeling in the dream.

But now it stinks and hurts...

He really woke up.

Chen Xuzong grinned, held back the pain, and slowly got up from the ground, looking around blankly, not knowing where he was.

Suddenly seeing a figure of a man not far away, he was so frightened that he shouted: "Damn."

Ghost Yasha is here again.

Not long ago, he called Tong Li for help, but before he finished speaking, a feeling like an electric shock suddenly appeared in his head, and he hung up the phone uncontrollably.

When he woke up again, he was already under the tunnel, looking at the quiet tunnel, he knew it was Ghost Yasha who was controlling him.

He kept asking himself, what did he do, and why did he provoke such a thing.

But the current situation is so critical that he can't help him to think deeply, it's better to run first.

He touched his body and found that there was no amulet coming out. He wanted to go back, but the yaksha blocked the way, so he could only run outside.

What happened in the end?
"Sucking... Does your head hurt?" Can't remember.

Pei Jiuyin turned around and walked back to the door. Chen Xuzong looked at the tall figure, jumped up in fright, and mistook him for other monsters and ghosts: "I... Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you, I, I, I..." He has been working as a soul transforming master for two months. It is reasonable to say that he has seen so many monsters and ghosts. He should be more courageous, but the hostility emanating from this person makes people frightened. He can't even speak when he is nervous. completely.

"Let me tell you, I'm eighth-dan Taekwondo. If you come here again, I'll beat you." He picked up a wooden stick from the ground and put it in front of his chest for self-defense. His mouth was hard, but his legs were already shaking. decent.

A few minutes later, he found that the person at the door didn't seem to be hostile to him, even so he still didn't let go of his guard.

The long-term tense nerves caused a lot of cold sweat to break out on his forehead.

He is extremely entangled now, he doesn't know where this place is?Why did it appear?Who is this person in front of him? He wanted to go up and ask, but he didn't dare to go up, so he could only stamp his feet anxiously on the spot.

In the end, he summoned up his courage and asked cautiously, "Um... big brother, if you're okay, then I'll be leaving."

Pei Jiuyin didn't respond to him, his gaze was always on the dark woods in front of him.

That look seemed to tell everyone that he was waiting for someone...

Suddenly there was a noise in front of him, and Pei Jiuyin's eyes moved.

'Is it her? '

'Yes. '

After confirming that there was the person he wanted to wait for inside, he couldn't stand up and ran in.


Tong Li came out from the grass.

Pei Jiuyin's face was full of worry, and he went up to have a general body check on him, and when he found that he was fine, he hugged him into his arms: "Is there anything wrong?"

The muscles in Tong Li's hands are still tense, and her voice is rather cold: "I'm fine."

But let that ugly thing run away, but...

"Let go first." Tong Li struggled twice.

Pei Jiuyin let go of him slowly, only then did he realize that his muscles had become hard after a long period of tension, and he must be hurting her.

Tong Li took out the things he just grabbed, and it was because Gui Yasha had them that he let him run away.

Pei Jiuyin asked, "What is this?"

Tong Li's eyes darkened slightly, and she pressed the bead twice, plop, plop, two small balls were decomposed from the bead.

Jumping up and down on the ground, it looked really cute, but in the next second, the little ball hit a tree next to it.

With a bang, there was an explosion sound from the small ball, and then a dazzling flame erupted.

This thing is what blocked their way out just now.

Tong Li put the thing in his hand: "This thing is for you, use it carefully, don't hurt yourself."

This thing is indeed a powerful weapon for ordinary people, but it is too weak for her to be useful.

Pei Jiuyin was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he pushed the thing back: "No, you take it."

She is in such a dangerous environment every day, this thing is quite powerful, keep it by her side for emergencies.

He is protected and there is no danger.

Tong Li weighed it twice: "This thing is useless to me."

"If you don't want it, can you give it to me? Hehehe."

Chen Xuzong, when he walked behind them, the explosive power just now let him know how powerful this weapon is, if you don't want it, give it to him.

"It's okay to spend money."

Tong Li glanced at him sideways, as if she really had the intention to sell him something.

Pei Jiuyin quit, and immediately held the beads in his hands. This is the daughter-in-law who worked so hard to snatch it back, how could he give such a precious thing to other men.


Don't even think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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