Chapter 254
Chen Xuzong looked at the things falling into other people's hands, and felt pain in his heart. He looked at Tong Li pitifully, hoping that she could take the things back and sell them to him.

However, he was doomed to be disappointed.

Tong Li didn't say a word, and didn't even look at him.

Pei Jiuyin took her hand and said softly, "Let's go home."


As soon as their hands touched, Tong Li noticed that his palms were cold, and her beautiful eyes looked at him in surprise: You must know that this man is born with a hot body, and he is as hot as a stove every day, so why is he so cold? .


Pei Jiuyin was stunned for a moment, a feeling of warmth flowed through his heart, and he smiled slightly: "No."

Silently add a sentence in my heart, it's just a little palpitation, it's not a problem.

"Let's go."

Tong Li was worried, and felt his pulse with her backhand, and she was relieved after confirming that there was nothing wrong.

Seeing her nervous appearance, Pei Jiuyin couldn't stop turning up the corners of her mouth, and felt even happier.

Chen Xuzong lowered his head and muttered not knowing what to say. When he raised his head, Tong Li and Tong Li had already run away, and he hurried to catch up: "Hey, Miss Tong, did you kill that ghost Yasha?"

He was eager to know if the thing was dead.

Yasha has been pestering him tightly lately. Although he doesn't want his life, it's almost like killing him. You must know that he wakes up in a different place every day, and sometimes there are a few more wounds on his body for no reason, which scares him to death.

"No." Tong Li replied two words lightly.

"Oh ah?"

After Chen Xuzong came to his senses, he was shocked and dumbfounded.


"No, you are so powerful, but you couldn't kill him?"

Chen Xuzong wanted to cry even more without tears: "Then what should I do? What if he comes to me again someday?"

"I'm going to die, so I said I can't do this job. You lied to me that there was no danger, but it's not long before something happened."

"You can't beat that ghost, what can I do?"

Chen Xuzong looked up to the sky and moaned, feeling that his head was about to fall to the ground.

Tong Li tried her best to correct him calmly: "It's not that he can't beat him, it's that he runs too fast."

Chen Xuzong curled his lips: "..."

What's the difference?
"Miss Tong, what should I do next time he comes?"

Tong Li: "Call me."

"But sometimes the phone can't get through, and he seems to be able to block my phone signal."

Tong Li stopped, looked back at him, and took out two talismans from her body to him: "When you are looking for me, burn the talismans, and I will find you."

Chen Xuzong took the talisman in a daze, and smiled meanly: "Hehe...Okay, okay."

Now he feels more at ease.

Pei Jiuyin stared at the two talismans, as if he wanted to snatch them back, so scared, Chen Xuzong immediately put the talismans into his trouser pocket and hid them.

The three of them walked back along the way they came. The scattered stars in the sky kept blinking, trying to magnify the light on their bodies and illuminate the way they came.

Pei Jiuyin held the little hand of his beloved, feeling warm in his heart. It would be best if he could not have that old thing behind him.

"Miss Tong, wait for me, I can't see." Chen Xuzong yelled a few times as he walked, it was gloomy at night, although the place was familiar to him, he would still be afraid, especially when something like that happened just now.

But the two people in front walked on their own.

He was speechless.


It was four o'clock in the morning when they came out of Chen's house, and it would be dawn in two hours.

As soon as he got in the car, Pei Jiuyin let Tong Li sleep for a while. She was running around all night and was very tired, which made him feel distressed.

Tong Li obediently leaned on the back chair, closed her eyes, discarded other distracting thoughts in her mind, and recalled the matter of Ghost Yasha.

He was seriously injured in the woods just now, and he will definitely not dare to come out to make trouble for a while, but what does this ghost domain want to do?
Maybe it was really tired, after thinking about it, he fell into a light sleep state in a daze.

Seeing this, Pei Jiuyin slowed down the speed of the car and tried to drive as smoothly as possible so that she could sleep more comfortably.

The car slowly went up to the viaduct, when the car in front stopped suddenly, Pei Jiuyin lightly applied the brakes, but the car still shook, and his heart tightened accordingly.

Turning her head to look at Tong Li, luckily she didn't wake her up.

Looking forward, he could see that several cars had fallen horizontally in the middle of the road. Obviously, there was a serious traffic accident ahead.

Pei Jiuyin frowned. Looking at the situation, he didn't know how long it would take to deal with it. The car behind was already blocked, and he couldn't retreat even if he wanted to. He could only wait.

He was doing nothing, his eyes were fixed on Tong Li, he didn't know what she dreamed of, and his brows that were soft just now were slightly frowned.

Pei Jiuyin unbuttoned her seat belt, leaned over to look at the moony and beautiful face, and her eyes fell on her alluring pink lips. With her eyes closed, her body was less fierce and more charming. If it wasn't for the inappropriate location, he really wanted to take a bite.

He sighed inaudibly, stretched out his fingers, and helped her smooth the wrinkles between her brows, but as soon as his hand fell, Tong Li quickly grabbed it.

Tong Li's eyes opened instantly, his pupils were as clear as a mirror, without any sleepiness at all, and he looked at Pei Jiuyin's outstretched hand, "What are you doing?"

Pei Jiuyin hated her reaction speed, and sighed helplessly: "It's okay."

He withdrew his hand: "There was a car accident ahead, you can sleep for a while."

"No need." Tong Li couldn't move her shoulders, and couldn't sleep well in the car.

"Then drink some water." Pei Jiuyin took out a bottle of water from the rack, unscrewed the lid and handed it to her, caring for her meticulously.

Tong Li took two sips of water and looked forward.

The sky outside is still gray, there are not many people, but there are quite a lot of luxury cars.

It is estimated that the rich kid from that family crashed the car after drinking too much, it seems that the crash was more serious today.

It didn't take long to hear the sound of rescue sirens, coming from far to near.

Tong Li pressed the car window to look out, and it was this glance that made her see a familiar face.

"It's a grapefruit."

Why is this girl here?

She opened the car door and got out of the car, brushing her hair in the wind and walking forward.

Pei Jiuyin also got out of the car and walked towards the accident site.

Seeing the person stuck inside, like an ant on a hot pot, Xiyou burst into tears: "Hurry up, his leg is pinned down, and he is still bleeding."

The equipment carried by the firefighters and medical staff ran over at the fastest speed.

They began to inspect the interior of the car and the condition of the injured. The front of the car was severely hit, and the driver was stuck inside. His thigh was pierced by a foreign object and was bleeding continuously. The other leg was also tied up. In this situation, it is obviously unrealistic to pull people out, and the front of the car must be cut open.

After determining the plan, the firefighters began to implement the rescue.

The medical staff provided simple assistance to the people inside.

Everyone worked together to start the rescue, and suddenly seven or eight men ran out of nowhere to make trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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