The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 255 The Little Iceworm That Sneaked Out

Chapter 255 The Little Iceworm That Sneaked Out
As soon as he came up, he pushed and shoved the firefighters, took away their rescue tools recklessly, and shouted: "Wait a minute, my brother is also stuck, save my brother first, in case something happens to my brother , you can’t bear it.”

The fire chief looked at the brother who was being rescued over there, and said coldly: "Isn't there a rescue over there? Please leave irrelevant personnel and don't delay the rescue."

"Hey, you don't understand what I'm saying, do you know who my brother is, and can you take responsibility if something goes wrong? Hurry up and get my brother out first."

Then he started pushing and shoving the firefighters.

The firefighters fought back and pushed them away. They had never seen such a messy person. Looking at the vehicle, he knew that these were a group of rich kids, but their duty was to save them. No matter who these people were or what background they had, they stopped them. Their determination to save lives was lost.

It took only a while, before the person was rescued, the two sides fought first.

The consciousness of the people in the car was already blurred just now. Seeing the person who rescued him was trapped, he felt a surge of energy and blood in his heart. He was so out of breath that he couldn't catch his breath and passed out.

"No, the wounded is in shock and needs to be rescued immediately." The medical staff yelled at the firefighters, but there were so many people in that group that even if the firefighters wanted to save them, they were powerless.

Xiyou didn't know how the situation turned out like this, she came out to stop her with red eyes: "Liu Junming, what are you doing, there are so many people over there, Du Zhibai is already in shock, if something happens to him, all of you will run away not drop."

When the group heard that Du Zhibai was in shock, they were overjoyed, and said unhurriedly: "Oh, Miss Grapefruit, we don't want to either, you see, Du Zhibai hit the front of my brother's car like this, If it can't be saved, my brother will go into shock, and you won't be able to escape by then."

"You" Xiyou, a little girl, couldn't compete with them at all. She wanted to go to help, but others threw her down with an elbow. In the end, she could only watch them push all the firefighters away.

Grapefruit got up from the ground and yelled at them: "Don't go, come quickly!"

She knew that Liu Junming and his group wanted Du Zhibai's life, but she never thought that this group of people wanted to harm Du Zhibai so blatantly.

Grapefruit was in a daze, picked up his mobile phone and kept making calls, looking into the distance. As early as 10 minutes ago, he called the group of people to come back, but 10 minutes passed, and their people hadn't arrived yet.

If they didn't come again, Du Zhibai would die.

"What to do? What to do? What to do?"

Grapefruit was so anxious that it almost scratched the wall.

Suddenly, a casual look made her see Tong Li who was walking slowly.

She thought she was dazzled, so she wiped her red eyes with her small fist, and looked over, not only Tong Li, but also her ninth brother.

Seeing their grapefruits seemed to be seeing the backbone, and they could no longer suppress their anxious emotions: "Wow... Tong Li, brother Jiu, you are always here, they won't let Du Zhibai be rescued, Du Zhibai is going to die .”

"What's going on." Pei Jiuyin looked at the people in the car.

"Du Zhibai and Su Lie were racing. The speed was so fast that I didn't realize it. I collided with it somehow, and then the car hit the pillar."

"Liu Junming doesn't want anyone to save Du Zhibai, what should I do... woo woo woo."

The people over there seemed to have seen Pei Jiuyin too. Although they didn't know why Pei Jiuyin was here, their aggressive attitude began to restrain themselves.

Liu Junming waved his hand and signaled the people behind him to let go of the firefighters. Their goal had been achieved. Du Zhibai went into shock. Regardless of whether he died or not, it taught him a lesson. Let's see if he dares to be so crazy in the future.

The firefighters and medical personnel who came back from there immediately rescued Du Zhibai.

It's just that the people inside were seriously injured, and it took such a long time. The doctor gave them an ultimatum. Even if they were pulled out now, they might not be able to save them.

That group of people stood on tiptoe and stretched their necks to watch. They could teach Du Zhibai a lesson, but if they were really killed, it would not end well.

Half an hour later, Du Zhibai was successfully rescued, but the man's face turned ashen, and his heartbeat was very weak. The doctor opened his pupils and found that it had spread.

Lay him down immediately and give him chest compressions.

Xiyou cried out of breath, suddenly remembered that Tong Li is a powerful doctor, and hurriedly ran to her: "Tong save Du Zhibai quickly, he is going to die, he is going to die."

Tong Li looked at the man on the stretcher, and said calmly, "Don't worry, he won't die."

This man is not a short-lived person, even if he is going to die, he will not die now.

Xiyou's whole body was cold, and she couldn't hear her subtext, but felt that this woman was too cold-blooded: "But...he looks like that..."

"The car is leaving." Tong Li reminded her.

Xiyou looked back, and then looked at Tong Li who was unmoved: "Do you want to follow me?"

"No need." Tong Li refused.


"Brother Jiu." She looked at Pei Jiuyin asking for help, hoping that he could help.

But she overestimated her position in Pei Jiuyin's heart.

Not only did Pei Jiuyin not persuade Tong Li, but he even dragged him away.

Grapefruit fluttered in the wind: "..."


After the two returned home, it was already dawn, and they couldn't sleep even now, so Pei Jiuyin asked Tong Li to rest at home and went to the company.

Tong Li didn't plan to stay at home, but was going to the pharmacy. Not long after she left, the lady of the Qu family called, crying and urging her to come quickly.

It turned out that after Qu Manman took the medicine made by the White-jointed Snake, his body had a huge reaction. Since last night, he had a high fever, and no matter what medicine he took, he couldn't get rid of it.

I got up this morning and vomited all over the floor again. I was so weak that I felt as if I had passed through the gate of hell.

In the middle of the night, she couldn't get through Tong Li's phone, but this time she managed to get through. The noble lady of the Qu family begged her grandpa to sue her grandma, and begged Tong Li to come over.

Tong Li lowered her eyes. She had said before that the medicine had serious side effects, but it worked quickly.

Don't think it's so easy to change your fate against the sky. If you want to make things happen in the world, you have to suffer first.

"I see."

Tong Li asked the driver to change the route, and went to Qu's house to see the situation first.

Suddenly the temperature in the compartment dropped sharply, and the driver sitting at the front shuddered, thinking that his air conditioner was turned up, so he turned it down a little.

But the cold wasn't any better.

Tong Li rubbed her arms, her eyes moved slightly, she looked at her bag, picked it up and opened it.

He met the ice silkworm's eyes impartially.

She pinched the little ice silkworm with two fair fingers: "Why did you come out after me?"

Little Ice Silkworm tilted her head and stared at her big eyes, trying to get away with cuteness.

"Bring back the air conditioner."

The little ice silkworm moved its body to withdraw the cold air.

Tong Li nodded its little head, and said casually: "Want to go out to play?"

"Following out is to work."

(End of this chapter)

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