Chapter 256 The Battle of Words
The little ice silkworm rubbed her palm in a charming manner, as if saying that it doesn't matter, as long as it is with it, it is fine.

In the past few days, it has been sleeping at home except for sleeping. It was a chance to let it see the wonderful world outside. After returning, it secretly thought about how to go out to play every day.

But since his body is too thin, it is easy to be trampled when he comes out, so today he hid in Tong Li's bag while Tong Li was not paying attention.

Needless to say, it escaped successfully the first time.

"small thing."

Tong Li put it back in the bag, and let it follow by default.

An hour later, the car stopped at the gate of the Qu family, and when I got out of the car, I heard the lady of the Qu family yelling anxiously: "Miss Tong, Miss Tong, you are here."

In order to take care of Qu Manman these days, the noble lady of the Qu family has been unable to sleep or eat well all day long, her complexion is abnormally haggard, looking at her red and swollen eyes like walnuts, one can tell that she has been crying a lot.

When she saw Tong Li, it was like seeing her own mother, and she felt very cordial: "Miss Tong, go and see Manman, she has been having a low fever for the past few days, you said this is normal, I I didn't bother you."

"But she has had a fever since last night. She is throwing up and vomiting, staring in a daze and talking nonsense. I am afraid that if the fever continues like this, she will become stupid."

After Tong Li listened, her expression was calm and calm, and she said calmly: "Go and see first."


The noble lady of the Qu family brought him to the room.

The little princess' bedroom is very large, and there are several nursing staff next to her who are doing physical cooling for her.

There was an unexpected person standing outside.

The noble lady of the Qu family didn't know about her holiday with Qu Lanxin. Qu Manman had a high fever last night, so she could only call Qu Lanxin.

It never occurred to me that western medicine would not work.

"Okay, stop for a while." Madam Qu stepped forward and asked them to take away the things.

Slightly complained in his heart that these people were not good enough, and after a whole night, he couldn't even get a fever.

Seeing Tong Li, Qu Lanxin frowned: "Second Aunt, Manman's fever has reached 41 degrees, if this stops, in case..."

The noble lady of the Qu family interrupted her: "It's okay, it's okay, Miss Tong will do something when she comes."

These words seemed to tell her that there was nothing Tong Li couldn't do.

"Miss Tong, look, Manman's whole face is completely red from the heat. If it doesn't go down like this, I'm afraid... I'm afraid." As she spoke, tears flowed down from the lady of the Qu family, and she stretched out her hand to touch it. Touch Qu Manman's forehead.

This scalding forehead made her terrified, it had been burning all night, and it was still burning, her heart ached to death.

She has a daughter, and if something happens to her, she really can't forgive herself.

Tong Li walked over to check the situation, Qu Lanxin, who was standing aside, turned slightly, crossed her shoulders, and stood in front of Tong Li.

The two looked at each other, the air became quiet, and the eyes collided with sharp sparks.

The corners of Qu Lanxin's mouth curled up slightly, with a hint of sarcasm: "Miss Tong, I heard that this happened to Manman after taking your medicine. I wonder what you gave her?"

Before she could answer, she accused her harshly: "Don't you know that Manman's body is very weak, and the medicines that ordinary people can bear are fatal to her, and you messed with her without knowing everything?" Medication, can you take responsibility for something wrong?"

Qu Lanxin had been watching in the dark before, just waiting for this day. Only when something happened, could she justly expose her conspiracy. She never believed that any medical skill could cure a paralyzed person.

In her opinion, this is nothing more than Tong Li's big talk in order to catch up with the upper class circle.

This fever further confirmed what she had thought before. It was a joke that a mountain girl who didn't understand anything dared to say that she could make a paralyzed person stand up within half a year.

Tong Li glanced at her lightly, but did not answer her question.

She doesn't need to explain to her when she does things: "Get out of the way."

After hearing Qu Lanxin's words, the noble lady of the Qu family's face darkened: "Lanxin, what are you doing? Hurry up and ask Miss Tong to come and see Manman."

Qu Lanxin had a look of knowing everything: "Second Aunt, can't you see it now? The so-called Ms. Tong in your mouth doesn't know medical skills at all. You have all been deceived by her. Look at Manman who has been harmed by her. What, you still dare to let her look at Manman?"

The noble lady of the Qu family looked at Qu Lanxin, then at Tong Li, frowning: "Why, Manman can already sit up under Miss Tong's treatment."

This is obvious to all, and it cannot be faked.

Xue Lan was speechless.

"That's just her blind cat meeting a dead mouse."

Her words will turn Tong Li's previous efforts into a mere coincidence, which makes people laugh and cry.

Tong Li sneered: "Then why don't you touch one and show me."


"I'll say it again and get out of the way." Tong Li's face turned cold, if this woman dares to babble in front of her and waste her time, then don't blame her for being rude.

"Manman is my niece, I won't let you make fun of her life again."

This opportunity is rare, she can't just shrink back like this, she must expose the true face of this woman.

Seeing her aggressive tone, the noble lady of the Qu family became angry, and her tone became cold: "Lan Xin, you are tired after a busy night, go home and rest first."

This is clearly asking her to drive him away.

Qu Lanxin looked at her in disbelief: "Second Aunt, we should send Manman to the hospital now to find out the cause of the fever, instead of letting this woman treat her carelessly like this, you will harm Manman."

The lady of the Qu family stood up from the bed. She didn't know what happened to Qu Lanxin today, and she was very resistant to Tong Li's treatment from the beginning: "Manman is my child, I will not harm her, housekeeper, help me to treat her. Lan Xin, please go downstairs."

"What's going on?" Qu Rui came in from the outside at this time, and he heard the arguments here just now downstairs.

"Brother." Seeing her brother coming, Qu Lanxin immediately ran over and hugged his arm to complain.

"Hurry up and persuade the second aunt, Manman has been burning all night, I asked her to take it to the hospital, but she refused to let Miss Tong see it."

"41 degrees is not a joke, if it is delayed..."

"Lan Xin, you should go back first."

He knew that his younger sister's prejudice against Tong Li would not be eliminated in a short time, the easiest way was to keep the two of them away.

Qu Lanxin was about to be laughed angrily by her brother: "Brother, what are you talking about? You still protect her, don't you know that Manman became like this after taking Tong Li's medicine?"

"This is obviously a complication of her medication. Don't you believe me until you see Manman being tossed away by her?"

When the noble lady of the Qu family heard that someone cursed her daughter, her face immediately fell to the ground: "Manman was tortured by you western doctors to become like this. I don't blame you for your inability to cure me, but please don't stop others Save Manman."

(End of this chapter)

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