The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 258 Chapter 258: It eats almost half of the library.

Chapter 258 Chapter 258: It eats almost half of the library.

"It's not a silkworm chrysalis." Tong Li didn't know how to explain it to him.

"This silkworm should be...?"

"Anyway, it's pretty powerful."

Not only can it freeze thousands of miles, but it can also cure diseases and save people. Its own venom is also very powerful. It can even corrode the skin of the snake. It is simply an invincible existence. This is different from the ice silkworm she knew before.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that it can survive until now.

Qu Rui nodded: She didn't want to tell, so he didn't ask.

"Where are you going later? I'll see you off."

"Go to the pharmacy."

After getting into the car, Tong Li was half lying down, closing his eyes and resting his mind, looking a little tired.

Seeing this, Qu Rui slowed down the car, turned on the stereo, and played a piece of gentle and comfortable music. Listening to relaxing music, one's nerves can be relaxed a lot.

After some time, the car stopped.

Tong Li also opened her eyes at this moment, her eyes were clear and bright, as if she hadn't slept.



Qu Rui asked, "Didn't you rest well last night?"

Tong Li rubbed the inner corner of her eyes: "It's okay."

She opened the door and got out of the car. For a moment, there was darkness in front of her eyes, but it soon returned to normal.

what happened?

Is it an illusion?

"What's the matter?" Qu Rui saw her frozen in place, and came over to ask.

"It's okay." Tong Li came back to his senses and shook his head, maybe he was really tired.

"Let's go."

Qu Rui looked at her slightly pale face and didn't believe it, but seeing that her steps were steady and nothing unusual, he didn't worry about it.

When Tong Li came to the room, he began to pick up the necessary medicinal materials and prepare to refine them.

This time the medicinal materials needed were more, she went to several warehouses, and every time she came back she always felt that something was missing.

But her head froze a bit today, and she couldn't remember what was missing.

She put down the medicinal materials in her hand and continued to look for medicine in the next warehouse.

After going back and forth like this for half an hour, I finally gathered all the medicinal materials I needed.

She put all the medicinal materials in one by one, and when she was about to put in the ginseng, she found that the top-grade ginseng she had picked before was missing.

She turned left and right, but still nothing.

As soon as Qu Rui came in, he saw that Tong Li seemed to be looking for something: "What are you looking for?"

"The ginseng I just picked is missing."

"Did you forget to take it?" But thinking about it, this possibility is very low, it is impossible for a pharmacist to forget the medicinal materials he needs, let alone this person is Tong Li.

"Look to see if it has fallen into any corner." Qu Rui also went to join the rummaging team.

After searching for a long time, not to mention ginseng, I didn't even find a hair.

Qu Rui suggested: "Go get another one."

Confirming that she really couldn't find it, Tong Li could only agree to the proposal.

She went to the storeroom to bring another piece of top-grade ginseng, and her hand froze just as she threw it in. She glanced into the stove and saw that the top-grade caterpillar fungus she had put in before... was gone?
Tong Li reached in and rummaged through it a few times, but there was indeed nothing there.

She confirmed that she had already put it in, why not now?
Was it taken?
But there are only her and Qu Rui here.

"What's wrong?" Qu Rui looked at her with weird eyes.

No, there is one more.

Tong Li opened the backpack, and a scent of ginseng and caterpillar fungus wafted out.

The culprit of stealing her ginseng and eating her Cordyceps came out.

that's it.

Tong Li stared at it with cold eyes. Although the insect below did not open its eyes, it could feel the strong death gaze.

Little Iceworm subconsciously shrank her body, trying her best to pretend that nothing happened.

But it forgot that the smell wafting from its body cannot deceive people.

Tong Li took a deep breath, suppressed her anger, and took it out: "You stole it?"

The little ice silkworm had no choice but to open its eyes, and the small eyes rolled around, making it difficult for people not to suspect it.

They won't even cover up stealing.


"Do you know how expensive that piece of ginseng you ate just now?"

"Do you know how expensive that handful of Chinese caterpillar fungus is?"

This prodigal stuff, dare to steal it.

Tong Li put it on the table, trying to find something to teach it a lesson.

Qu Rui looked at the distraught Tong Li, and then at the little bug the size of a thumb, as if he didn't quite believe that it could eat such a big ginseng.

"No way, it's so small."

Tong Li snorted coldly: "No? It can even eat a two-meter-long snake, let alone a ginseng."

Qu Rui: "...?"

This worm seems to be only about 10 centimeters, can it eat a two-meter snake?
He couldn't bear to look at the trembling little insect.

"Forget it, even if it eats it, just eat it, it's not something expensive."

"Isn't that a valuable thing? That ginseng is worth at least a million dollars. Does it eat ginseng? It eats money."

If it was changed to eat it casually in the past, but now she is also a poor person, and she is eaten by it before she can practice.

Tong Li can't wait to beat it now.

Qu Rui was afraid that Tong Li would hit it, so he put the little bug on his palm to protect it.

He looked left and right, but he didn't think that this worm could eat a ginseng.

He smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, it's just a ginseng."

"Tell me, did you really steal it? To be honest, I don't care about it with you."

The little ice silkworm raised her head and looked at Qu Rui with moist eyes, which meant that I stole it, but I was too hungry and I didn't mean it.

Qu Rui liked this kind of cute little animal, and his heart melted when he saw it like this.

"Hey, don't be afraid, eat as soon as you eat."

Qu Rui touched its head with his round fingertips, with a tendency to pamper him: "Are you full? Do you want to eat?"

As soon as the little ice silkworm heard that there was something to eat, it immediately regained its energy, raised its chubby neck, nodded fiercely, and almost cheered, I'm still hungry, I can eat very well.

"Go, I'll take you to find something to eat."

Just like that, Xiao Bingcan left with a man she had just met for a bite to eat.

Tong Li doubted life all over, but she seemed to have forgotten that at the beginning, she only said a word, took it to find food, and then the little ice silkworm followed her.

This time, there is such a good big brother who directly feeds it, can it not go?
Tong Li looked at Qu Rui's figure, sighed silently, turned around and went out to find medicinal materials.

On the other hand, Qu Rui brought small things to the warehouse to pick up medicinal materials. I have to say that he was shocked.

This little thing is really edible, its mouth quacked, and it swallowed a ginseng in one go.

The key is that this gadget is not picky, it will eat whatever you give it.

If you accidentally missed it, it even ate the plate for you.

After it ate up 1/3 of Xiaoku's stock, Qu Rui couldn't take it anymore, this little thing was too tasty.

If you eat again, the warehouse will be empty.

He hurriedly took the little ice silkworm back to Tong Li, complaining in his heart that he couldn't afford it.

Qu Rui stretched out the little ice silkworm in front of Tong Li: "This thing is too delicious."

Tong Li glanced at the little ice silkworm who had eaten a whole circle of fat.

"How much did you feed it?"

Qu Rui thought for a while: "Not much, less than half a library."

(End of this chapter)

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