Chapter 259 You Can't Cover Your Eyes When You Want to Dao Alone
Tong Li wondered if this person was crazy, and how much medicine was needed for half a Kuna.

But Qu Rui doesn't care, it's just medicinal materials, it's there when you take it back, it doesn't matter.

The ice silkworm, who had eaten and drank enough, yawned big on Qu Rui's hand, and began to fall into a drowsiness.

Qu Rui smiled and brought it a box, put some flannel on it, put it inside, and built a small nest for it temporarily.

Tong Li didn't bother to look at them and concentrated on refining her own pills.

Qu Rui propped his face sideways with one hand, looking at the little chubby bug's sleeping position: "Tong Li, besides cooling down, what else can it do?"

Tong Li added fire to her small stove: "It's edible."

Qu Rui: "?"

She didn't need to say this, he had already experienced it just now.

Tong Li said again: "Fighting is also very good."

One mouth can kill a lot of people.

"And don't be bitten by it, its saliva is very corrosive and toxic."

Qu Rui looked at her in surprise: "Is it so powerful? Such a small one."

No wonder such a small body can digest so much.

Tong Li: "Well, I don't know the details, it seems to be different from other ice silkworms."

Hearing what Tong Li said, Qu Rui became even more curious about it, and he couldn't wait to discover more of its abilities.

"By the way, did you give it a name?"

"Name? Its name is Ice Silkworm."

Qu Rui: "?"

He is a treasure anyway, and ice silkworm is just a general term.

"Why don't you call it Youbao, carefree and carefree, sleep when you're full."

Tong Li squinted at it: "Whatever."

"You Bao..."

Qu Rui looked at You Bao quietly, and felt that it seemed to have some kind of attraction, which caused other people's eyes to fall on it unconsciously. When he came back to his senses, two hours had passed.

And Tong Li was sitting on the chair, with his palms resting on his forehead, as if he had fallen asleep again.

Qu Rui got up and wanted to get her a thin blanket, but thought that Tong Li was very vigilant and didn't want to disturb her, so he didn't move.

It's just that the position of watching the fire has changed from her to him.

The pharmacy was very quiet, and the air was filled with the tempting fragrance of medicine. Qu Rui read with a medical book in his hand, and closed the book when he was tired.

The gaze that was originally looking at the distance fell on Tong Li somehow.

His eyes glanced at her curly eyelashes, tight red lips, creamy skin, and slightly messy hair. With her eyes closed, she looked so soft and beautiful.

Plop, plop... Breathing hard, Qu Rui followed the sound of his heart beating, he was already restrained from thinking about it, but for some reason, when he stood beside her, all the psychological construction he had done before was in vain.

Qu Rui despises his behavior, but selfishly hopes that this moment can stay longer, so that he can look at her for a longer time without any restraint.

It's a pity that this moment of tenderness only lasted 1 hour.

Tong Li, wake up.

Tong Li was confused for a moment when she woke up, but when she smelled the medicine, she woke up instantly.

"When is it?"

Qu Rui was a little disappointed: "Two points."


Tong Li didn't hear his strangeness, so he added a fire to the stove, smelled the fragrance of medicine wafting out, and judged the refining situation inside.

"It's so slow. It's estimated that the furnace will take five hours."

Qu Rui took off his glasses and put down his book: "If you're still sleepy, go to sleep, I'll read it for you."

"No, just squinted for a while, much better."

As soon as the voice fell, her cell phone rang.

Tong Li took out her mobile phone from her bag. She thought it was Pei Jiuyin's call, but she didn't expect it to be from the company.


"Miss Tong, I'm Xiao Lingling, do you have time to go back to the company?"

"What's the matter?" Tong Li frowned slightly, and keenly noticed that the voice on the other side was high and low, as if he was worried about something.

Xiao Lingling looked at the tall man in a maze in front of her. This man's eyes were too sharp and fierce, making it impossible to look directly at her. She frowned, "It's just that there is a guest from the company. Think about it. Looking for you, see if you can come back when you have time."

Xiao Lingling was scared to tears by the man in front of her. If she could, she hoped that Tong Li would appear in front of her right now.


Xiao Lingling sneaked a glance at the vicious man, then quickly withdrew her eyes: "He didn't say anything, he said you'll know when you come back and take a look."

"I see." Seeing that there was nothing to ask, Tong Li hung up the phone directly.

Qu Rui asked, "What's the matter?"


She ignored the phone call and continued to refine her own medicine.

But after waiting for three hours and no one came back, he was already so angry that he wanted to demolish the house.

Xiao Lingling was so frightened by this evil spirit that she shivered.

But she has nothing to do if the boss doesn't come back.

"Call her again." The man walked to the cabinet and knocked on the board above.

Xiao Lingling trembled every time he knocked.

Xiao Lingling blushed: "But I've called three times, and Ms. Tong didn't answer the phone."

"Fight again."

"Oh." Xiao Lingling was afraid that he would hit her, so she could only pick up the phone and continue calling Tong Li, but as expected, she still didn't answer.

The man was so angry that he punched the wall. His fist was not injured, but the wall shook.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Lingling shrunk her body back and forth, really wishing she could get into the cracks in the ground.

Woooooo... Boss, when you come back, I will be scared to death if I don't get beaten to death.

Time passed by, Tong Li finished the batch of medicinal materials, and by the time she got all the miscellaneous things done, it was already 8 o'clock.

She completely forgot that there was still someone waiting for her in the company.

Qu Rui walked in with a smile of Breeze and Rain: "Is it packed? I'll take you to dinner, and I'll take you back after dinner."

Tong Li didn't answer, she took out her phone to check, there was no text message from Pei Jiuyin, nor a phone call.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't.

She was not pretentious, and directly sent Pei Jiuyin a thoughtful message: Have you eaten yet?

After a while, a message came back from there: I have eaten, I have something to reply later tonight, you go to bed early.

Tong Li frowned looking at this message.

"Let's go." Qu Rui urged.

"Yeah." Tong Li pressed the phone off and put it back in the bag, naturally he didn't see the last call from the company.

Xiao Lingling didn't dare to speak anymore, she was so frightened that she didn't even dare to breathe, because she was afraid of provoking the great god's anger and smashing her flat with a punch.

He has been waiting here for a whole day, his patience has long been exhausted, and the sky is already dark, but the boss has not returned yet.

"Hit again." The man said holding back his anger.

Xiao Lingling didn't dare not do it, and made a call in front of his face, but no matter how she called, she wouldn't answer it, even if she killed her.

"Mister...or you can come back tomorrow. Our boss may have something to do today. She usually comes here in the morning, or..."

She didn't dare to say the rest, because this man's eyes were like knives piercing her body.

Sure enough, the eyes of a person who wants to dao cannot be covered.

(End of this chapter)

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