Chapter 260 Lobbying
The next day, the sun did not arrive as promised, and the sky was full of thick gray clouds, which made people feel like a storm was coming.

Pedestrians on the street are in a hurry, and everyone is catching up with the rain to arrive at the last moment.

Pei family.

Tong Li on the bed crossed her legs and adjusted her breath. At dawn, she began to stop breathing, and then slowly opened her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes, she looked sideways subconsciously, and found that the bedside was empty, how was it last night, and how it is now, when she touched it with her hand, the place was icy cold, obviously the man didn't come back last night Family.

Last night, she wanted to wait for Pei Jiuyin to come back, but she forgot the time as soon as she meditated, and when she opened her eyes, it was the next day.

Tong Li stared blankly at that position for a few minutes, feeling a slight discomfort in her heart, like being pricked by a needle.

She picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table and rummaged through the numbers and messages on it.


The sticky man in the past didn't come back all night and didn't leave a message?

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Tong Li immediately called Pei Jiuyin, and after two calls in a row, the connection came through.

"Hey, Tongtong, I'm sorry, I was too busy last night, so I didn't call to tell you in fear of disturbing your rest." The man on the other end of the phone sounded quite relaxed, but she still heard his hoarse voice, The man didn't seem to sleep all night.

Too busy to call?

Her intuition told her that things were not that simple.

"What happened?" Tong Li asked directly.

Pei Jiuyin was startled by Tong Li's vigilance, she noticed it before he said anything?
He suppressed the strangeness in his heart and said lightly: "No, it's just some business dealings in the company. I can finish it today. I'll go to you for dinner later, okay?"

Tong Li's eyes darkened: "Well, then you should pay more attention to yourself."

Pei Jiuyin smiled, and his wife felt sorry for him: "Yes, I know."

The two chatted a few words casually, and there was an urgent meeting over there.

Pei Jiuyin hurriedly hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Tong Li sat on the bed and thought deeply. She felt that Pei Jiuyin had something to hide from her.

It's just that he doesn't say...

Forget it, she shouldn't bother herself, if she needs help, he will speak up by himself.

Tong Li got up and went to the bathroom to wash up, then went down to have breakfast, and went directly to the company after breakfast.

Seeing the gloomy weather in the car, she felt even more irritable.

I don't know if it's because of the weather, or because Pei Jiuyin didn't come back all night, or because he didn't tell the truth, or both.

Tong Li sighed heavily, forcing herself to throw away these irritating emotions.

The driver sent her downstairs to the company, but Tong Li sent her back and told him to come back at night.

When she came to the floor where her company belonged, she saw two people standing guard at the door of her company from a long distance away. The difference from before was that these two were wearing army green camouflage uniforms.

Two policemen came the day before yesterday, and two soldiers came today. Is it endless?
Tong Li walked over, and the two guarding the door straightened their bodies, motionless.

Even if she stood here, they all turned a blind eye.

Tong Li looked at it suspiciously, stepped in, and as soon as she entered, she saw Xiao Lingling nestled in a corner of the front desk like a thief.

When she saw Tong Li coming, her eyes widened instantly, as if seeing a savior, she wailed for help: "Tong Tong...Miss Tong, you are finally here."

Last night, she was so scared that she couldn't sleep well all night. When she came here today, she saw them waiting here, and she almost turned around and ran away in fright.

Fortunately, the boss came here today, so she doesn't have to suffer that crime.

woo woo woo...

Tong Li glanced at her: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Lingling didn't dare to say anything, she kept smacking inside, motioning her to look inside.

Tong Li walked in and saw a man sitting on the sofa, and the two looked at each other: "Is it you?"

Pei Lizheng stood up from the sofa, strode up to her, with an extremely serious expression, and cut directly to the topic: "Tong Li...I have something to talk to you about."

He waited all day yesterday but didn't find anyone, he was so angry that he almost smashed the place.

If it wasn't for the orders of his superiors, why would he suffer this anger here, wasting his day in vain, it was because of this woman.

And are you sure this woman can be found?

It seems that she is not just an ordinary woman, what is the difference.

Tong Li looked him up and down: "What's the matter?"

She remembered that when they met for the first time, this man didn't like her, what could make him condescend to come to her small place to ask her for help?

Pei Lizheng endured his discomfort and let him scrutinize him.

'What's up? 'Speaking of this matter is fucking nonsense, and I don't know what the hell is going on, so I suddenly ordered him to assist in the investigation of the wig.

This kind of matter is out of his control, but he said that the scope of this matter is too wide, and he must be involved. Originally, he didn't know why, until he saw Tong Li's information, he guessed something. two.

Tong Li had dealt with two women who were murdered by wigs before, and the request from above was very simple, that is, let him persuade Tong Li to assist in this investigation and find out the real culprit.

Heh, he also said to let him investigate, what a fart to investigate, it's just that he should be a lobbyist.

Moreover, this woman doesn't take him seriously at all. Who told them that he can persuade them by coming forward?
It would be nice if I had time to go directly to Pei Jiuyin.

Pei Li was babbling a lot of curse words in his mind, but in the end he had to bow his head and persuade her to help.

"It's the wig that hurts people. I hope you can find the culprit."

Tong Li frowned: This is it again.

"Didn't I say that that day? I have something to do and I'm not free."

The muscles on Pei Lizheng's face twitched, and he came over to invite her in a good voice, but he still refused: "If you have something to do, you can't let it go first. This is related to the lives of hundreds of people, and the follow-up is not yet known. How many people have suffered."

"Do you know what it means to give up small righteousness and seek great righteousness? This is the duty of every citizen of country a."

There was a dispute in the hall, Xiao Lingling, who was watching the excitement, peeped in, she was so scared that she was flustered and short of breath, she quickly turned her head back, the man was still so fierce, and she didn't know if the boss could stand it.

"Obligation?" Tong Li chuckled.

Nothing to do with her.

"No time." Tong Li rolled his eyes at him, dropped these two words, and walked straight to his office.

These people love beauty, so what kind of wigs they wear has nothing to do with her. If they regretted their lives, they would not wear these wigs of unknown origin.

This woman was very arrogant when she was rejected by someone. Pei Lizheng turned around and followed Tong Li: "What do you want to do to help me?"

Tong Li is still the two: "No time."

(End of this chapter)

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