The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 261 Pei Jiuyin's Difficult Situation

Chapter 261 Pei Jiuyin's Difficult Situation
Pei Lizheng choked in his heart, and clenched his fists. If his soldiers dared to treat him like this, he would have gone somewhere.

Sure enough, villains and women are hard to raise.

The people above are also a bunch of trash, the incident happened for so long, and they couldn't even find any clues, and he was asked to beg a woman, the key is that this woman didn't give him face at all.

I really don't know what kind of woman his nephew is looking for.

Tong Li opened the door of the office, and just about to go in, a man's arm suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the way.

Pei Lizheng was furious in his heart, but he was asking for help, even if someone gave him a slap in the face, he still had to bear it. When had he ever suffered this kind of anger, it really pissed him off.

"Tell me what you are willing to help." Pei Lizheng's voice couldn't be colder. If Tong Li refused him again, he would probably smash the door to pieces with one punch.

Tong Li raised her head and looked straight into his eyes fearlessly: "You don't seem to understand human language."

Pei Lizheng: "..."

Sudden depression.

"Miss Tong, please save face. This matter should not be difficult for you. If you are willing to help me, I can help you with Jiu Yin's future marriage." Pei Lizheng really has nothing to do with Tong Li, this woman The ears can't hear the words.

He can only think of this matter, and there is nothing more tempting than this matter.

If his nephew likes it, then he will help out, if he doesn't like it, then no wonder he is.

"Marriage?" Tong Li looked at him like an idiot, asking him for help?Besides, who said she was going to get married.


Pei Lizheng: "..."

Oh, he was scolded?

So fucking novel.

His temper is not very good, he has exhausted all his patience to discuss with her, but this woman doesn't like her, and scolds him.

Pei Lizheng began to think about whether to use strong means to force her to agree.

But how can I say that she is also a nephew's girlfriend, if she can not make it so ugly, then don't make it so ugly.

"Let go." Tong Li looked at the arm blocking her eyes and gave him a warning look.

Pei Lizheng didn't move, he hadn't thought of how to persuade her next.

In the next second, there was a pain in the wrist.

Tong Li's hand tightly grasped his wrist, and kept pulling it away.

Seeing that it was about to be pulled away, Pei Lizheng secretly exerted force and firmly pressed his palm against the wall, as if he was carrying her on it.

But Tong Li is not a vegetarian, her strength is no less than his. In just a few seconds, the muscles on Pei Lizheng's arms swelled high. Seeing him gnashing his teeth, it seemed that he had exhausted all his strength to keep his hand from being caught by Tong Li. Grind away.

The two secretly became stronger and stronger. Pei Lizheng had never seen a woman with such great strength. Didn't it mean that all women have the strength of a kitten?
This is more than a kitten, it is simply a tiger.

What kind of woman is his nephew looking for.

Pei Lizheng clenched his back molars and continued to persevere. As time passed, he could feel the strength of his arm being swallowed up bit by bit.

After only one minute of secret battle, he felt as if a century had passed.

He couldn't take it anymore.

Xiao Lingling couldn't hear the sound, and poked her head to look inside again. She saw the veins on the man's forehead protruding, and he gritted his teeth to endure. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that the man was in great pain.

'What are these two doing? '

Tong Li continued to increase his strength output, Pei Lizheng knew that he was no match for Tong Li, so he let go of his hand in time before Tong Li broke off, and hid his hand behind his back, which could be regarded as saving his poor dignity.

If others knew that Pei Lizheng lost to a woman in strength, he would be laughed into the coffin.

Pei Lizheng pursed his thin lips tightly without changing his face, but the hands behind his back began to tremble non-stop due to excessive force.

Tong Li had already seen through him, snorted and walked into the office.

Looking at her arrogant figure from behind, Pei Lizheng was secretly shocked by Tong Li's strength.

No wonder she is so confident, she is also a practicing family.

Hmph...he himself doesn't bother to use force against women.

A gentleman speaks but does not move.

Pei Lizheng followed her into the office and sat down at her desk, looking at her coldly, wondering what her culprit was.

He didn't know Tong Li well, or in other words, no one knew her except his nephew.

But suddenly he thought of something, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "Jiu Yin hasn't been home these two days."

Tong Li froze when she was holding something, and a cold light fell on the man in front: "What do you mean?"

Seeing her reaction, Pei Lizheng chuckled secretly, knowing that Pei Jiuyin was a breakthrough.

Pei Lizheng leaned against the back of the chair, his nerves that were tense just now relaxed, and he became unruly: "Oh, I'm afraid you don't know how difficult Jiu Yin has been these few days."

Tong Li gave him a look, signaling him to continue talking.

"I know that Jiu Yin took you to see Grandpa. You have fought against Guan Shangyi, so you must have known her well."

"During this period, Guan Shangyi arranged many blind dates for Jiu Yin, but Jiu Yin rejected them all."

Pei Lizheng stared at her face, analyzing her micro-expression: "What? He didn't tell you?"

"But even if he refuses to go on a blind date, so what, Guan Shangyi will never give up until he achieves his goal. You haven't seen her crazy torture method."

"If you don't talk about the distance, just look at the near."

"Recently, she has been stumbling and trapping Jiuyin's business every day. Although she can't hurt her tendons, she can't avoid it."

"Over time, those directors have accumulated grudges against Pei Jiuyin."

Pei Lizheng smiled casually: "How long do you think it will take for him to be pulled down?"

Tong Li's eyes reveal that she doesn't believe it, Pei Jiuyin is not that weak, just because of his good luck, he knows that not everyone can touch him, but if his mother...

Pei Lizheng knew that she didn't believe it: "Don't underestimate Guan Shangyi, she is more capable than you imagine."

The next step is his real purpose: "If you can agree to help me, I can find someone to help Jiu Yin, and I won't let him work so hard alone."

Tong Li reminded him: "That's your nephew."

Pei Lizheng said indifferently: "So what?"

"When there are foreign enemies in a wealthy family, everyone will indeed form an ant to resist the foreign enemies together, but when there are no foreign enemies, the cruelty of the internal struggle is unimaginable."

"Although grandpa can help him a little bit, but after all, he is getting old, and the people below will hide it more or less, not to mention that there are so many people coveting that position, do you think anyone will tell the truth?"

"Of course, except me." His goal was not to earn those two dollars.

Tong Li remained silent, her gaze fell on the phone, and she stroked the beads on her hand with her fingers: So Pei Jiuyin did have something to do, and it was Guan Shangyi's fault.

Her eyes darkened, it seemed that the lesson she taught her last time was not deep enough, and she dared to touch her man.

Pei Lizheng clasped his hands and showed a friendly smile: "How about it, do you want to cooperate with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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