Chapter 262 Her decision and conditions

Tong Lidai frowned tightly, looking very troubled.

The corners of Pei Lizheng's mouth curled up, he was not in a hurry now, he just had to wait quietly, waiting for Tong Li to make a choice.

He made up his mind, and went to Pei Jiuyin if he couldn't, because she would take over this task no matter what.

His mission had always been one of success and no failure.

The quietness of the office can be heard, no one speaks, and the quiet atmosphere is inexplicably depressing.

Pei Lizheng didn't pay much attention to this oppression at all. When he was tired from one posture, he changed to a comfortable one and continued to look at her.

He is not a drinker, but when he took a serious look at the woman in front of him, um, it is undeniable that this is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Except for the poor family background, the others are not suitable for his nephew. Barely strong.

It's just that this temper... is really unpleasant.

Half an hour later, Tong Li put down his hands and finally made a decision.

"Okay." In the past, this kind of thing was not in her consideration at all, but Pei Jiuyin...she can't help him in business, but whoever dares to bully her man must be prepared to bear her anger.

Tong Li's eyes darkened a little, and her voice was a little cold: "I have a condition."

"What?" Pei Lizheng raised his eyebrows, as long as he agreed, he was only in charge of persuasion, and let them figure out the conditions themselves.

"Get Guan Shangyi away, I don't want her to get close to Pei Jiuyin." Tong Li was calm and calm, but the words he said were incomprehensible.

After all, a son and a mother, if you have to separate the two...

Pei Lizheng couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, heh, interesting.

"Why don't you do it yourself?"

"I'm negotiating terms with you." Tong Li reminded him.

Although she wanted to do it herself, she was still Pei Jiuyin's mother. If she really waited for her to do it, it would not be as simple as letting her leave Country A.

Pei Lizheng looked at her calmly, thinking that this woman could really give him problems. If other things were fine, it was Guan Shangyi, and it was a bit difficult to get her out of Country A.

Although difficult, it is not impossible.

Pei Lizheng thought over and over again, and made a decision in his heart: "Yes."

He is also annoyed by this woman, who used to be for the Pei family, but did something that harmed the Pei family. Do you really think his Pei family is all vegetarian?Let her control.

This woman should also give her some trouble, don't always think that everything in the world revolves around her.

The two looked at each other and made a happy decision.

In the evening, Pei Jiuyin didn't go home as scheduled, but just made a phone call and hurriedly told him something was up and would return later.

The result can be imagined, Tong Li stood on the balcony watching the stars all night, but didn't wait for anyone to come back.

She was not angry, but felt sorry for this man. She grew up with Guan Shangyi's perverted desire for control, and was abandoned in the end. Seeing that she had grown up, but after a good life, this woman ran out again, saying that tigers do not eat poison. My son, this woman is more than food, she really wants to tear her up and make the best use of her things, it really makes people hate her to the bone.

Looking at the rising sun, Tong Li lowered her eyelids, she doesn't understand business affairs, there is only so much she can do.

Tong Li turned back to her room, finished her daily washing, and then went downstairs to have breakfast. Just as she was seated, an uninvited guest appeared at Pei's house.

Pei Lizheng seldom came here, if it wasn't for the fear of Tong Li's repentance, why would he come over early in the morning and stare at him.

Look at her eyes?


When the housekeeper saw that Pei Lizheng, who hadn't seen each other all year round, came here, he couldn't calm down for a long time. When he learned that he was looking for Tong Li, his jaw dropped.

This master Pei Lizheng is cold-hearted and cold-faced. He has always been a loner, and no one can control him. He is also a strong man in the Pei family, but how could he have any contact with the young lady's girlfriend?
Tong Li picked up the chopsticks and ate a hearty breakfast slowly, while Pei Lizheng stood not far away like a monitor, staring at the woman who was eating at a slow pace.

He couldn't believe that she could still eat under his sharp eyes.

In the end, he failed, and Tong Li not only ate, but was also very full.

It was half an hour after Tong Li had eaten and drank enough, and she said that she would go upstairs and change into a simpler set of clothes.

Pei Lizheng looked upstairs, checking the time from time to time, half an hour had passed since she went up.

In his opinion, changing a set of clothes is only a matter of a few minutes, but this woman has not come down after changing for half an hour. This is not a change of clothes, it is simply skinning.

The more Pei Lizheng waited, the more irritable he became, and the top of his head was about to smoke from anger, so he could only keep turning around to relieve the depression in his heart.

He is very strict about time control. It takes half an hour to change clothes like hers, which hits his culprit. If he didn't ask for help, he would have run away long ago.

Why do you have to be angry.

This woman really... definitely did it on purpose.

As for why Tong Li lingered for so long, it was entirely because she didn't like Pei Lizheng's pressing attitude. She would do what she promised, but she had the final say on how and when to go.

Instead of coming out early in the morning to block her eyes.

So she changed her clothes early, took out the yellow paper and cinnabar, patiently grinded them slowly, and then drew one by one in detail, just asking him to wait and learn a lesson.

After another 10 minutes, the woman who had been nesting upstairs finally came down. Pei Lizheng's eyes were extremely cold, and he glanced roughly. Except for the different clothes, there was no modification in any place, saying that he didn't delay time on purpose. I don't believe it.

Women are narrow-minded.

He said coldly, "Let's go."

Tong Li nodded, with a rather indifferent expression.

The butler watched the two come out one after the other, and was extremely shocked. Their political master had waited for Miss Tong for more than an hour. He could see that the political master was very angry, but he had to put the pressure on live.

How is this going?

Look at these two people again, although they are walking one after the other, but the aura exuding from them is undoubtedly saying that the other party owes me millions and does not pay back, I am very upset.

The butler watched the car disappear at the end, unable to recover for a long time.


Pei Lizheng took Tong Li to a sanatorium in the wilderness and deep mountains. They placed those patients here, and professional doctors monitored and analyzed their conditions.

Under the detection of sophisticated instruments, they analyzed that these people would secrete a kind of melanin they had never seen before every day, tentatively identified as FEN.

They've tried extracting it and testing it, but the molecules of this stuff are so unstable that whenever they try to test it, it just dissipates in the air before you can catch it.

But they knew that it was this kind of invisible and intangible thing that invaded their bodies. To save them, they had to decompose FEN and study it to find an antidote to FEN.

But they have studied for more than a month, and they are still struggling in the first phase. As long as they can't catch FEN for a day, they can't proceed to the next step.

(End of this chapter)

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