Chapter 263 The Girl on the Cross

Pei Lizheng took Tong Li to a small room, and the monitor in front of him could clearly observe the movements of those people in the room.

Their diet and work and rest time are recorded by special personnel. Rather than treating diseases and saving lives, it is better to say that they are studying mice.

"Here are 78 people who have been exposed to wigs. They have been exposed to different times and their bodies decay at different speeds."

"Presumably you also know that if they don't wear wigs, their bodies will suffer injuries to varying degrees."

"The most serious is the mental disorder, which can make people in a state of extreme excitement for a long time, unable to fall asleep."

"Once a person can't fall asleep for a long time, he will gradually become depressed, his nervous system will be disordered, and he will do something incomprehensible. In the end, he will find that wig and put it on at any cost, until he dies."

"The group on the left has been wearing wigs for a long time and has never taken them off. They don't seem to have any ailments, but after wearing them for a long time, her body will gradually have problems. The most intuitive sense is that her body is thin and her face is yellow. The body organs seem to be corroded by something, the active cells in the body disappear quickly, and finally become a senile old man."

This kind of thing is like drug addiction, but what is even more frightening is that this disease will develop faster and more fatal, and there is no cure.

Tong Li glanced roughly, and she knew what Pei Lizheng said: "The people behind them want the vitality and vitality of these people."

Pei Lizheng was puzzled: "Vigor? Vitality?"

"Evil qi enters the body, damages the vitality, and then gradually erodes the internal organs, causing extensive damage to the whole body, resulting in death."

"These medications... are uncontrollable."

Tong Li stood up from the chair and walked outside.

"Where are you going?" Pei Lizheng stood up and followed.

"To see people."

Tong Li came down and randomly picked a room to enter.

The furniture inside is very simple, a bed, a table, a chair, and a dressing table. Although the house is small, it has everything you need.

The woman in the room was sitting in front of the dressing table in a daze, her eyes were empty, she was holding a comb in her hand, combing her beautiful wig one by one, with a weird smile on her face from time to time. creepy.

Tong Li took a closer look, and saw that the man's complexion was sallow and his cheeks were thin, and he could tell at a glance that he was seriously injured.

She looked at the shiny black wig, and stretched out her hand to take off the wig on her head, but before her hand touched it, the body of the person sitting on the chair suddenly shook uncontrollably.

With a thud, the woman fell heavily to the ground, her limbs twitched uncontrollably, her shiny hair lost its luster in an instant, and black smoke rose from it.

Immediately afterwards there were painful howls from outside, screams one after another, various alarms on the top sounded, and various footsteps and shouts came from my ears. After ten seconds, you can see more than a dozen A doctor in a white coat entered each room like a file.

Tong Li's face was condensed, and she felt that the other side wanted to cut off the connection between the wig and them.

She took out two pieces of talisman paper from her body, and flicked the yellow talisman towards the surroundings of the house. The golden light of the runes suddenly appeared, and the four points intersected to form a circle, directly blocking the invasion of evil spirits.

She took out two more talismans from her body and pasted them on the woman's Baihui and Dazhui acupoints. The energy emitted by the talisman papers held the woman in place, and the smoke from her hair dissipated immediately.

Tong Li tore off the wig from her head, and her pupils became extremely dark.

Bang, bang, bang, four explosions sounded next to her ears, the four talismans that Tong Li swung before exploded one after another, and the next second the wig in her hand began to burn violently with the sound of an explosion.

But in the blink of an eye, that curly hair turned into ashes, emitting a foul smell continuously.

Pei Lizheng had never seen such a scene before, he froze in place, his pupils shrank again and again.

Although he already knew what she was doing before, he was still shocked when he saw her hand in hand.

"How did it become like this?"

Tong Li looked at the scorched hair, and the scenes he saw just now flashed in his mind: "The people at the other end are too alert, since I stepped into this room, they have a premonition that I will make some moves, and immediately Cut the wig from them."

"Bring paper and pen."

"What?" she said so suddenly, Pei Lizheng didn't know what she meant.

Tong Li hesitated a little: "I just saw some pictures, I drew them, and you arrange people to look for them, and you should be able to find those people."

Pei Lizheng frowned. Tong Li just touched the wig lightly just now, so it was so easy to find out the opponent's lair?

Is there such a god?
He arranged for someone to come over and bring pens and paper.

After Tong Li got the pen, he randomly sketched lines on the drawing paper, his movements were smooth and smooth, and the speed was silky and smooth.

Pei Lizheng deeply doubted whether Tong Li was painting after all. Can this painting method be seen?
After 10 minutes, Tong Li presented everything he saw on the paper.

When Pei Lizheng saw the painting, he immediately slapped him in the face, and he wanted to take back all the words he said in his heart.

It's not impossible to see, it's really well painted, the figure sculptures on it are vivid and lifelike, although they haven't been painted and have a few flaws, but it's already very powerful to be able to paint like this.

It's just that this place looks familiar, he seems to have seen it somewhere, but he can't remember it for a while.

On a high platform in the middle of the painting, a cross is placed on it, and a girl is tied to the cross. The girl's head is bowed, and her hair is scattered everywhere, so that people can't see her face clearly.

He squinted his eyes and tried to see her eyes clearly through the strands of hair. Those blurred eyes gave him a kind of evil feeling, which made people feel panicked.

Look further down...

The girl on the cross has no legs.

"What's going on? Did you forget to draw?"

Tong Li shook her head: "No, I just don't have legs."


He continued to look down, and there were some buildings painted inside that were quite old, and these things didn't seem to be in China.

"I'll have to find someone else to look at it." If it's abroad, it's going to be troublesome.

Tong Li patted the non-existent dust on his hands: "It's up to you."

"My mission is complete, when will Pei Jiuyin's matter be resolved?"

Pei Lizheng folded the paper. This is an important clue. If he loses it, he will become a sinner forever.

"Don't worry, it's still a layout."

"Guan Shangyi is not a fool. If you want her to hurt, you have to hit her 7 inches. You have to think hard."

"And it's not over yet."

"Although you drew the blueprints, as long as you don't catch the person behind the scenes for a day, you have to cooperate and continue to investigate."

"Got it." Tong Li had an impatient look on his face.

The thing disappeared too fast just now, and she would be able to accurately touch the specific address if it was a little slower.

Still careless.

These things should be monitored all the time, as long as there is a threat approaching, they will abandon the chess pieces to ensure their own safety.

(End of this chapter)

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