Chapter 264 A Different Ghost Domain
Tong Li planned to go back after finishing the messy things at hand.

It was only then that he realized that that bastard Pei Lizheng had gone, even after asking a few people, he said he didn't know.

She didn't ask for help, she turned around and went directly to the place where Pei Lizheng put the keys, picked up the keys to find the car, started the car and drove away by herself.

The operation was done in one go, flowing like clouds and flowing water.

Although she doesn't have a driver's license, but she's a novice and acquainted with it once, and her driving skills are very good now.

At the beginning, the speed of the car was normal. When the guard saw that it was Pei Lizheng's car, he raised the railing and let the car go out without thinking.

When the car passed by, he saw that it was not Pei Lizheng driving inside, but the girl he had brought.

The doorman was more cautious in his work, so he quickly called Pei Lizheng, but he didn't know what he was doing there, and he never answered the phone.

After calling several times in a row, no one answered, so he simply ignored it. After all, there is nothing wrong with people who can enter here.

And Pei Lizheng, a busy man, was studying the background of the painting with everyone, and he didn't hear the sound of his mobile phone at all.

So much so that after he came out, he was about to go back but couldn't find the car, so he took out his mobile phone to have a look.

A bunch of information about running red lights and speeding.

Tong Li really puts all his energy into driving, as long as he drives fast.

Those who were overtaken by her stretched out their heads and scolded her a few times.

Even if she saw someone setting up a jam in front of her, she didn't stop, and directly stepped up the accelerator to rush over, which was really courageous.

The traffic police saw the speeding car and the black license plate, and thought the car was performing some urgent task, so they ignored it.

Pei Lizheng found that the car was missing, and there was a bunch of information about deductions. In fact, he had already guessed something in his heart. When he went to the monitoring room to call the monitoring, the pictures inside also confirmed what he thought before.

His car was indeed driven away by Tong Li.

Just open it, and get so much illegal information.

Can this guy drive?
Tong Li drove to a deserted river beach, sat quietly in the car and looked outside.

As the sun sets in the sky, the gorgeous rays of light are reflected on the other side of the river, and the river surface is reflected in an orange-yellow color, which is so beautiful and romantic.

The evening breeze brought a cool breeze, sweeping away the fatigue on her body, but it couldn't shake off the restlessness in her heart.

Tong Li is waiting.

When the moon rose and set, the moonlight slanted westward, and the time came to three o'clock in the morning.

She checked that it was almost time, and then got out of the car.

By the vast river, a girl raised her head slightly, looking at the bright moon slanting to the west. Under the reflection of the moonlight, a little bit of bright beads appeared on her cold face. From a distance, she seemed to be a fairy who had strayed into the mortal world. , is so beautiful, the beauty is thrilling.

She looked at the moon for a few minutes, took off the bracelet in her hand, and swayed towards the river, a light curtain invisible to the naked eye slowly rose from the river.

Tong Li took out two talismans, threw them hard at the river, and murmured a series of incomprehensible words. After a while, the originally calm river kept churning, as if something wanted to break the water .

Tong Li's eyes stared at the river surface for a moment, and with a crash, a soul body appeared out of thin air on the river surface.

The soul body is petite and thick, and a little familiar.

Su Yao looked at the scenery in front of him, his eyes were full of confusion, obviously he didn't know where he was.

"Su Yao." Tong Li called out.

Su Yao looked over after hearing the reputation, and suddenly became alarmed when he saw Tong Li: "It's you."

She looked left and right, up and down, with a little panic in her eyes: "Why am I here?"

Tong Li asked nonchalantly: "You have been there for more than two months, have you found out about Huangquan?"

Su Yao showed a blank expression in his eyes, as if he couldn't understand what Tong Li was saying.

"Check what?"

Tong Li frowned: Seeing her like this, it seems that she really doesn't remember what they talked about that day.

Could it be that after entering the ghost domain, the memory outside will be automatically cleared?
But she clearly knew her.

Tong Li stopped talking nonsense and pointed at Su Yao.

Su Yao was very confused, and the next second her soul floated forward uncontrollably.

Then it seemed like something stuck into her head.

Su Yao covered his head with his hands, wrinkled his face, and shouted, "It hurts so much."

She didn't know why her head hurt so much, she wanted to run, but her soul body couldn't move.

After Tong Li finished reading the memory in her mind, she waved it back with her hands.

Su Yao instantly returned to her original position.

Before she recovered, a vortex suddenly formed under her feet. The black vortex was getting faster and bigger, and before she could get scared, the huge suction sucked her into it.

The river, which was still choppy just now, returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Tong Li knew that she didn't have the memory of that period, so she dealt with the matter neatly without the slightest hesitation, and sent it back after extracting the memory.

When she wakes up again, she will only regard this as a dream.

Tong Li returned to the car, looked straight ahead coldly, tapped the steering wheel rhythmically with her fingers, recalling what she saw in Su Yao just now in her mind.

It can also be said that there is nothing, it may be that Su Yao's status there is too low, she can only see some things that she can see every day.

Contrary to what she imagined, she thought that Huangquan must be full of smog and evil spirits, with countless ghosts crying and howling.

But in Su Yao's memory, what he saw was that there was a lot of greenery, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, and everyone was doing things like puppets on a string, except that they didn't have their own consciousness. Everyone was very good.

This made her somewhat puzzled. The group of evil souls trapped in Shiping Mountain were all vicious, why the souls in the ghost domain were so harmonious, and the environment they were in was like a paradise.

She suspected that even this wig incident had something to do with Huang Quan, and wanted Su Yao to investigate.

But right now, we can only give up.


It was already dawn when Tong Li returned to Pei's house. Coincidentally, her car had just arrived home, and Pei Jiuyin had also just arrived home.

The two confronted each other at the door.

Pei Jiuyin was startled, looked at her car, and slowly frowned, this car was a little familiar.

He remembered, isn't this Uncle Lizheng's car?How could it be in Tong Li's hands?


"Where are you going?"

With a calm expression, Tong Li slammed the car door and answered the question: "You're back."

Pei Jiuyin walked up to her and took her hand, with an apologetic expression on his face: "Well, there are a lot of things in the company these days, so I don't have time to accompany you, sorry."

"It'll be fine after a while."

"Where did you come from?" Pei Jiuyin didn't want to talk about the company's problems, so he changed the topic directly.

Tong Li remembered what happened last night, and couldn't stop feeling bored: "Go outside and blow some air."

After speaking, he took his hand out of his hand, turned and walked into the back room.

As soon as the door was pushed open, the whole room was filled with aura, but it was a pity that it couldn't be used by his own body.

This made her dry breath more intense.

I can't help but ask myself, how can I completely restore all my cultivation bases.

(End of this chapter)

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