Chapter 265 He was pushed away and rejected

She had been stuck in the bottleneck before and couldn't go up. She tried to use Pei Jiuyin's momentum to speed up her practice, but it still didn't work. She couldn't go up no matter what.

Pei Jiuyin followed her closely, and he could feel that Tong Li was unhappy. Given that he had missed appointments again and again in the past two days, seeing Tong Li was so angry and guilty that he dared not say a word.

After following him into the room, Tong Li still didn't look at him.

Pei Jiuyin took off his suit and walked behind her, holding her in his arms, with deep eyes and a deep voice: "I'm sorry."

"What?" Tong Li didn't know what the words meant.

Pei Jiuyin gently rubbed against her neck, absorbing the cold fragrance from her body: "I don't have time to accompany you, are you angry with me?"

The man's warm breath sprayed on the earlobe, Tong Li felt a little uncomfortable and hid: "No."

Pei Jiuyin noticed her avoidance, his back was stiff: "Really?"

"Yeah." Tong Li patted his hand, signaling him to let go.

Pei Jiuyin didn't want to continue rubbing hands with her, and the two of them tacitly agreed on that matter.

But Tong Li was really not in the mood today, ruthlessly avoiding his closeness, forcefully opened his hand, and came out of his arms.

"You've been tired for a few days, you finally came back, go to sleep for a while." She didn't mean anything else, she just wanted to show consideration for him, seeing the serious bruises under his eyelids, she knew that he had been busy with work and didn't have a good rest .

Pei Jiuyin looked at Kong Kong's embrace, his heart felt cold, and his eyes couldn't help but lose: he was pushed away and rejected, is he really angry?

Tong Li walked to the drinking fountain and poured a glass of ice water to drink. The cold temperature entered his stomach, dispelling a little restlessness in his heart, and his mood became much smoother.

Pei Jiuyin stood on the spot, his shoulders drooping slightly, looking at her pitifully and helplessly.

Tong Li put down the water glass, felt around her back, and thought about it: "How about..."

Pei Jiuyin's eyes brightened slightly, with some anticipation.

Tong Li said calmly: "Eat something early before going to sleep."

Pei Jiuyin: "...?"

In the end, Pei Jiuyin finished his breakfast under Tong Li's urging, and was forced to sleep on the bed again.

Just sleep quietly, can't do anything, can't even say a word.

Maybe it was because he was really too tired. As soon as he relaxed on the bed, Pei Jiuyin fell asleep instantly.

Tong Li sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him sleeping soundly. She knew that he was troubled these days. He was busy with company affairs before, and then tortured by Guan Shangyi. How about Guan Shangyi.

With such a mother...

"Sleep well, and everything will be fine." Tong Li helped him tuck the corner of the quilt, got up and went out.

She brought the little ice silkworm to the company, and she found that with this little thing around, her irritable breath could be completely suppressed.

Indeed, she had experienced the strength of this little thing when she was on the island.

As soon as Tong Li entered the company gate, she saw Xiao Lingling curiously looking at a bouquet of flowers.

Seeing Tong Li coming, he smiled so much that there were only cracks in his eyes: "Miss Tong, you are here. This is from the flower shop today. It is said that it is from a gentleman. There is a card in it."

"It's the Green Light Rose."

Tong Li looked indifferent, took a look and said directly: "Throw it away."

No matter what kind of rose he was, it couldn't have been sent by Pei Jiuyin anyway, since it wasn't, then others don't have to pay attention.

"Ah?" Xiao Lingling was stunned, she looked at the roses, throwing away such a big bouquet of green roses?
But this green rose is so beautiful, each one is as transparent and bright as jade, and this rose is very expensive, it's a pity to just throw it away like this.

"Who sent green light roses so generously?"

Grapefruit hadn't been here for a long time, and for some reason today, he came to work again.

As soon as I came here, I saw that someone was sending flowers to Tong Li again, and they also sent green light roses. Looking at the packaging, it was just airlifted to Hong Kong.

"Tsk tsk tsk... every day..." Xiyou pouted.

Tong Li looked over coldly, and instantly blocked Xiyou's next sour words.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I'm just saying that it's a pity to throw away such a beautiful thing."

Tsk, even though she wanted to say something sour, she couldn't do it today.

Tong Li turned and went in, Grapefruit followed closely, Xiao Lingling faced the bouquet of flowers in trouble, should the flowers be put or thrown?

She was reluctant to throw it away, but it was the boss's property, and she dared not refuse to do what the boss ordered.

After a few minutes of ideological struggle, I decided to listen to the boss.

Grapefruit put the bag and a small cake on the table, and went to pour Tong Li a glass of water: "Tong Li drinks water to moisturize his throat."

Tong Li glanced at her lightly, Xiyou is too stupid to hide her emotions, looking at her eager eyes almost said, I have something to ask you.

Tong Li has also seen that this person has nothing to do to be courteous, and he dare not drink her glass of water. Who knows how much it will cost.

Seeing that Tong Li didn't have any intention of drinking, Xiyou approached her cheekily and smiled: "Tong Li, are you free today?"

Tong Li rummaged through her own things without giving her a look: "No time."


Is it necessary to refuse so quickly?

"Then are you free tomorrow?"

"No time."

Xiyou curled her lips, unhappy: "You haven't heard what I have to say, so you just say you don't have time."

Tong Li took out the talisman paper and cinnabar, and prepared to draw a talisman.

She hasn't finished drawing Chen Xuzong's talismans yet.

"How much money can you get from drawing these ghostly symbols, Tong Li, let me introduce you a business, you can ask how much money you want, as long as you can say it."

Tong Li held the brush in his hand, and his writing was smooth and smooth, but he didn't respond when he heard Xiyou's words.

Seeing Tong Li ignoring her, Xiyou ran to the left, and said in a crisp voice, "Tong Li..."

"Tong Li..."

"Tong Li..."

Tong Li kept shouting as long as she didn't answer.

Until Tong Li couldn't bear her.


Grapefruit's scheme succeeded, and she smiled so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, she didn't talk nonsense, and explained the matter directly: "You also saw that day, Du Zhibai had a car accident that day, and the doctor said that his calf bone was comminuted and fractured, blood vessels, nerves, and muscles were damaged. It is more serious and cannot be repaired, and amputation may be required."

In fact, for Du Zhibai, taking a life that day was a blessing in misfortune.

But to have a leg amputated, Du Zhibai absolutely cannot accept it, especially now that he is in a sensitive period, if he makes a fuss, it will be very detrimental to the Du family.

At this time, she thought of Tong Li. Tong Li had superb medical skills, and he was able to restore Manman's paralysis. A mere leg was nothing to her.

So come early in the morning to show your courtesy.

Tong Li hummed lightly.

Grapefruit is in a hurry.

"Can you take some time to help him, I will ask him to give you money."

Tong Li put down the cinnabar pen in her hand.

"It's so simple and can't be cured?"

Grapefruit's eyes widened: "Simple? This is an irreversible damage."

(End of this chapter)

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