Chapter 266 The Lingering Jing Beichen
Xiyou thought of her ability, and changed the subject: "Since it's so easy, why don't you go and help him?"

"Du Zhibai is very pitiful. He lost his legs at a young age. Wouldn't his future be ruined as a good young man?"

Tong Li ruthlessly replied, "I can live without legs."


"Of course I can live, but it can't be compared with healthy limbs."

"Besides, Du Zhibai is a rather extreme person. What if he loses his legs, he can't think about it and wants to die."

"Tong Li, I beg you. Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Aren't you doctors all bodhisattva-minded and righteous? Wouldn't you just refuse to save them?"

Tong Li said indifferently: "I am not."

The medical skill of curing diseases and saving lives is only learned in her spare time, she has no ambition to save lives, and she has no bodhisattva heart.

Xiyou was about to collapse, and Tong Li was still indifferent after all her pitiful words.

She walked up to Tong Li and shook her arm, very sincerely: "Tong Li, just help him, last time you scrapped his car, he didn't care about you either."

Tong Li reminded her: "Qu Manman."

The grapefruit choked, and Tong Lide cured Manman as a condition.

"Then I'll ask him to give you 5 million, okay? If you exchange 000 million for a leg, you won't lose."

"5000 million is not enough, I want him to give you [-] million."

Grapefruit is not in charge of the family and does not know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt, and keeps increasing the amount without asking the patient, which makes Tong Li feel a headache.

Anyway, she plans to stalk her today, so she must agree with Tong Li: "How about it, you just agree, curing Du Zhibai's leg will make more money than the order you took, so just agree."

"Tong Li, you just promise"


Grapefruit looks like a parrot now, yelling these two words non-stop.

Tong Li's brain hurts from being stimulated by her sharp voice.

In the end, in order to make her shut up, and also for myself to be quiet: "Look."

"Tong Li, you just... eh..."

Xiyou was stunned and suddenly realized, " you agreed?"

Tong Li didn't respond.

Grapefruit's round eyes were clear and bright, and he jumped three feet high excitedly.

"Okay... shall we go right away? Or in the afternoon."

She couldn't wait to tell Du Zhibai the news.

As long as Tong Li is willing to help, he will never have to amputate.

Tong Li didn't give her the exact time, but just said two words: "Go out."

Grapefruit was overwhelmed by happiness, so she went out obediently no matter what time she went, and waited obediently outside.

Waiting until lunch time, Tong Li hadn't come out yet, Xiyou sneaked to the door to peek, and saw that the people inside were concentrating on drawing symbols, so she didn't dare to disturb her.

I went back to the sofa, picked up my phone, made a call, and asked them to prepare a few delicious dishes for delivery.

She knows that she must be able to do things when she asks someone to do something.

An hour and a half later, the people from the hotel brought the food. They were all in high spirits, uniformly dressed, and with obvious signs. A mighty group of seven or eight people delivered the food, which caused quite a commotion when they came.

Xiao Lingling's eyes widened when she saw that it was a certain hotel.

Exquisite packaging, delicious food, all of which tell of its expensiveness, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Xiyou arranged the food, quietly came to the door, knocked on the door lightly, pushed the door open a little, and said in a low voice: "Tong Li... Are you hungry? I ordered a lot of delicious food. If you want Don't come out to eat."

Tong Li only replied two words coldly: "Don't eat."

Xiyou pushed open the door and stood up straight, with the tone of an elder: "This man is iron rice or steel. If he doesn't eat a meal, he will be hungry. Let's eat a little. What will happen to his body when he starves to death?"

But only she knew that she just wanted to remind Tong Li to go to the hospital with her immediately after eating, and Du Zhibai would have to endure another minute of pain if she was delayed for a minute.

"Go out and don't disturb me." Tong Li wanted to finish the rest of the drawing, and Chen Xuzong had to complete the order today.

"Oh." Xiyou curled her lips and put on a cold face, feeling very depressed in her heart.

She closed the door and made sure that the people inside couldn't hear her, so she began to mutter: "If you don't eat, don't eat, you can't treat yourself like a fairy..."

Xiao Lingling looked at the table of delicacies from mountains and seas, swallowed again and again, and saw the grapefruit hanging its head out.

"Miss Tong, won't she come out to eat?"

Grapefruit sat on the sofa with a displeasure on his face: "If you like it, I will eat it."

Then he picked up a fork and stuffed a small meatball into his mouth in a fit of anger, and said vaguely: "Hurry up, eat all of these for me."

Xiao Lingling glanced at the grapefruit with the fork, and then at the door. Is it really okay for them to eat like this?
When she put the delicious food into her mouth, the extreme delicacy hit her taste buds, she couldn't think of her boss anymore.

He started to gobble up the food on the table, stuffing it into his mouth non-stop.

The two of them ate without restraint, and the result in exchange was that their stomachs were bloated and they couldn't walk.

Tong Li also came out with her bag on her back at this time, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw the plate on the table that had been swept away by the two of them.

Grapefruit burped, her face didn't turn red and her heart beat: "You said you wouldn't eat it, I..."

Tong Li withdrew her eyes and said a word lightly: "Let's go."

"Ah... now?" Just after eating grapefruit, his brain reacted a few beats slower.

"Okay, okay..." She stood up from the sofa with difficulty.

"It's so strong." It felt like the food was stuffed into his throat.

If she had known that she would go so soon, she would not have eaten so much.

Xiyou picked up her small bag and staggered behind Tong Li.

'Ah, it's so uncomfortable to walk too much. '

The two came to the elevator entrance, and Tong Li pressed the elevator door button.

The numbers on the display screen start to change from small to large.

Ding... The elevator door reaches the floor and opens slowly!

Tong Li was startled.

"Catch up." Jing Beichen held the car keys in his hand, with a surprised smile on his face.

"Where is Little Li'er going?"

Tong Li frowned, feeling that this man was really haunted: "Why are you here?"

Jing Beichen chuckled lightly: "Of course I came back to play with Xiao Li'er."

As long as he wants to go to any island, he can't be trapped.

"The island is boring without you."

"Are you surprised to see me?"

Tong Li said no.

Grapefruit's skin was aroused by his little li'er repeatedly.

When did the relationship between these two get so good?

The elevator door's time is up, and it's about to close, Jing Beichen held down the key, and moved his chin to the people outside: "Come in."

Tong Li stepped in one step at a time, and Xiyou was still standing there in a daze. She didn't realize until the elevator door was about to close, and quickly blocked it with her hands.

How can we leave her behind.

After Xiyou entered, she had been standing next to Tong Li. She was afraid of Jing Beichen, she didn't even dare to look him in the eye, she only dared to glance at Jing Beichen through the elevator wall.

(End of this chapter)

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