The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 267 Don't Mess With Her, Be Careful That She Laps Your Other Leg

Chapter 267 Don't Mess With Her, Be Careful That She Laps Your Other Leg
Suddenly Jing Beichen's eyes from the elevator refraction met her, her heart almost stopped in fright, she approached Tong Li tremblingly, almost tripping her feet in panic.

Jing Beichen casually pulled his hair twice against the refracting surface: "Did Xiao Li'er receive the roses I sent today?"

Tong Li: "Throw it away."

Jing Beichen froze: "You don't like roses? Then what do you like? I'll bring them to you next time."

Tong Li was silent.

Jing Beichen smiled, and said half-jokingly: "Oh, it's so cold, it's not as warm as when I was on the island."

Tong Li didn't talk to him, intending to treat him as transparent.

Grapefruit didn't dare to talk to her, but there was a storm in her heart. The words "island, enthusiasm, and sending flowers" magnified infinitely in her mind. '

'When will Tong Li follow the man to the island?Could it be the time when she disappeared? '

"By the way, how about that snake?" Jing Beichen was just looking for something to say.

There's no way for Xiao Xiannv to be so cold and cold. If he doesn't talk to him, he probably won't be able to say a word for a day.

Tong Li still didn't say a word, leaving him alone to talk to himself, Xiyou felt embarrassed for him.

"Where is Miss Grapefruit going?"

Grapefruit, who was suddenly named, trembled: "Ah..."

Why did you ask her.

"Go to the hospital."

Jing Beichen stared at Grapefruit with half-closed eyes: "What are you going to the hospital for?"

"Go... Du Zhibai is injured a little bit, let's go and see him."

"Is that so...Speaking of which, I haven't seen Du Zhibai for a long time, and this kid didn't even tell me when he was injured."

"Well... I have to go to condolences."

Xiyou's heart was pounding. Looking at his serious appearance, those who didn't know really thought that he and Du Zhibai had a good relationship, but these two people can't play together at all, okay?

And...he couldn't be telling the truth, could he?Do you really want to follow?
Grapefruit complained wildly in her heart, this man with a beastly face.

Why didn't I read the almanac when I went out today?How could I meet this person.

Jing Beichen couldn't feel the boredom emanating from the two beauties from head to toe at all.

I also thoughtfully went to the flower shop to pick three bouquets of flowers, just as the name suggests, to see how the patient could have no flowers.

"Come, everyone who sees has a share."

One bouquet for the patient, one bouquet for grapefruit, one bouquet for Tong Li... Tong Li would definitely not want flowers from others, so in the end the flowers fell into Xiyou's hands.

Jing Beichen had never brought anything with him when he visited the patient, and it was impossible for him to hold a bouquet of mother-in-law's flowers, so this bouquet fell into Xiyou's hands in the end.

Grapefruit is holding three bouquets of flowers by herself, with resentment all over her face: she is the one to take it anyway, and she is not a coolie.

In the car, Xiyou sat in the co-pilot, and Tong Li and Jing Beichen sat behind.

In her heart, she started to go crazy again: What is this pervert Jing Beichen doing with Tong Li?Who wants his flowers, hate...

Hmph... There is nothing to be courteous about, rape or steal, she must have no good intentions, she must tell her cousin.

Xiyou has secretly started looking for an opportunity to report to Pei Jiuyin.

Let her cousin clean him up.

Jing Beichen seemed to see through Xiyou's mind, with two dark pupils staring at her eeriely.

Grapefruit felt the chill on the back of his neck, so he raised his hand and rubbed it to warm it up, wondering why the driver had to turn on the air conditioner so much.

She asked the driver to turn down the air conditioner, but the feeling still didn't dissipate. She looked back belatedly...

Wocao... frightened her to death.

Why is the man behind looking at her like this? Is he trying to eat people?
This person, who wanted to do bad things, was very cowardly when the Lord saw him.

Grapefruit began to doubt herself. She had just thought about it but hadn't done it yet. How did he know what she was going to do?Did she have writing on her face?
Xiyou had a worried face, her eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and she was extremely entangled in her heart, whether she should inform her cousin or not.

She struggled back and forth, and when the car stopped, she was still struggling.

Tong Li opened the door first, Jing Beichen followed closely behind, Xiyou huddled on the co-pilot, seeming to have forgotten to get out of the car.

Seeing Xiyou not getting out of the car for a long time, Tong Li went to the front and knocked on her car door.

It was only then that Grapefruit realized that the hospital had arrived.

She pushed open the car door slowly, and smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, that...almost fell asleep."

Tong Li rolled her eyes, turned around and walked inside.

Grapefruit pouted, ready to follow.

"Flowers." Jing Beichen kindly reminded her.

In the end, Xiyou held three bouquets of flowers stupidly, and walked behind with heavy steps angrily.

Du Zhibai lived in a private hospital, where there were not many people, and the environment was quiet and peaceful.

The three of them had good looks, and walking together became the most beautiful sight in the hospital, and all the nurses and pedestrians passing by gave them a salute of attention.

Xiyou took the two of them to the VIP nursing room on the 8th floor.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Du Zhibai, leaning against the head of the bed with his arms crossed, his pale face expressionless, his eyes staring straight at the door, looking a little penetrating.

Xiyou looked at him and smiled dryly: "Xiaobai, I found someone for you to see a doctor for you."

Du Zhibai's face remained unchanged, but he changed the target of his gaze to grapefruit.

Then her eyes fell on the two people behind her.

Jing Beichen also has brother Jiu's girlfriend, help him see a doctor?

He knew both of them, it was impossible for Jing Beichen to see a doctor, unless he wanted to die faster.

As for the other one... Tong Li frowned deeply.

Grapefruit put the flowers in her hands on the table, and waved her limp hands.

He scolded Jing Beichen again in his heart.

She walked to Du Zhibai's side and whispered in his ear to remind him: "Don't look at her with your suspicious eyes, Manman can stand up now, just your leg is nothing to her."

"If you dare to provoke her, don't talk about your one leg, the other leg will be crippled by you."

"Really?" Du Zhibai raised his eyebrows, not quite believing it.

Tong Li stared at Du Zhibai for more than ten seconds, then slowly shifted her gaze to his lap.

Du Zhibai couldn't save this leg, the doctor suggested amputation, but he refused, so the doctor just bandaged it with gauze to make him think carefully.

Tong Li gently touched the gauze-wrapped foot with her hand, and said in a calm and calm voice, "It's not serious."

Du Zhibai: "?"

Not serious?

That group of dead old men told him this morning that he wanted him to amputate as soon as possible.

To her: not serious?
Jing Beichen walked to Tong Li's side, and pressed it with his hand. He didn't press it lightly, but exerted strength.

"Ah..." Du Zhibai took a deep breath in pain.

"Will it hurt?" Jing Beichen asked.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Du Zhibai's face twisted in pain. He was fractured but not paralyzed. Do you think it's okay?

But there is one thing that puzzles him, the relationship between him and Jing Beichen is just nodding acquaintances, there is no friendship at all.

He is a weird person in this circle, and no one wants to get close to him.

What did this man want to do here today?
Jing Beichen: "Oh."

"It's boring."

(End of this chapter)

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