Chapter 268

Grapefruit quickly stood next to Tong Li, curious: "Tong Li, how do I treat this? Do I need to prepare any medicine?"

"I can ask for any medicine, I can go to Brother Qu Rui to get it."

In this way, she can justifiably go to Brother Qu Rui without being rejected.


Tong Li looked at the leg and was silent, a thought popped up in his mind.

"Are you going to get a needle?" Xiyou looked eager to try, she remembered that Manman had to get a lot of needles.

"No need." Tong Li opened her bag and took out an ordinary box from it. The medicine box had been soaked in the pharmacy for a long time, and as soon as she took it out, she could smell the faint fragrance of medicine on the box.

"What is this?" Grapefruit leaned over and sniffed it.

When Tong Li opened the box, revealing a small transparent insect inside.

A high-pitched scream came from the ward, and the birds resting on the tree were greatly frightened, and they fluttered away from the frightened place with their wings.

"How can there be bugs here?" Grapefruit jumped three feet away and was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly.

What she is most afraid of is this kind of soft and soft thing without legs... Eh, just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

Just now she was looking closely, not good, a little nausea.

This bug left a serious shadow in her heart, and she didn't have to sleep tonight.

The three of them loosened the fingers that blocked their ears, and Qi Qi gave her a strange look.

"It's just a bug." Du Zhibai rolled his eyes at her.

Grapefruit usually looks carefree and fearless, but he really doesn't know that she is afraid of bugs.

"I know, I just know it's a bug, and it's scary just because it's a bug."

"It's a boneless thing, and its whole body is wriggling..." Xiyou crumpled and hugged her head, she couldn't think anymore.

The super invincible and cute You Bao, who realizes that he is being rejected by others, has two round eyes with two drops of tears like glass balls, looking very sad.

Tong Li ignored her surprise, and pointed at Du Zhibai's leg: "Remove his bandage."

Xiyou was afraid of the bug, and refused to approach it if killed, and it was even more impossible for Jing Beichen to help him take off the bandage, unless he didn't want his other leg anymore.

Du Zhibai saw the look in Jing Beichen's eyes and didn't dare to bother him, so he immediately rang the nurse's bell. One of his legs had been severely injured and couldn't stand his torment. He just begged the old man to leave quickly. He is here , he panicked.

No one knows when he will go crazy.

The nurse came in quickly, and when she heard that the gauze was going to be removed, she refused. It was Du Zhibai's repeated threat that the nurse helped him remove the bandage.

After the nurse untied all the bandages, a leg swollen like an elephant's leg was revealed, with a long slit of skin and flesh on it, and a yellowish powder was applied on it, which was shocking to see.

Grapefruit looked a little uncomfortable, she couldn't see this kind of wound, the shadow of the bug and the wound on this leg were swaying back and forth in her mind, a feeling of discomfort surged in her heart, she just ran away after making excuses go out.

If she continued to look at it, she would spit out the lunch she just had.

Tong Li looked the same, took out the worm from the box, and put it on the injured leg.

Xiao Youbao lay on her lap meekly, and moved her body.

Du Zhibai didn't understand her behavior: "What does this mean?"

What's the point of putting a worm on his leg?
No, Du Zhibai's eyes widened in surprise. After the bug was placed on his leg, the pain in his leg miraculously disappeared, and a cold feeling penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

"So comfortable."

"What type of insect is this?"

Something even more miraculous happened, his elephant leg was deswelling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The eyes of the three of them stared at the bug.

Du Zhibai exclaimed, "How is it possible?"

"Suck..." He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg bone, and he didn't know what was going on, so he didn't dare to move.

"Fuck, what's going on? My legs are getting more and more painful." It's that kind of piercing pain, itchy again after a while, changing back and forth from pain to itch, that feeling is indescribable, it's life-threatening Better to die.

"If you want your leg to recover, don't move around." Tong Li warned him loudly, this worm is helping him repair the damaged nerves and bones, and there will naturally be a little pain, if this pain is unbearable, then Still limp.

Enduring this unspeakable pain, Du Zhibai began to call his father and mother in his heart. He greeted all the eighteen generations of Su Lie's bastards' ancestors.

He swore that today's suffering would not be in vain, and when he recovered, he would definitely get rid of that bastard Su Lie.

"Ah..." He couldn't bear it any longer, he instinctively grasped the railing on the bed with both hands, the muscles all over his body tensed, all the veins on his face popped out, he clenched his teeth and endured the pain of thousands of ants.

On the other side, after Xiyou ran out, he took out his mobile phone and called Pei Jiuyin.

It's just that she called several times and no one answered. She thought it might be because her cousin was busy with work, so she edited a text message and sent it to him, asking him to come over quickly.

She is still very competent as a little undercover agent.

"Cousin, I've already sent you the information." As for whether I can come over in time, that's none of my business.

After sending the message, Xiyou returned to the door of the ward. She didn't need to open the door before she heard painful howls from the inner room.

Hearing Du Zhibai's hoarse voice, it seemed that he was enduring great pain.

She didn't know what was going on inside, anyway, it wouldn't be a good thing, she wanted to go in, but she was worried about the bug inside.

I thought: Tong Li could not have let the insects bite Du Zhibai.

"Ah..." The ear-piercing screams drifted into her ears, making her scalp tingle, and she was even more curious about how Tong Li healed Du Zhibai.

After struggling for a while, she pushed open the door a little bit, and tried to see the situation inside through the crack of the door.

It's a pity that the scene inside was covered by Jing Beichen, so he couldn't see anything at all.

Du Zhibai was panting heavily, his face was flushed, he didn't know how long he howled, now his whole body was soaked in sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

But it wasn't over yet, the pain came wave after wave without gap. He didn't know if this bug could heal his leg, but he knew that he was about to be tortured by this bug and lose half his life.

If you ask him if breathing hurts, he will definitely answer that it hurts, even when the wind blows gently.

He really wanted to faint, but the severe pain made him unable to faint at all.

I don't know how long it took, but the pain in my leg seems to have eased.

Just when he thought it was about to end, the pain hit again.

Why is it not over yet?
"Can you...give me a painkiller injection?" Du Zhibai was in so much pain that he gritted his gums before asking.

Tong Li studied it up and down: "Yes."

Du Zhibai: "..."

"But it's not needed anymore, it will be fine soon."

Du Zhibai really wanted to hang himself with a roll of tissue, couldn't he have said that from the beginning?

(End of this chapter)

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