The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 270 Dare to miss his wife and beat him to death.

Chapter 270 Dare to miss his wife and beat him to death.

Tong Li clenched her fists slightly, and stared forbearance, it could be seen that she tried her best to restrain the impulse to kill Jing Beichen.

At this moment, a couple happened to pass by, and they just took a second look at them. In the next second, the girl's hand was empty, and the flower that originally belonged to the girl somehow fell into Jing Beichen's hand.

Jing Beichen held a bright bouquet, his face was full of spring, and he continued to dance on the verge of death.

Holding flowers in his hand, he came to Tong Li, knelt down on one knee suddenly, and handed the snatched flowers to Tong Li, looking at Tong Li with affectionate eyes: "Little Li'er, I really like you, Be my girlfriend."

"I can give you everything you want, no matter where you want to go, I will always be by your side..." Jing Beichen promised her a bunch of messy promises.

To be confessed by a handsome, rich and affectionate man would have been moved by someone else and wept.

But Tong Li just stood there, her face indifferent.

Both of them are good-looking men and women. It is such a romantic thing to confess their love in the street. More and more enthusiastic people are gathering, and some even start to boo.

"Wow, it's so romantic... please promise him."

Handsome men and beautiful women are so well matched.

The people who eat melons don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and they say in one word: "promise him, promise him."

Jing Beichen was not afraid of Shang Tongli's sullen eyes, but smiled extraordinarily brightly, and even felt that she was more beautiful when she was angry than when she had a cold face.

Tong Li pursed her lips tightly, moved her fingers, and decided in her heart to teach him a lesson, but before she could make a move, a person from the crowd rushed in.

The man was wearing a killing weapon, he raised his foot for no reason, and kicked at Jing Beichen who was kneeling on the ground.

Jing Beichen reacted quickly, turning over to avoid his stiff kick.

Everyone was taken aback by this sudden change, and before they could recover, the two men were scuffled.

The two were evenly matched and powerful, and the fists they swung were windy, and each punch was to beat the other to death.

The people who eat melons have no idea what happened, and the scene of a good confession turned into a fight.

They wanted to fight, but the two of them looked like Lianjiazi, and they might be killed with a single punch. For safety's sake, it's better to call the police.

Tong Li was watching the two fiercely fighting each other, he didn't take it seriously, and even started to compare, Pei Jiuyin was not a star and a half worse than himself, and he even gave him a chance to fight back.

After a while, a series of urgent whistles came from a distance.

The police, who were wandering nearby, rushed over after hearing the movement.

The melon-eaters consciously gave way to the patrol, and the patrol saw that the two were fighting, so they hurried up to fight.

But these two are just ordinary patrolmen, how could they hold back these two long-term martial arts practitioners.

After being pushed out, they still wanted to fight, but they were dragged out by Pei Jiuyin's bodyguards before they could meet them.

More and more people gathered around, and the patrolmen who arrived afterward began to evacuate the crowd, but they were not afraid of death, and kept pushing in.

The fight between these two is comparable to blockbuster martial arts movies. Now that they can watch it for free, why not do it.

Tong Li looked at the crowd, and shouted to the two with red eyes: "Okay, stop hitting."

The two heard it and punched and kicked each other before stopping.

It's quite obedient.

The two gasped for breath and glared at each other angrily.

Tong Li walked up to Pei Jiuyin, holding his slightly trembling fist.

"Is something wrong?"

Pei Jiuyin's eyes were dark, with great anger hidden under his eyes, he held Tong Li's hand tightly, as if swearing sovereignty to everyone, this is his girlfriend.

Especially those melon-eating people who were making a fuss just now.

Jing Beichen had a lot of color on his face, he raised his hand to touch the corner of his injured mouth, this fight was really exciting.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"I heard that Young Master Pei was in poor health since he was a child. I thought it was a misrepresentation, but I didn't expect it to be true. Is it true that your fists are so weak?"

"Hey...Little Li'er, did you choose this kind of man? Why not..."

Pei Jiuyin's face was cold and frightening, and he wanted to go up and tear this man apart.

Tong Li pressed her fist, Jing Beichen was just provoking him, if he rushed up, he would be in his way, this kind of insidious villain didn't know what he was planning.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the people around him coldly, all of them took pictures of them with their mobile phones.

I believe that before long, the Internet will make a lot of reports that the President of the Pei family beat up others because of a certain woman in the street.

At that time, it will definitely affect the stocks of the Pei family.

Pei Jiuyin gritted his teeth, and squeezed out a sentence: "You will pay for what you did today."

Jing Beichen sneered, shrugged, and smiled provocatively.


"But Young Master Pei must be careful, little Li'er, I am determined to win."

Hearing his provocation, Pei Jiuyin felt a flame burning in his heart, and wanted to go up and beat him up.

Tong Li patted his hand lightly, signaling him to be calm: "It's just a clown, don't hurt yourself for this kind of person."

Pei Jiuyin didn't know, but as soon as he thought of this man's idea of ​​hitting on his woman, he wished he could pull out his gun and shoot the bastard to death.

"Let's go, there are too many people here." She still had to buy food for You Bao.

Tong Li took his hand and forced him to go out, never giving Jing Beichen a look from the beginning to the end.

The weight of two men in a woman's mind is clear to anyone with a discerning eye.

For the melon-eating crowd outside, make way for them directly.

Jing Beichen looked at the figures of the two walking away, put his hands in his pockets, pressed his tongue against his gums, and spat out a mouthful of blood from his mouth. There was no smile on his face, and his eyes became extremely gloomy.


Tong Li took Pei Jiuyin to a nearby pharmacy to treat the trauma on his face.

Pei Jiuyin sat on the chair with his back straight. The bruises on his face were quite serious, but they couldn't hide his handsomeness.

Tong Li mixed an ointment and gently applied it on him.

Pei Jiuyin's cold eyebrows and eyes still contained anger, and when he thought of Jing Beichen, his eyes darkened.

"Still angry?" Tong Li rubbed more and more vigorously.

Pei Jiuyin gasped softly, and his expression became aggrieved: "Why didn't you hide when he knelt down?"

Tong Li thought for a while: "There were too many people at that time, I was going to beat him up, but you came out unexpectedly."

Pei Jiuyin snorted coldly: "I'll do the beating. Don't get your hands dirty."

Tong Li pursed her lips and smiled: "But didn't you say that he has power behind him and can't fight?"

Pei Jiuyin's heart was blocked, but he was blocked by his own words: "This is different."

Dare to open his wife's attention, he will kill him.

Tong Li: "What's the difference?"

Pei Jiuyin: "It's just different."

(End of this chapter)

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