Chapter 271 Let's Get Married.
"In the future, if he comes to you, beat him out. I'll take care of anything."

Tong Li put down the medicine in her hand, and couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm not a savage, they didn't provoke me, so why should I hit them?"

Pei Jiuyin's heart tightened slightly. Hearing that something was wrong, he grabbed her hand and asked, "You don't have a crush on him, do you?"

Apart from his personality problem, Jing Beichen is excellent in every aspect.

In case Tong Li really treats him...he can't imagine, what a terrifying scene it would be.

Tong Li looked at the hand with sharp knuckles, and his eyes fell on Pei Jiuyin's anxious eyes.

"What's going on in your mind? You've been beaten hard in the head."

For someone like Jing Beichen, she doesn't even take a look at him, and still has a crush on him?Thankfully he can tell.

Tong Li got up and walked to the counter, and asked the teller to bring out the top-grade ginseng and ganoderma for her.

He wants to give Xiao Youbao a choice.

Pei Jiuyin lowered his head, thoughtful...

Tong Li picked and picked the medicinal materials, and bought nearly a million medicinal materials in less than half an hour.

The corner of the teller's smile almost went to the back of his head, but only the boss knew that all his good products had been picked up, and how could he sell the remaining defective products?

That night, Pei Jiuyin couldn't sleep well, and was awakened by nightmares several times.

Maybe it's because of thinking day by day and dreaming at night, he dreamed that Jing Beichen came to snatch Tong Li from him.

For some unknown reason, Tong Li really left with him. He was afraid and kept running, trying to snatch them back, but he couldn't catch up with them no matter what.

You can only watch them disappear before your eyes.

Pei Jiuyin sat in the dark, staring blankly at the sleeping Tong Li, recalling how the two knew each other...

Tong Li has the ability of agnosticism, which is an ability that anyone can't help but fall into the depth of detection, coupled with her upright and uninhibited heart, she can't take the soft but not the hard character, she doesn't know how attractive she is Rare.

He clearly knew how the two of them got together. If her seal was released, she didn't need him, and if she really wanted to leave him, then he would have nothing to do with her.

When Pei Jiuyin thought of this, his whole body seemed to be drained of strength, and he instantly went limp.

Thinking of such things happening, he felt pain all over his body, even his bones ached.

No, he must not let this happen.

"Tongtong..." Pei Jiuyin leaned down and patted her on the shoulder, whispering in her ear.

"Huh?" Tong Li's voice was a little lazy.

Pei Jiuyin frowned, and said something he never thought about: "Shall we get married?"

Tong Li fell asleep a little dazedly, thinking that she had heard wrongly, half-opened her misty eyes: "What did you say?"

Pei Jiuyin's stern face was tense, he was silent for a moment, and said again firmly: "Let's get married."

Tong Li was completely awake now, and got up from the bed: "What's the matter with you?"

During the day, I felt that something was wrong with him, and I don't know what happened to him if I didn't sleep at night.

"It's nothing, I just want to get married."

"Tongtong, although we haven't known each other for a long time, I know that you are the person I want to spend my whole life with."

"Since getting married early and getting married late is all about getting married, why don't we get married this year." Only by being named Pei Jiuyin's wife can he feel at ease.

Tong Li's eyes froze, seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, Xing eyes slightly closed and directly refused: "No."

Pei Jiuyin froze, feeling cold all over, he didn't expect Tong Li to refuse so simply.

A bright light under his eyes instantly disappeared, and his voice became dry: "Why?"

"you do not like me?"

Tong Li lowered her eyes: "No."

She admitted that she cared a little about this man, but her purpose here was only clear to herself.

Pei Jiuyin's heart ached slightly, and he exhausted all his strength to ask this sentence: "Why is that?"

Tong Li didn't know how to answer him.

I can only come up with a random reason: "I never thought of such a thing."

Pei Jiuyin grabbed her shoulder excitedly: "Then think about it now, I can wait."

"I know I'm impatient, but Tongtong, I'm really scared."

"I'm afraid you will leave." Pei Jiuyin hugged her without hiding his emotions, even if he lowered his head and lent him his wounds, he would not hesitate.

Tong Li doesn't know why he thinks this way, but she can be sure "I won't leave."

At least not now.

When Pei Jiuyin heard this answer, he still couldn't feel at ease.

He said surprisingly again: "Then you don't want to get married, then let's have a baby, shall we?"

Tong Li was terrified by her words, pushed him away suddenly, and looked at him in surprise: "What's going on with you tonight?"

What comes out is what comes out.

Pei Jiuyin pursed his lips tightly and didn't speak, he didn't know what was wrong with him, so he just wanted something to bind Tong Li.

Whatever it is that can be tied is fine.

It doesn't matter if it's a child he doesn't like.

"Sleep quickly, don't think about these things." Tong Li lay down and turned over, pulled up the quilt a little, and closed her eyes to sleep.

Perhaps the only way to escape one or two.

Pei Jiuyin sat there motionless, looked at Tong Li's back, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Although Tong Li closed his eyes, he was not asleep. If there is still possibility of discussing the former one, the latter one is basically impossible.

"You just don't want to marry me and have a baby with me."

Just as Tong Li was falling asleep, she suddenly heard a sentence full of grievances.

Pei Jiuyin couldn't figure out these two questions, and he couldn't sleep for the rest of his life.

Seeing that there was no movement from the people next to him, he continued: "It's not easy for a person to find a person who is in harmony with each other in this lifetime. I only want a couple for a lifetime."

"You neither want to marry me nor give birth to me..."

"We've been together for so long, I haven't done anything." Because she knew she couldn't possibly get pregnant.

If it is an ordinary person who has practiced for 200 years, it is just an ordinary cultivation, and there is still hope for having a child. Although she has more than 200 years of experience, her cultivation is far beyond that. The higher the cultivation, the lower the chance of pregnancy , it is basically impossible for her to conceive a baby.

Pei Jiuyin's body froze, and the depths of his eyes were extremely deep... Hearing this, there was nothing he didn't understand.

The air on the bed became oppressive, and no one spoke.

Tong Li's heart was aching. When she came here, she only wanted to undo the curse seal, restore her cultivation, kill the fox demon, and then find a way to go back. As for this man, she seemed to have never thought about it.

But today, what he said completely disturbed her heart.


Dark clouds gathered in the night sky, and the wind and rain were about to come. The mood of the two of them was like the present moment, and both were covered with a haze that could not be dispelled.

(End of this chapter)

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