Chapter 272 Accidental Event
The next day, the two got up from the bed, tacitly did not mention what happened last night, washed and ate in silence, as if nothing had happened.

When going out, the two said goodbye to each other, and there was no more words after that.

Perhaps after knowing something, there will be some kind of change in the dark. As two men and women who have never had any relationship experience, they don't know how to deal with it for a while.

After Pei Jiuyin returned to the company, he poured out yesterday's anger on the Jing family's property.

The Jing family didn't know what was going on at the beginning, but after inquiring later, they found out that a young ancestor of the family had provoked the Pei family again, and even blatantly tried to snatch his girlfriend, and almost got their anger back.

Father Jing even put him in a confinement room cruelly, asking him to reflect and learn his lesson.

But as a lunatic, Jing Beichen, how could he reflect on his own mistakes.

Instead, let him think about how to win Tong Li here in this good place.

He knew that Tong Li didn't like him, but so what, what he wanted had to be hers, and he would do anything to get it, let alone this woman who made him a little interested.

He began to think about everything about Tong Li, and when he thought of a certain point, he suddenly realized... The dark wall he was looking at revealed a strange smile.


When Tong Li came to the company, she saw Xiao Lingling receiving an elderly lady.

The old lady was full of hair, holding a gloomy wooden crutch in her hand, and there was a lingering sadness between her brows and forehead, as if she was troubled by something.

Beside her was a woman in her thirties who kept talking in her ear.

There is also a child about 10 years old in the corner, holding a small wooden stick and playing with the birds.

Tong Li looked at the little boy thoughtfully, wondering if she saw something, and frowned slightly.

She withdrew her gaze and turned her attention to Xiao Lingling. She remembered that she had told Xiao Lingling that she would not accept any clients during this time.

Seeing someone coming in, the three of them looked over together. The old lady saw that she was a young and beautiful girl, and her cloudy eyes did not fluctuate too much.

Xiao Lingling saw Tong Li and smiled anxiously: "Miss Tong is here, this... I told these two that you will not take orders for a while, but they insist on waiting here, me, me... . "

She can't help it, she can't just drive others away with a broom.

When the old lady heard it, she knew that this was the person she was waiting for.

She stood up tremblingly, and when she saw Tong Li's appearance clearly, she paused.

She didn't know that the master introduced by the old sister was so young. The old sister said that he was a very powerful master. She would have to be 70 or 20 years old anyway, but this one was only in his early [-]s, and he didn't know what to call him for a while.

She tried to shout: "Tong...Master?"

Tong Li nodded and glared at Xiao Lingling.

Xiao Lingling lowered her head with a guilty conscience, not daring to say anything.

"Come in."

Tong Li led the two to the office.

The woman who accompanied the old lady looked at Tong Li's place like a leisure house, and felt a little suspicious: "Old lady, did we go wrong?"

Although this room is not very luxurious, none of the furnishings inside are related to fortune-telling and exorcising evil spirits, and the so-called master is too beautiful, so he doesn't look like a master at all, don't be fooled by others.

She whispered a few words in the old lady's ear, and the old lady patted the back of her hand to make her calm down.

Tong Li put away her belongings and sat on a chair: "What's the matter?"

"Go ahead."

The old lady was thinking about what Sun's daughter-in-law had just said to her, but she also knew that people should not be judged by their appearance. Since everyone has come here, you might as well take a look.

The old lady coughed lightly and cleared her throat. The lady next to her took the lead and said, "Master Tong, we learned about your name from an old lady and an old sister of the old lady. She said that your fortune and destiny are very accurate."

"I don't know if you know what we are here to find you this time?"

It was because she was afraid that the old lady would be deceived by others. If they were capable, they should be able to see the purpose of their trip. If it was just those half-bucket scammers, then I'm sorry, they turned around and left.

It's not that Tong Li has never seen this kind of tentative behavior in the past. At that time, she could understand it very well, but for some reason, she felt so irritable today. When she heard other people's doubts again, she wanted to drive away the guests.

She looked at the woman who spoke coldly. This woman had a square and broad forehead, a nose that was as sharp as a hook, dark lines appeared on the nasal bones, and gray moles appeared. This is a typical appearance of a widow.

Although the other old lady is quite old, it can be seen from her bones that she is also a widow.

"The two of you are here for the kid outside."

The old lady moved her brows and eyes slightly, and responded eagerly: "Yes."


The woman next to her interrupted the old lady: "Well, it's true that Xiao Lin of our family has been in good health since he was a child, but I don't know why he has been sick all the time recently, and he cried a lot at night. He went to the hospital for an examination and said nothing happened. I just want to see Did you come across something dirty, I would like to ask the master to help you take a look."

Tong Li looked at her, her cold eyebrows were sharp and cold, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised: "If the two of you just look at such trivial things, I suggest that you go out and turn left to the fourth one. There is one who is cheaper to exorcise evil spirits. He is also mature in appearance and fits the person you are looking for in your heart."

Since you don't know how to speak well, then don't watch it.

The woman obviously didn't expect Tong Li to react like this, and she was very dissatisfied: "No, we came all the way to find you, what's your attitude?"

She just sent her money, and this person still has this attitude, driving away guests?

Tong Li leaned gently on the back of the chair, her expression was rather displeased, she tried her best to suppress the urge to lose her temper, and said coldly: "When you came in, the little girl outside also told you that I won't take orders .”

"Since I invited you in, I wanted to help you, but you have been hiding it from the beginning, and you are not even willing to tell the truth."

"If you can't believe it, then I advise you to leave as soon as possible, and don't waste everyone's time."

The woman blushed for a while at Tong Li's blunt words, and hesitated for a long time, but couldn't utter a complete sentence.


"Okay, don't embarrass yourself here, go and call Xiaolin in." The old lady's expression turned pale, and she kicked him out. Now she believed that Tong Li was capable.

At least the momentum is enough.

The woman who was reprimanded was a little ashamed, and hurriedly turned around and went out to call someone.

The old lady showed a kind smile to Tong Li: "Sorry, the woman's hair has grown, please Master Tong don't mind."

She sighed heavily: "To tell the truth, Master, this time it is indeed for my grandson."

(End of this chapter)

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