Chapter 273 The Curse of Surviving Thirty
Speaking of her grandson, the old lady, the look on her face became even more sad: "I don't know if Master Tong has heard of the spell seal technique."

"It is a curse that can bind others. The person who is cursed will suffer mental or physical torture all his life until he dies."

Tong Li nodded.

The old lady thought of the man at home, her eyes were full of sadness.

"Our Qin family used to be a high-ranking family. At that time, it was a family that was admired by thousands of people. Our ancestors were also great benevolent people and did a lot of good things for the people."

"But it's hard to be a good person. If you do too many good things, sometimes it will hurt other people's interests."

"There is such a villain among them, who designed to frame our Qin family. Although our family was framed by the villain, God has the eyes to prevent the villain from succeeding. Our Qin family is safe and sound."

"Who would have thought that the villain would fail in one plan and make a living again. He found a wizard and cast a vicious curse on our Qin family."

"Curse us that every generation of men in Qin can't live past thirty."

In fact, the old lady is not very clear about what happened back then, she just listened to the words passed down by the previous generation.

Although she didn't experience it personally, but after listening to those brief descriptions, she wanted to cut that person into pieces.

"At first, our ancestors didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until a few years later, when the child around him became ill, that he realized that what the villain said that day was true."

"The ancestors asked someone to undo the curse, but the master at the time said that if the mantra was in the past, it would be easy to undo it, but this mantra has been printed for a few years, and the mantra has already been deeply rooted. What's more, they can't find it. The person who curses does not know what is cursed, and it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to get rid of it."

"In this way, the ancestor didn't untie it until the day he died, and our Qin family has been tortured by a curse for generations."

Thinking of her son and husband, the old lady couldn't help but burst into tears: "Master, except for women in our Qin family, no male can live past 30."

"I really have no choice. As long as there is a chance, we will find someone to lift the curse."

"Just now, my daughter-in-law's attitude was point-blank, but she is also a poor woman whose husband died a few years ago. We have been cheated countless times... me."

"Master, if you have a way, please help us, no matter how much it costs, even if you lose everything."

"I don't want the Qin family to be tortured by white-haired people sending black-haired people."

The little boy stood at the door, with his fingers tightly clasped in his trouser pockets, listening to the old lady's words with a blank expression. He didn't cry or make trouble, as if he had accepted this cruel fate long ago.

The little boy walked up to the old lady and lay down on his lap to help her wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "Grandma, don't cry."

"I'm not afraid, I will be as brave as my father, and overcome all diseases that want to defeat me."

At the end, he showed a big smiling face, trying to reassure the old lady.

"Xiao Lin is good."

The old lady forced a smile, gently touched the little boy's head, and said a little tiredly: "Ask the eldest sister to see if she can save you."

In fact, she didn't have much hope for Tong Li, but she felt that she couldn't give up even a little hope.

Especially seeing that my grandson is so cute and smart, and can only live past 30 years old.


Regardless of whether Tong Li is lying or not, she must come this time, even if she crawls, she must crawl over to find a chance for her grandson.

The little boy stood up from the old lady, stood up straight with his small body, and said hello to Tong Li politely.

"Sister, you..." The little boy hesitated to speak, his eyes dimmed, perhaps because he knew how stubborn the curse was on him, and even those old Taoist priests with a sense of immortality couldn't do anything about it, let alone Such a beautiful big sister.

"Hold out your hand and let me see."

Tong Li's table was a bit big, and the little boy's hands were not long enough, so he had to go to the other side and extend his hand to her.

The little boy had red lips and white teeth, and the fleshy cheeks on both sides looked very cute, but there was a sense of maturity in his eyes that did not belong to his age.

No one is not afraid of death, especially when he knows that he will not live to be 30 years old, he will definitely feel helpless and helpless, and may even hide in the quilt and cry at night.

Tong Li felt for his pulse, but found nothing unusual.

She let go of his hand and asked the old lady, "What happens to the body before the curse occurs?"

The old lady had learned about Tong Li's temper just now, and she didn't dare to hide anything. She pulled the little boy to her side, and removed the boy's shirt with slightly trembling hands, revealing a slap-sized thing that looked like a birthmark on his back: "Our Qin family's After the boy is born, within seven days, there will be a large black mark like this on his body."

"In today's terms, it's a birthmark." But they knew that it was not a birthmark, but a curse of a curse. All boys born in the Qin family had it, and it was a bad luck they couldn't escape.

"But this is not a birthmark. When Linlin's father was 29 years old, he was once persuaded by a friend to have a fetus removed."

Tong Li asked, "How was the result?"

The old lady sighed heavily: "What's the use of that? The operation is just to cut off the superficial mark. Once the wound heals, the black spot will grow back, and even become bigger, speeding up the speed of death."

But fortunately, her son was almost thirty at that time, so she didn't have any regrets.

Tong Li understood, and waved for the little boy to come over.

The little boy heard the past.

Tong Li put her hand on the black spot on his back, feeling the power emanating from that spot.

If it is a curse seal that has been passed down, then it should be...

Nothing at all.

What happened?
"How is Master?" the old lady asked anxiously, Tong Li's expression didn't change a bit, and she couldn't tell if Tong Li saw anything.

Tong Li withdrew his hand and asked him to put on his clothes. After careful consideration, he said: "This curse is indeed too long. But these two conditions are obviously not met."

The old lady was a little puzzled: "But isn't Linlin the one who bears the curse?"

Tong Li shook his head: "No, he is just the inheritor of the curse. If you really want to get rid of the curse, you must find the first person who was cursed. If it is rooted in him, you must solve it with him."

The old lady was even more troubled: "The ancestors of the Qin family have been dead for hundreds or thousands of years. Where can I find them?"

Tong Li looked at her coldly, and the old lady was taken aback.

"It's very simple, the cemetery, open the tomb."

Both the old lady and the woman gasped.

It would be disrespectful to open the ancestor's tomb. Even if they agreed, the other collateral clans of the Qin family would not agree.

The old lady was very embarrassed: "Master Tong, is there no other way?"

(End of this chapter)

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