The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 274 The Daughter-in-Law Is Running Away

Chapter 274 The Daughter-in-Law Is Running Away
"The simplest thing is this."

The old lady looked hesitant and her heart was beating. She never dared to think about such a thing, and she was not the only one who could decide.

Tong Li could see what she was worried about, and she thought about it. For them, opening the ancestor's tomb is indeed a big event. If it is done well, other things can be discussed. offspring.

Especially the descendants of some aristocratic families, they value these things more, and it is absolutely impossible for them to move their ancestors' graves unless it is absolutely necessary.

Last time, she still secretly went to dig Mu Simin's ancestral grave, let alone this kind of aristocratic family.

Tong Li didn't force it, anyway, she had already told her the method, it was up to her whether to do it or not, after all, fate belonged to others, and they had the right to choose.

The old lady thought over and over again, but still couldn't give a definite answer.

"Master Tong, let me go back and discuss it with the clan, after all, this is not a trivial matter."

Tong Li replied, "Anything."

The old lady said apologetically, "I'm sorry to bother you for so long."


Tong Li recruited Xiao Lingling to send the guests out, and it didn't take long for Xiao Lingling to come back with a red envelope.

She said it was forced by the old lady. In her eyes, regardless of whether something is done or not, since she made a move, she can't let others work for nothing.

Tong Li asked her to put down the red envelope, waved to her, and motioned for her to go out.

After Xiao Lingling went out, the office returned to silence. She stared blankly at the bright red red envelope, and her brain couldn't control what happened yesterday.

She really never thought about Pei Jiuyin, if she left... what would he do?
Leaving aside whether he can go back, if he really can't, she won't be able to give birth to an heir to the Pei family if he really has to spend here. It's... very unfair to him.

It is also impossible for her to accept her man and have children with other women because of the family.

Tong Li was quite troubled by this relationship. If Pei Jiuyin hadn't mentioned it last night, she wouldn't have considered it at all.


Therefore, human nature is too selfish, and it is most comfortable to focus on the Tao with one heart and one mind, but it is a pity that there is no going back.

Tong Li propped her elbows on the table, pressed her fingers on her temples, trying to push out the heavy worries.

Suddenly remembering something, she took out her mobile phone and looked through the information on it. There was no call or message from Pei Jiuyin on it.

"Bang bang bang." Xiao Lingling knocked on the office door, interrupting her troubled thoughts.


Xiao Lingling poked her head in sneakily, saw Tong Li's stern expression, and twitched the corner of her mouth: "Miss Tong, there is a call outside, do you want to answer it?"

Tong Li: "."

In fact, doing something can also make her relax, so she doesn't have to trap herself in a dead end.

"What list."

Xiao Lingling walked in and handed her a piece of paper hidden behind her back: "Just now a college student called for consultation, and I wrote all her questions in it. If you want to answer it, I will... "

Tong Li took the paper in his hand, glanced at ten lines quickly, and when he read the content on it, his expression changed slightly: "Take..."


Xiao Lingling was taken aback by her brisk speed, after all, just now she blamed her for picking up the guests indiscriminately, but now she didn't even ask clearly and just went straight?

"Okay... okay."

"But, that client is in another province"


After receiving the order, Tong Li immediately set off to the high-speed rail station regardless of whether he was going outside or outside the province, and bought a high-speed rail ticket. He was so anxious that he thought that the customer was about to hang up.

But only she knows the inside story, this list must be raced against time, and must be rushed through as quickly as possible.

After getting off the high-speed rail, Tong Li rushed to the destination without stopping.

In the car, she looked at the endless black clouds in the sky through the car window, and suddenly remembered that she hadn't told Pei Jiuyin that she was coming to other provinces.

When she took out her mobile phone and was about to send a message, she hesitated.

After thinking about it for a while, she still put the phone back.

Some things cannot be forced.

She took out the little ice silkworm and looked at it. After the little thing ate the ginseng, his body had almost recovered. His chubby little body was glowing brightly, and his body seemed to have grown up a bit.

Fortunately, this little thing is still there, and it really doesn't work: "Let's leave, you follow me, okay?"

Suddenly, there was a stabbing pain in her heart, Tong Li stretched out her hand and looked at her palm, the palm was red and white, it was not a spell attack.

what happened?

On the other side, after Tong Li said that sentence, Pei Jiuyin also felt the pain like a needle prick. He subconsciously picked up his phone and looked through it, but the phone was blank, there was no Tong Li's phone number, and no Tong Li's message.

He wanted to call her, but when he thought that she didn't want to marry him last night, he...
What should he do with her?
The driver of the car took Tong Li to the door of a villa apartment, not too big, about 100 square meters, with a total of three floors, enough for students.

Tong Li came to the door and rang the doorbell, and soon someone came to open the door.

When the visitor saw a pretty girl knocking on the door, he was stunned for more than ten seconds.

"you are?"

"My surname is Tong. You guys contacted me this morning." Tong Li looked at the childish girl. Although there was no difference in her complexion, she could see the demonic aura that belonged to the demon fox between her eyebrows.

Sure enough, she guessed right.

"Ah?" The girl was obviously shocked by her words. At that time, she heard the cold voice on the mobile phone and felt that the person opposite was not very old, but when she really saw a real person, it was not that big, it was obviously similar to herself .

"Hello, Master Tong, hehe, please come in." This address was repeated several times in her mouth before she shouted it out. Everyone was about the same age, so it was really weird to call it that.

Tong Li stepped forward, and once inside, the smell of beard became more intense. The fox demon must have stayed here before.

"Master Tong, as long as your name is Lu Shuang, let me tell you, my senior sister learned a game of inviting the immortals from somewhere."

"It's similar to inviting a pen fairy, but we don't play that scary one."

"In fact, everyone knows that this is a lie. I was just playing with her when I was bored."

"After a few laps, I didn't see anything. Everyone lost their minds and went back to their rooms to rest."

"But I woke up the next day..."

Lu Shuang hesitated to speak, approached Tong Li a little distance and then lowered her voice: "Senior sister seems to be a different person the next day."

Lu Shuang remembered how her senior looked like, and rubbed her cold arms with lingering fear, and continued: "If it's just a little bit changed, we can still accept it, but master, you don't know, Momo used to be a nephrite nun." The fragrant little woman suddenly turned into a flaming red dress overnight, a woman with a demonic look."

"Oh, you don't even know. When I first saw it, I was almost scared to death by her."

(End of this chapter)

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