The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 275 At the moment of hunting for beauty, I met Ning Xuesheng by chance.

Chapter 275 At the moment of hunting for beauty, I met Ning Xuesheng by chance.

"If it is said that she was hurt by some scumbag and wanted to change her style, we can understand it, but after playing that kind of game, her personality changed drastically. We always feel that it is very abnormal."

"Besides, she has been changing boyfriends recently. When we talked about her, she also scolded us for meddling in our own business."

"Also, Momo used to talk like a mosquito, but she was good. Except for studying, she rarely stayed out at night and never talked about boyfriends, but now she changes boyfriends every three days and takes them back to the apartment. , we can't take it anymore."

"Master, do you think my senior sister encountered something unclean, controlled her and then went out..."

It's scary to think about it


She has been 100% sure that it is a demon fox. She is afraid that she will find out her whereabouts, so she hides here, and wants to use ordinary people to recover. No, it stands to reason that it has been so long since she was hurt last time. no?
Tong Li narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling that things would not be so simple.

After the two entered the apartment, Tong Li noticed that the stench became stronger.

"Master Tong, Momo is still sleeping, I'll take you to have a look quietly."

"She doesn't know if I'm looking for someone. If Momo wakes up, can the master cover it up?"

"En." Tong Li responded, speeding up her walk.

When the two came to the door, Lu Shuang gently pushed the door open, revealing a crack in the door. Coincidentally, Lin Momo opened the door just in time.

Lu Shuang died in an instant, and the color faded from her face, she could only hold back her embarrassment: "Hehe...Momo, you're awake."

"I'm just here to ask if you want to go out for dinner together."

"This is my friend, she came to play with me today, why don't we go have a meal together, ha ha..." Lu Shuang tensed up, lying without blushing, but in fact, the hands underneath were about to be twisted by her Into a twist.

Lin Momo's beautiful eyes were half-opened, and her petite face was blushing abnormally, her tenderness and coquettishness were fully displayed. After seeing Lu Shuang, a flash of disdain flashed in her eyes, she twisted her graceful figure to push her away, and closed the door by the way, Walked straight in front of them.

"No, don't bother me."

Lin Momo was wearing a pair of red pajamas with suspenders, and there were faint marks on her delicate skin, and when she thought about the obsequiousness just now, there was nothing that couldn't be seen.

Lu Shuang looked at her shadow and was stunned for a while. After realizing it, she blushed and said, "She must have brought the man home again."

After Lin Momo went down the second floor, Lu Shuang was both ashamed and annoyed: "Master Tong, look, she is like this now, she used to be gentle and caring for us, she is not as aggressive as she is now. "

"I just can't figure out what happened to make a good girl like this..."

She had trouble uttering that word.

"Lang, Sao." Someone stood behind him at some point, and took Lu Shuang's words.

"Yanzi, why are you still here? I thought you had gone out."

"No, wait and get out."


Lu Shuang's eyes followed Lin Momo's figure closely: "Master Tong, if you want Momo to exorcise evil spirits, we will definitely cooperate with you."

As long as they can return that gentle senior Momo to them.

Tong Li lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then her heart moved: "No need."

It's easy to get rid of the psychedelic magic on Lin Momo, but her purpose is not only that, but also the people behind her.

"What's going to happen?" Lu Shuang was puzzled. Aren't exorcists usually wave things around when they see people, to drive away the evil things attached to their bodies?

"Observe first, talk later at night."

"Oh." Lu Shuang didn't understand these things, she just did what Tong Li said.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, it's the time to hunt for beauty.

Tong Li followed Lin Momo to the door of the bar.

Tonight, Lin Momo was wearing heavy makeup and revealing clothes. She stepped on a pair of seven-inch high-heeled shoes and walked up the steps with a graceful figure.

As soon as such a sexy beauty stood at the door, she attracted many malicious eyes.

Lin Momo's eyes were bright and charming, and he hooked his fingers to a mighty and majestic man not far away. The man met Lin Momo's eyes, his eyes straightened, and he felt that his soul was about to be sucked away by her.

The man threw the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground, stepped on it twice, and walked straight towards Lin Momo.

The two whispered a few words, then walked in hugging each other.

Tong Li sat in the car and watched them disappear before her eyes.

After thinking about it, he opened the car door and got out of the car. As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by a few guards.

The security guard looked at the gate for so long. He had never seen such a gorgeous woman before, and he was directly fascinated by her.

Tong Li looked at the hand in front of her eyes, and frowned: "What are you doing?"

The security guard came back to his senses, no need to ask, he didn't know that the girl in front of him came here for the first time, and he sighed in his heart: "Miss, we have to be a man and a woman to enter here, if you don't have a male companion, you can pick one around." Pleasing to the eye, let him take it in."

As for what to do in there, he doesn't need to say much, anyone who can come here will understand.

Tong Li took two steps back, looked up at the flashing neon lights, and then at the wretched man beside him.

Everyone started to throw away the cigarette butts in their hands, hang up their mobile phones, arrange their clothes and hairstyles in a hurry, and try to show their most handsome side, hoping that the fairy can choose them.

If the one just now was a stunner, then this one is simply a fairy like a fairy, if she can...

There was a hint of disgust in Tong Li's eyes, and he turned around and walked out.

It happened that as soon as he turned around, he saw Ning Xuesheng walking towards him.

When the two saw each other, they froze for a moment.

Ning Xuesheng looked up at the signboard of the bar, and asked hesitantly, "Tong Li?"

"Are you all right?"

"Why are you here?"

This is not a good place.

He remembered his purpose of coming here, could it be...

"Did you also come here to find someone?"

Ning Xuesheng did not hide from her and said directly: "I am chasing a woman who may be a demon, and my compass guided me here."

Needless to say, everyone understands the rest.

"What about you? How did you come here?"

Tong Li glanced at the nagging man: "Same."

Ning Xuesheng showed a relaxed smile, and his eyes were bright: "It's just right, let's cooperate again."

Ning Xuesheng bent his arm and handed it to her.

Tong Li is unknown.

Ning Xuesheng explained: "This is not an ordinary bar. If you want to go in, you must be a man and a woman. The entrance fee for men is 20 yuan per person. You can drink freely, and then you will prepare a room. Do you understand the rest?"

Tong Li seems to understand, but the entrance fee is 20, she is a little hesitant, what kind of grievance would spend 20 to enter such a place?Even if you eat and drink for free, you can't spend 20 yuan. Sure enough, the rich people burn everything.

There is not only one way to get in.

Ning Xuesheng saw her worries, smiled and said, "Women don't charge money here."

Tong Li gave him a strange look: "Why."

(End of this chapter)

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