The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 278 Putting People Down, She Never Relents

Chapter 278 Putting People Down, She Never Relents
The two followed Lin Momo through the tunnel for about an hour. Ning Xuesheng also admired these people. They dug such a long tunnel, but they didn't know where it would lead.

Since they are so careful, wouldn't it be better to simply build an underground palace underground?

They walked for nearly 10 minutes and finally walked out of this long tunnel.

Outside the tunnel was a pitch-black forest, Ning Xuesheng looked around, they seemed to have dug through a mountain?

It seems to be like this, looking around without the mountain is a tree.

The dense trees can achieve a good cover effect when escaping, and the exit leading here is indeed a good choice.

The two hid behind the tree, watching Lin Momo walking into the dark forest, and was about to disappear before his eyes.

Ning Xuesheng asked anxiously: "Why don't we follow?"

Tong Li stared straight ahead coldly: Why didn't she follow, she had her own considerations.

Last time she clearly tracked the demon fox, and before entering the woods, she had already hidden her aura, but in the end she let her run away.

Now that I think about it, there must be a trap around here for no reason. Once someone walks by, the fox will immediately set up a trap and retreat after receiving the signal.

So... you must not act rashly this time.

Tong Li closed her eyes and spread her spiritual consciousness outward. Her spiritual consciousness followed Lin Momo's figure and floated until she came to a pool.

When she got closer to the water pool, Tong Li found that Lin Momo was walking in a snake-like pace, and every step seemed to be calculated.

Obviously this serpentine footwork is the route to the pool.

Tong Li secretly kept it in his heart.

She watched as Lin Momo brought the man to the edge of the pool, dragged him into the water, and dived into the mouth of a cave.

Tong Li carefully observes the surrounding environment, the pool is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and this is the only place where one can enter.

The demon fox uses water to isolate its own breath and avoid her pursuit.

Huh, but also smart.

But you have to know that Skynet is not missing, as long as she starts to think badly, God will let her be sent to him.

Tong Li observed the place for a few minutes, but the person inside still didn't come out, so she retracted her spiritual consciousness into her body.

Seeing her motionless, Ning Xuesheng yelled a few times without responding, so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

When Tong Li opened his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened to you just now? I called you and you couldn't hear me." He thought something happened and almost carried him back.

Tong Li looked calm and composed, looked up at the sky, and looked at the slanting moonlight. The breeze brushed her face, and there was a strange fragrance of flowers faintly in the air.

This demon fox really took great pains to hide his hiding place.

"How is it? Shall we go in?" Ning Xuesheng was more anxious than Tong Li, and he also had his own worries. Now that the person is gone and the inside is still pitch black, is it still possible to find it?
"Of course you have to go in." The corners of Tong Li's lips curled up slightly, showing an appearance that she was bound to win, how could she let go of this hard-won opportunity.

Tong Li walked forward, took a few steps, and stopped suddenly: "Don't follow."

"Then how can it work?" Ning Xuesheng immediately disagreed. Firstly, he was looking for a demon, and secondly, he brought this person in. How could he let her go into danger alone.

Tong Li turned her head and stared at him leisurely, without any hesitation about his face: "You are too weak, and following me will cause bad things."

Ning Xuesheng: "..."

Naked and disgusted.

He's not weak, well, at least within the clan, he is considered a strong man, but if he wants to compare with her, then he really has nothing to say.

Ning Xuesheng's eyes fell on the bracelet on his hand, his eyebrows became more and more tangled.

Last time he took the opportunity to talk to the Tong family that the Yingqian beads in her hand belonged to the ancestor of the Tong family, and they were exactly the same in color and number.

When he saw her, he wanted to ask about the origin of Ying Qianzhu in her hand, but he didn't ask because the location was inappropriate.

"I'm going." Ning Xuesheng stiffened his neck. Although his ability was weaker in front of her, he still had the ability to protect himself.

The next moment, his back stiffened, and with a plop, he fell to the ground.

Tong Li has no sympathy for this, she does not allow anyone or anything to interfere, the fox is too cunning and any slight disturbance may attract her attention, she must make sure nothing goes wrong.

In the hollow layer in the deep pool on the other side.

It was arranged as a small temporary home.

A sofa is placed in the middle, and a girl is reclining on it.

The girl's skin was fair, and her small face was even more rosy and flawless, like fine porcelain skin.

The girl frowned slightly, as if she was troubled by something, and she was not sleeping very well. When she heard the movement outside, she opened her eyes sharply immediately.

Turning his head, he saw Lin Momo bringing a strong man over.

Lu Tianxue immediately got up from the sofa, stepping on the carpet with a pair of tender and tender feet, with a delicate face and a sleepy coquettish attitude, which man can resist this temptation?

Lin Momo saw that Lu Tianxue's face was full of admiration: "Master, I will bring you a good product this time."


"This man is full of spirit, Yuan Longxiong, he is definitely a good leather product." Lin Momo was very excited. After the introduction, he looked at Lu Tianxue hopefully, expecting her affirmation.

Lu Tianxue smiled charmingly, walked forward on tiptoe, stood in front of the mighty and majestic man, and looked him up and down.

The man's mind was blank and his eyes were blank, obviously not a normal state.

After she finished reading, she nodded rather arrogantly: "I found it well this time."

Lin Momo smiled excitedly: "Thank you, master, for your compliment."

Lu Tianxue picked out a strand of hair and played with it in her hand, looking like a monster: "No one noticed when I came here."

"No, no, I always pay attention to the surrounding environment, and no one will notice."

At this time, Tong Li was already standing on the edge of the pool, and he could catch Lu Tianxue as long as he went there.

Tong Li didn't choose to go in immediately, but set up an enchantment around it.

The demon fox is too cunning, block the exit and see how she can escape.

Lu Tianxue carried the man Lin Momo had captured to the bedside. Instead of absorbing the man's yang energy, she extracted the yang energy from the man and transferred it to the man on the bed.

She accidentally rescued this man, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that this man was a monster just like her, and he was also a big monster. Although he was seriously injured, she could still feel the huge monster aura of his body.

It's a bit ugly, but what she likes is not this face, but the monster power on him.

She has been looking for a way to save him these days, but she had no choice but to venture out because he was so seriously injured that she could not heal the wound even after using all her medicinal materials.

Seeing his injuries recovering little by little, she...

Suddenly Lu Tianxue's soul trembled, a feeling of imminent death approached from all around, her eyes darkened instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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