The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 279 Finally figured it out, it's not that the daughter-in-law doesn't want him.

Chapter 279 Finally figured it out, it's not that the daughter-in-law doesn't want him.

A stern look swept towards Lin Momo: "Didn't you say that no one followed?"

Lin Momo was so frightened by her eyes that she froze, and she didn't dare to vent her anger: ""

But in the next second, there was a sound of "gudong" on the surface of the pool that was still calm just now.

A shadow crashed and jumped out of the water.

When old friends met, Lu Tianxue rudely threw the person in his hand to the ground, and looked at Tong Li with a chuckle, without any panic in her eyes: "It really lingers."

She had been hiding so carefully, she didn't expect Tong Li to find this.

Lu Tianxue showed her fox tail, swung it twice, sharp nails protruded from her fingertips, her eyes became dark, and without the slightest hesitation, she rushed towards Tong Li.


Pei Jiuyin rushed to the xxx bar as quickly as possible, and mobilized some forces to block the entire bar. The people who were drinking and singing had no idea what happened. After recovering, they were locked in a room. Calling every day should not be calling the earth is not working.

The person in charge of the bar was brought in front of Pei Jiuyin, still confused about what happened.

When he saw the vicious bodyguards all around him, he shrank his neck in fright, staggered two steps back, and slowly moved his eyes to the man sitting on the sofa with a fierce look, before he could clearly see what the man looked like In this way, when his neck hurts, he was pressed to the ground.

"What to look at, be careful to dig out your eyeballs."

The person in charge yelled in pain: "This big boss, if you have something to say, talk about it, it hurts..."

The people above didn't speak, and the person in charge guessed whether it was some unsightly person who provoked the matter and didn't dare to say it. Now that they are approached by someone, they can bend and stretch in their line of work, as long as the matter is resolved.

"Is the big boss our little brother here? What did you do to make you angry? If you tell me, I will immediately..."

A bodyguard knelt down and put Tong Li's photo in front of him.

"Where is this girl?"

The person in charge looked at the photo taken by the bodyguard. The girl in the phone was very beautiful, one of those amazing girls who could be deeply engraved in people's mind just by looking at it.

It's true that this girl is very beautiful, but he has never seen it before, and if he has, he will never forget it.

Seeing that he was in a daze, the bodyguard kicked him over: "Where is he?"

"Ouch... Don't worry, brother, I've never seen this girl before."

"She's here tonight." Pei Jiuyin was filled with anger, wishing to burn this place down.

The person in charge touched his pocket in fear: "Tonight... Boss, I haven't been out tonight. I may call the doorman and ask, or they may have met."

The man realized that the hand holding her was loosened, he immediately got up and made a phone call.

After a while, the two younger brothers slipped in like being picked up by someone.

The bodyguard put Tong Li's photo in front of them, and asked them to identify it.

One of the younger brothers nodded sharply when he saw Tong Li's photo: "Yes, they entered the gate of Lingquan, and they never came out again."

It's strange to say that they went in and wandered around when they had time to spare, but they didn't seem to see them inside.

Pei Jiuyin stood up from the sofa and condensed the group of people: "Lead the way."

"Okay, okay..." The person in charge got up from the ground, rolling and crawling.

Take them to the gate of the well.

"Big boss, this is the gate of the spiritual spring." The person in charge lowered his head and gave a flattering smile.

Then he notified the people outside to turn on all the lights at the Yinquan Gate.

The strong lights scattered all the romantic atmosphere lights, and when Pei Jiuyin walked in and saw the scene inside, he frowned deeply.

How could Tongtong from his family come in such a messy place? There must be a reason for it.

At this moment, a phone call came from the capital, telling Pei Jiuyin that Tong Li had indeed accepted an order.

When Pei Jiuyin heard this, he still didn't understand.

Tong Li didn't want to leave him, nor did she want to find someone else, it was just work, just work.

It's just that the video is too misleading, even if you think about it, anyone who watches it can't help but think about it.

Now that he was sure it wasn't that, he began to worry about whether it would be dangerous for Tong Li to come here to do business, and the most urgent thing was to find someone first.

"Keep looking." Pei Jiuyin ordered, his usual indifference was a little more relaxed, because he was finally not worried about his wife leaving him.

Everyone at the scene began to move around, digging three feet to find someone. After 20 minutes, they searched inside and outside the Lingquan passage, but there was no one.

The person in charge was mentioned in front of Pei Jiuyin again.

"What about people?"

The person in charge kept shaking, unable to say anything, all he could think about was that it had been so long, why didn't the people above send anyone to rescue him?
He accidentally saw these bodyguards just now, they were all covered with belts, and the people above had not acted for a long time.

The only possibility is this person, and the people above don't dare to provoke them, so he can only play by ear: "I, I, I don't know, the people below said that the lady and a man just walked in, and then never Didn't come out."

At this time, among the group of people below, one of the men's eyes dodged.

Pei Jiuyin narrowed his eyes dangerously, and accused the dodging man: "Bring him here."

Before Pei Jiuyin started to ask questions, the man started to defend: "I don't know."

The bodyguard kicked her over, took out a gun from his waist and pointed it at her head: "I don't know what you are hiding from?"

"Where is the person?"

The man was pointed at by the cold gun, and his face was instantly pale with fright, and he was about to urinate in fright.

With a trembling mouth, he explained: "I really don't know, but I know that there is an underground passage here. If there is no one here, I wonder if the lady went there by mistake?"

Pei Jiuyin didn't say anything, and let them lead the way.

On Tong Li's side, after a fierce battle, the sky and the earth exploded, and the entire mezzanine space was hit with flying sand and gravel.

Lu Tianxue clutched her chest and spit out a mouthful of bright red blood. She was extremely shocked. It was only two or three months since the last battle, and Tong Li's strength recovered so quickly?

She quickly turned her mind: what to do, the location here is too restricted, which is not conducive to escape.

From the corner of Lu Tianxue's eyes, she glanced at the pool, and flicked her tail, a strange smell filled the small hole.

Holding her breath, Tong Li raised her sword and flew up, swinging towards her with a powerful sword energy.

Lu Tianxue rolled up a stone with her tail to block Tong Li's sword energy. The moment the sword energy touched the stone, the stone was instantly blasted into small rubble and bounced around.

A moderately large rock hit the man lying on the bed. The eyelashes of the man on the bed trembled slightly, as if there were signs of waking up.

As soon as Tong Li came in, she confronted Lu Tianxue, not paying attention to the man on the bed at all.

Bang bang bang, Lu Tianxue was beaten back steadily, and Tong Li threw her into the cold pool without noticing, this was also the result of her calculations.

She just wants to take this opportunity to swim out, she can't fight, she can only run.

Looking at the figure sinking into the bottom of the pool, Tong Li raised the corners of her lips slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile.

"Want to run? Heh"

(End of this chapter)

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