Chapter 280 This Woman Is Too Scary

She jumped down and jumped into the icy cold pool water. That delicate figure swam freely in the water like a fish. Wherever she went, the fish gave way to her one after another.

Soon Tong Li chased to the exit, and saw Lu Tianxue struggling hard from afar.

But no matter how much she did, everything would be in vain. She made two barriers, and with her ability, it was impossible to break them in a short time.

The current Lu Tianxue is like the soft-shelled turtle in Weng Zhongzhong, hard to fly with wings.

Lu Tianxue never expected that Tong Li would set up an enchantment outside.

She tried her best to smash one after another of monster power onto the barrier, and the barrier vibrated slightly, Lu Tianxue was overjoyed.

She wanted to add more demon power, but Tong Li from behind had already caught up.

She had no choice but to deal with the people behind.

The two began to fight desperately in the pool again, and the calm water rolled up.

Some fish living at the bottom of the pool were harmed by innocence, and they turned their white bellies and floated on the water.

Lu Tianxue had already suffered several injuries, her movements were limited in the water, and she struggled very hard.

After several battles, she realized that there was not much demon power left in her body, and her body was at the end of its strength, and if she continued, she would definitely die.

Tong Li sneered, it could be seen that her life was dying, no matter what she did, it was just a struggle before dying.

She put the sharp sword in front of her, and drew a spell on the sword, as long as it was driven into the demon fox's body, her life would be considered here.

Lu Tianxue also knew well that she couldn't resist this strike, so she gave up struggling, closed her eyes, and calmly accepted the coming of death.

The moment she closed her eyes, an accident happened.

The originally turbulent pool water suddenly stopped, the fish stopped swimming, the aquatic plants stopped swinging, and the tiny air bubbles rose extremely slowly.

Suddenly, Lu Tianxue's feet were empty, and she felt that she was sucked away by a powerful attraction, and she fell onto a thick arm in the blink of an eye.

Lu Tianxue's charming eyes trembled, and she was stunned looking at this strange face.

Isn't this the monster she rescued?

Tong Li emerged from the water, her black pupils exuding the coldness of plum blossoms. The person in front of her was none other than the two-headed man who wanted to die with her before.

Unexpectedly, under such a large explosive force, he did not die.

That's okay, we've gathered together today, let's kill together.

When the two-headed man saw Tong Li, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, obviously he didn't think Tong Li was still alive, and judging by the situation, her body recovered faster than his.

He pushed the person in his arms to the edge of the pool.

All four eyes opened, and the kaleidoscope-like eyes began to turn slowly. If the enemy is Tong Li, then he must not take it lightly.

"If something is coming towards me, let her go."

Although his body hadn't fully recovered, that woman saved him, and he wanted to save her out of grace and selfishness.

"Attack you?"

"Oh, don't even try to run away."

Tong Li raised his sword and flew over like lightning, the pupils of the two-headed man shrank into a small spot instantly, and then continued to expand, and the four pupils of different colors turned violently.

The entire mezzanine layer began to twist and turn, the pool of water went up against the current, and the stones all went up under the action of some kind of buoyancy, and they didn't stop until they couldn't continue on the top of the cave.

Tong Li quietly stared at the change. She knew that the two-headed man's move was to turn this place into a void, and then a powerful convection would form. Each stream of air flow was like a sharp blade, cutting iron like Mud, being in it is like putting yourself on a chopping board and letting mermaid go.

Tong Li, who has suffered this kind of loss, will naturally not wait for someone to slaughter him.

Tong Li turned her head quickly, thinking about how to break his big move.

Suddenly, the accompanying small bag shook, she took out a small box, and opened the palm-sized box.

Xiaoyoubao must have felt it a long time ago. As soon as the cover was opened, it jumped onto the shoulder of childhood with its super elastic body.

Huo Di opened his mouth, huffed and blew, and in an instant, the surrounding objects became slower. Everything visible to the naked eye was gradually covered with frost, and slowly covered everything, and finally everything was frozen in the frost.

The eyes of the two-headed man shrunk slightly, and there was a surge of energy and blood, and a little blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He was seriously injured, and he was desperately trying to break out the powerful demon power, trying to open the void.

But he never thought that such an inconspicuous bug could suppress his void?


The two-headed man gritted his teeth tightly, his four eyes protruded, and he released more demon power, but his body was already exhausted, even if his body was hollowed out, there was only so much demon power.

Xiaoyoubao straightened his body, watching his ice cubes melt, he opened his mouth and took a deep breath, hula la...and blew out another breath of icy air, and the surroundings were instantly frozen for thousands of miles, even the cracks in the stones were filled with ice.

The wound on the two-headed man burst open, and strands of blood flowed out from the wound. The severe pain made him scream, and he fell to his knees on the stone

After exhaling this icy air, Xiao Youbao lost all energy, her whole body was dead, and her head drooped weakly.

Bitterly jumping back to Tong Li's hand and rubbing it, he expressed that he was tired and wanted to sleep.

"Go to sleep, I'll take care of the rest, and I'll find something delicious for you when I get back." Tong Li closed the lid.

The little thing helped it a lot, not to mention eating ginseng, dragon meat had to be found for it.

Tong Li's gaze fell on the two-headed man again, her eyes became violent, her aura changed drastically, and even the blade of her sword glowed coldly.

Lu Tianxue met her eyes and couldn't help shivering.

This woman is horrible.

Holding a sharp sword in his hand, Tong Li's eyes were full of murderous aura, he jumped up with a tap on the toe of his shoe, and flew towards Lu Tianxue with an unstoppable momentum.

Lu Tianxue's pupils dilated rapidly, and the strong pressure made her unable to move.

This time it was really over, she was doomed.

So in the end, after running away, is it still inevitable to die?

Lu Tianxue closed her eyes resignedly, she only had three lives left, and this time only two lives remained.

She is very unwilling, but in front of strength, she will never be able to match Tong Li. Could it be that the evil cannot win the good?
Tong Li's sword was heading straight for her, and at this critical moment, Lu Tianxue's body suddenly lightened, and his back hit the mountain heavily.

And Tong Li's sword hit the two-headed man's heart.

Lu Tianxue's eyes were full of disbelief.

She just saved this man, but he... actually helped him block this fatal sword.

Tong Li frowned, seeing that it wasn't Lu Tianxue who stabbed, she immediately wanted to withdraw the sword.

In order to prevent her from killing Lu Tianxue, the two-headed man tightly grasped Tong Li's arm with both hands, regardless of the pierced body.

The corner of his mouth was bleeding, he looked towards Lu Tianxue, and shouted at her with all his strength: "Go quickly."

He didn't want to live a long time ago. There was nothing in this world worth his nostalgia. Before he died, he didn't want to owe anyone. This life should be repaid to her by him.

(End of this chapter)

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