The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 281 If there is no accident, there will be an accident.

Chapter 281 If there is no accident, there will be an accident.

Lu Tianxue was so shocked that she couldn't get back to her senses for a long time, it was the two-headed man's loud shout that pulled her back from her thoughts.

She wanted to stand up and run away, but found that her legs were weak.

She touched behind her with her hand, and when she felt a sharp stone, she picked it up and pierced her leg without hesitation.

The piercing pain made her regain some strength.

Tong Li couldn't do anything with all her strength, and she got out from the hands of the two-headed man.

She lifted the arm she kicked with her leg, and with a click, Tong Li kicked his joints to pieces.

The two-headed man still didn't let go, at this moment he no longer knows what pain is.

He is now desperately trying to gain one more second for Lu Tianxue.

But he underestimated Tong Li and overestimated Lu Tianxue's ability.

Lu Tianxue was not much better than him at this time, her body was in a state of exhaustion, let alone walking, it was still a matter of whether she could get up or not.

Tong Li bowed left and right, and after kicking two feet, she broke free from the two-headed man's restraint with all her strength.

Lu Tianxue turned back into the original fox body and crawled in along the gap in the empty layer.

She doesn't know if there is a road in it, and now she can't control so much, as long as she can walk, no matter where the road leads, she must go.

Tong Li looked at Lu Tianxue, who looked like a bereaved dog. She didn't have any compassion, and she raised her sword and swung a few sword qi.

Lu Tianxue was walking staggeringly, and a sharp stone cut her hind leg accidentally, and bright red blood flowed out slowly.

A majestic sword energy flew towards her from behind.

This time, no one could save her.

With a plop, Lu Tianxue stepped into the air and fell into a pit. She struggled a few times and suddenly stopped moving.

Forget it.

I can't get up.

So be it.

She closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.

Tong Li also thought that she would die this time.

But at this moment, a cold hurricane suddenly rose from the mezzanine layer, dispelling her sword energy one by one.

Not surprisingly, Lu Tianxue was rescued again.

Tong Li remembers the stench

This is exactly the dark force that is the Shiping Mountain Villa.

Tong Li concentrated her mind and waited for it. She knew that this was a very powerful evil force and she had to be careful.

Just as she was concentrating on preparing for the battle.

That evil spirit is gone

Together with Lu Tianxue and the two-headed man, they were rescued by that evil spirit.

Tong Li stood there, seemingly unable to accept that Lu Tianxue escaped from her again.

Ghost domain?

What kind of existence is it?

On the other end, Pei Jiuyin led a group of people into the tunnel.

The tunnel is damp and airtight, and the environment is so harsh that people feel uncomfortable walking in it.

But because of the lack of air circulation inside, he smelled Tong Li's breath, although it was very faint, he still smelled it.

Coupled with the footprints of a man and a woman on the ground, it is possible to judge the path Tong Li took.

Now that you know it, it's easy to handle.

Pei Jiuyin was very anxious in his heart, and he speeded up his walking pace imperceptibly.

But this road is too long, no matter how you go, you can't get to the end. After walking for a long time, before you reach the exit, the person in charge here bears the brunt of the punching bag.

After being beaten up by Fatty, a group of people continued to walk out.

Just when his patience was about to run out, a ray of dawn finally ushered in.

Walking could no longer express their eagerness, so Pei Jiuyin started to run, and the group of people behind followed suit.

When they stepped out of the cave, they could see that the sky outside was bright and the sun was about to rise.

Looking at the lush forest surrounded by mountains, no wonder they have to go so far, they dug this tunnel outside the mountain.

An escape route, which really took their pains.

He turned around and asked people to fill up the place.

"Master, there's a man here." The bodyguard who was the first to explore the way found Ning Xuesheng lying on the ground.

Pei Jiuyin walked over, and he could recognize this person just by turning sideways, it was the man who came in with Tong Li.

Now that this man is here, where is Tongtong?
Pei Jiuyin looked around anxiously, but there was no sign of Tong Li.

"See if there is anyone nearby."


The bodyguard picked up Ning Xuesheng who was on the ground, shook it a few times, and pressed him heavily.

Ning Xuesheng felt a burst of pain, and suddenly opened his eyes.

I don't know if it's because he is dazzled, why is he looking at so many people?
Pei Jiuyin turned around and walked towards Ning Xuesheng. The two looked at each other, and there was a deep disgust in his eyes: he looks so ugly.

Thinking of last night, this man let go of Tong Li's arms, he wished he could chop off this man's hand.

But not now.

"Where's Tong Li?" Pei Jiuyin's voice was filled with endless chill, it was a kind of chill that pierced into the heart, which made people shiver.

Ning Xuesheng looked puzzled, he didn't know the man in front of him, and he didn't know where his hostility towards him came from.

But when it comes to Tong Li.

He looked around.

"I don't know. He knocked me out yesterday, so he disappeared."

Pei Jiuyin suddenly grabbed Ning Xuesheng by the collar, his eyes were full of anger: "You don't know, then why did you bring her here?"

Ning Xuesheng frowned, he is not a good-tempered person, being picked up like this is somewhat insulting: "Let go."

Seeing that this man was still so arrogant, Pei Jiuyin couldn't bear the suppressed anger in his heart anymore, and raised his hand to punch him.

Ning Xuesheng didn't just stand there and wait for someone to beat him. The moment Pei Jiuyin raised his hand, he had already noticed his movement.

With a slight lift of his hand, he easily stopped Pei Jiuyin's fist, and pulled his other hand off, with a very unhappy tone: "Are you sick?"

The bodyguards saw that this master was no match for others, so they flocked to come up and teach Ning Xuesheng a lesson.

Ning Xuesheng took a defensive posture.

"Miss Tong, I seem to be back."

A high-pitched shout came from ahead.

Everyone looked for the reputation, and there was indeed a figure in the distance, which looked a bit like Tong Li.

Pei Jiuyin didn't want to beat Ning Xuesheng anymore, so he ran inside.

The closer she ran, the clearer she could see that the person was Tong Li, but she didn't look very well, her clothes were damaged, and a large area of ​​her clothes was stained with blood, maybe she was injured.

Pei Jiuyin quickened his pace and ran over.


Tong Li stopped in her tracks, and doubts flashed in her eyes, why did this man come again?
Pei Jiuyin ran like a gust of wind, and came to Tong Li, no matter what happened, he hugged him tightly in his arms.

Only when he truly feels Tongli's body temperature can he believe that the person is back.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry." Pei Jiuyin's lips trembled slightly, and he kept repeating sorry in his mouth.

Tong Li was full of suspicion, not knowing what he was apologizing for.

"We don't get married, we don't have babies, no, no, as long as you don't leave."

Only he knew how miserable he had been yesterday.

He can want nothing, but he can't live without her.

(End of this chapter)

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