The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 282 Daughter-in-law went into the woods with someone else

Chapter 282 Daughter-in-law went into the woods with someone else
Tong Li's expression was indifferent and she thought what was the matter, she also thought about it, some things can't be forced, it's a big deal...

"It's about children, if you..."

"No if, no, I don't want if, I don't like children in the first place, I said nonsense that night, don't take it seriously." Pei Jiuyin was afraid that she would say something harsh, so he couldn't wait to explain what he thought in his heart. There is a divide.

One day is enough for him to suffer, and he can't stand it anymore, so he just took this opportunity to talk about it and solve everyone's knots, so what should happen in the future.

Tong Li: "Actually..."

"It doesn't matter, it's just as good as it is now." There will always be only the two of them.

Pei Jiuyin didn't want her to continue talking, pulled her out of his arms, and checked her up and down: "Where is the injury? There is so much blood, why didn't you tell me when you came out? You still have to run so far, you don't know how worried I am."

His hands were covered in blood within two strokes, and now he panicked even more, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Suddenly Pei Jiuyin picked him up, and Tong Li lifted his feet off the ground, caught off guard by being hugged, and subconsciously wrapped his arms around his neck.

Seeing the panic on his face, one could tell that he was frightened: "I'm not injured, the blood is not mine."

Pei Jiuyin's back froze for two seconds, and soon returned to normal. Although he heard the explanation, he still did not let go: "You are tired after walking for so long."

It means you rest, I continue to hold.

Tong Li was speechless and struggled a few times: "I'm not tired, let me down."

With so many people around, he was too embarrassed to hug her, but she was too embarrassed to be hugged.


"lay down?"


In the end, under Tong Li's strong request, even though Pei Jiuyin was unwilling, he could only let her go, but he still held her tightly by that hand, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

Ning Xuesheng got rid of the group of people and walked towards Tong Li. Naturally, she also saw the blood stains on her body, and her face changed a few times: "Tong Li, are you okay?"

Tong Li shook his head.

Pei Jiuyin was very protective. Seeing the man so anxious for Tong Li, he felt uncomfortable: "Let's go, go back first."

Ning Xuesheng looked at their holding hands, his eyes darkened: he thought that the relationship between these two people was not simple.

Seeing that they were about to leave, he remembered what he had been thinking about all the time: "Tong Li, can you borrow a little explanation, I have something to ask you."

Tong Li hadn't said anything yet, but Pei Jiuyin was not happy, and narrowed his eyes: "I can't listen to anything."

Hitting her daughter-in-law in front of him?when he doesn't exist?

Ning Xuesheng frowned slightly, seeing the man's defense, feeling very speechless.

He shifted his gaze to the Yingqianzhu on Tong Li's wrist, and he knew that if he missed this opportunity, he would not know when the next meeting would be.

He settled for the next best thing: "Why don't you leave a different contact information."

Pei Jiuyin laughed angrily, this man is really bold, it's fine to make up his mind face to face, and blatantly asked for her contact information.

Tong Li moved his hand to break away from his hand, Pei Jiuyin's heart tightened, and his voice was deep: "Go, go home."

Then he dragged the man back regardless, saying that he was stingy or making trouble for no reason, but he just didn't want Tong Li to get involved with other men.

"Or." Tong Li hesitated.

"No." Pei Jiuyin flatly refused.

Tong Li sighed slightly, this man didn't know what kind of temper he was having, so let's not talk about it, why is he so aggressive?
Seeing the man running away, Ning Xuesheng hurried to catch up, but the bodyguards who came behind surrounded him.

Ning Xuesheng moved quickly, avoiding the interception of the bodyguards, and then more bodyguards came over, but Ning Xuesheng shuttled through the team of bodyguards like a loach, and they couldn't stop them no matter what.

The last bodyguard hugged his waist and threw him to the ground. Ning Xuesheng struggled non-stop. Seeing that the situation was not good, the other bodyguards pressed Ning Xuesheng down one by one like an arhat.

No matter how strong he is, he still can't get up from the wall of hundreds of thousands of catties of flesh.


Ning Xuesheng felt that his intestines were about to come out, cursing and swearing.

Seeing Tong Li walking farther and farther, his vision became more and more blurred, he collected a breath of energy in his dantian, and shouted to the front: "Tong Li, is that string of Yingqian beads in your hand?"

Huhuhu... The world is quiet, the fallen leaves are flying lightly, and the leaves are rustling and swaying.

Tong Li's footsteps stopped in the distance, her tranquil face turned cold, and she suddenly turned her head to look at Ning Xuesheng, who was crushed with only half of her head left.

If she heard correctly just now, Ning Xuesheng said
"Let him come over."

Pei Jiuyin moved his mouth, not really thinking about it. He didn't know what Yingqianzhu was, but her expression changed, so she stopped talking.

Ning Xuesheng felt the weight on his body getting lighter and lighter, until there was no weight at all, he turned over and took a deep breath.

Finally came alive.

Tong Li walked up to him and stopped, her eyes still cold: "How do you know?"

Ning Xuesheng was not afraid of her complexion, got up from the ground with a smile, patted the dirt on his body in disgust, then shook his arm to check if there was any other situation, and said leisurely after everything was over. : "Tell me first, do you know the Tong family in Miluo River?"

Tong Li shook her head without hesitation. She has only been here for a few months, and she doesn't know many people. He doesn't know about Miluo River.

But her string of things was brought from the Dharma-ending era. How could anyone here know about this string of beads?
Ning Xuesheng glanced at Pei Jiuyin who was following him, raised his eyebrows, and insisted on the idea just now: "Take a step to talk."

Pei Jiuyin looked at his provocative eyes, and held Tong Li's hand tightly.

He thought that Tong Li would not agree, but on the contrary, Tong Li broke away from his hand.

Just leave a sentence: "You wait here first."

Then he followed Ning Xuesheng into the grove.

Pei Jiuyin stood there dumbfounded, watching them disappear into the woods.

There was a fire in his heart, but he didn't know where to burn it, so he could only smash his gums and swallow it in his stomach.

The two came to a big rock, and Ning Xuesheng leaned on the rock, staring at Tong Li: "As far as I know, the string of thousands of beads in your hand is a magic weapon of the ancestor of the Tong family."

"You don't know Tong Li from the Miluo River, but you have the magic weapon of the ancestors of the Tong family. Where did your magic weapon come from?"

Tong Li raised her arms slightly and looked at her things: "It's none of your business."

Ning Xuesheng: "..."

He chuckled softly: "Tong Liying Qianzhu is a rare treasure in the world. If you are from the Tong family, it is fine if you hold it, but if you are not from the Tong family, I suggest you..."

Ning Xuesheng paused for a moment, her eyes fell on her indifferent face: "I suggest you return it to the Tong family."

"Tong's family?" Tong Li muttered softly, this is interesting, what is her stuff from the so-called Tong's family?

After thinking about it carefully, she can probably guess that this so-called Tong family should have something to do with her.

(End of this chapter)

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