Chapter 283 Stubbornness is his strong point

Since it is something irrelevant, ignore it.

Tong Li was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, so she turned around and left.

"Hey, why are you leaving?" He didn't finish his sentence.

Ning Xuesheng did not expect such a reaction from Tong Li, so he hurried to catch up: "Tong Li, if you are from the Tong family, I think you should contact the Tong family. I heard that the ancestors of the Tong family disappeared because they went out for training. As a descendant of the Tong family, you need to explain to them."

"As for whether to return these things, we will discuss them later."

After all, as far as she is capable, not to mention how Ying Qianzhu will deal with it, when she returns to Tong's house, that is the existence of the baby.

Going back would do her all harm and nothing good.

Tong Li was amused by his remarks.

She went back to Tong's house?

Return something?
This man is seriously ill.

Ning Xuesheng chased after her trying to persuade her: "Tong Li, let me tell you the truth, the Tong family is not as simple as it appears on the surface, it will be good for you if you go back."

Tong Li turned a deaf ear to it, so it has nothing to do with her.

Pei Jiuyin hurriedly walked back and forth, and in just a few minutes, he was already hopeless.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to see Tong Li coming out of it, and his face didn't look very good.

The man behind has been chasing her, as if talking to her.

Tong Li became more and more impatient.

Seeing this, Pei Jiuyin ran after him, stopped Ning Xuesheng who was chattering, and felt angry: "What's going on."

That look felt like he was about to go up and bite Ning Xuesheng in the next second.

"It's okay, let's go." Tong Li grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Pei Jiuyin didn't think she was fine, but Tong Li didn't make a sound, and he didn't know what happened to the two of them.

But... It would be better if the two fell out, this man doesn't look like a good guy, he's an eyesore.

"Let's go home."

Pei Jiuyin raised his hand slightly, and asked someone to stop Ning Xuesheng.

Ning Xuesheng frowned tightly, he could only hold back, he really wanted to persuade Tong Li to go back to Tong's house.

But Tong Li's character is very troublesome.

Pei Jiuyin took Tong Li to a hotel and asked her to wash off the blood on her body first, after all, she couldn't go back in this state.

During this period, he started to deal with the company's affairs, but the sound of dripping water from the bathroom disturbed him a little absent-minded.

This person went in for more than half an hour and hadn't come out yet. He wanted to go in but was afraid of being beaten out.


He clutched his arm that was hurt just now, he could only comfort himself, the beating is for kissing, Tong Li would not be beating if he didn't.

Just when he was thinking about Feifei, the phone vibrated, and when he picked it up, it was a call from the company.

His eyes turned cold, and he took his mobile phone to the balcony to answer the call.

It took half an hour to pick up, and the people in the bathroom hadn't come out yet.

This time he couldn't hold back anymore, and he wanted to go in even if he was beaten.

But as soon as he put his hand on the doorknob, the door was opened by the people inside.

Pei Jiuyin suppressed his irritability, raised his head and showed a relaxed smile: "Why did it take you so long to come out?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the person in front of him made his eyes straighten.

Tong Li, who just came out of the shower, has beautiful eyes as if covered with a layer of mist, and the eyes can absorb people's soul by turning them slightly. Her half-dry hair is scattered on her shoulders, and a few strands fall on her charming collarbone. , people can't wait to leave a few marks there.

Tong Li glanced at him lightly, and could see that he forced a smile: "If you can't laugh, don't laugh, it's so ugly."

Pei Jiuyin asked in a daze, "What?"

He is ugly?

Pei Jiuyin touched his cheek.

Tong Li walked past him slowly: "It's Guan Shangyi."

Pei Jiuyin's expression froze, wondering how Tong Li would know, but stubbornness is his strong point: "No, it's just some business of the company."

But he remembered: "Did she...have you been looking for you? No matter what she says, you don't care. If she comes looking for you again, just tell me and I will deal with it. "

He has personally experienced how terrifying Guan Shangyi's methods are. It is okay to hurt him, but he will not let her go if he dares to touch her.

Tong Li thought of Guan Shangyi who came to find fault that time, and that time also made her suffer.

It's just that this woman is not good at learning, hum.

Pei Jiuyin didn't want to talk about her, so he walked over and put his arms around her from behind. The girl's body was petite, and he just hugged her to the full, with a warm and soft jade in his arms, and the fragrance was seductive. kiss.

But Tong Li was sensitive, and when Pei Jiuyin's lips were about to touch her, she turned around in a brisk circle and escaped from his embrace.

Pei Jiuyin's hands froze in mid-air, forming an embracing motion, his face changed from bewilderment at first to aggrieved at last.

Tong Li slightly pursed her lips to hold back her smile, and looked at the blood stains on his clothes from hugging her before: "You smell."

Pei Jiuyin put down his hands, looked down at his clothes, and seriously smelled the smell on his body. The smell of blood was quite obvious.

But he was even more aggrieved: "But these are all contaminated by hugging you."

He didn't dislike her at all, he was disliked by others.

Tong Li shrugged: "I didn't let you hug me."

This piercing retort left him speechless.

Afterwards, Pei Jiuyin asked the bodyguards to buy clothes non-stop, and then washed herself into a fragrant treasure, so that she could embrace the beauty.

After the two of them had dinner, they took the plane back to the capital directly. On the plane, Pei Jiuyin took advantage of the gap when no one was around, and ate a meal with Tong Li in his arms.

It is bound to vent all the depression of yesterday and today before giving up.

Tong Li was really annoyed by the gnawing, and if she refused to listen, she would directly knock people out, so that the world would be peaceful and everyone would be safe.

Pei Jiuyin slept like this until he got off the plane, and Tong Li woke him up.

Seeing his gloomy face, Tong Li was still sulking, and couldn't help chuckling: "I told you to be quiet."

If you don't listen, you can only use strong means to make him obedient.

Pei Jiuyin was so angry and funny, what could he do, he was also very helpless, what's wrong with making out, how could a couple not kiss, he was already very restrained, okay?

Hmph... What kind of woman can only use force.

Pei Jiuyin wanted to be angry with her, but he couldn't at all, forget it.

He has been held by Tong Li all his life.

Originally, he wanted to take Tong Li home, but he was called away by the company's emergency phone on the way.

They can only send Tong Li back.

Tong Li didn't go back, she asked someone to take her to the pharmacy, You Bao was still hungry, this time it also made a great contribution, you can't lose it.

As soon as she arrived at the pharmacy, she took Xiao Youbao directly to the warehouse and took out all the rare medicinal materials inside.

I have to say that the medicinal materials in Qujia Pharmacy are really complete, and all of them are high-quality products.

But it's too much to eat.

The warehouse manager of the pharmacy recognized this worm. Last time, the young owner brought it over and ate almost half of the warehouse in just a few hours. It wasn't long before the worm came again.

Hey, look at its speed, this bug is taking medicine, it is eating its flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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