Chapter 284 Its Nutrition Pill

Seeing his pain, Tong Li said directly: "Remember how much it eats, and I will pay the bill later."

The warehouse manager was stunned for a moment, recalling what she said just now, and after thinking about it, a relaxed smile appeared on his face: "Hey, okay."

But after answering, he was in trouble again. Is the medicinal material calculated according to the purchase price?Or by bid?
The relationship between her and the young master's family must be calculated according to the purchase price, otherwise if the young master's family knows, his job will not be guaranteed.

The next scene is that Tong Li is holding a worm in his hand, picking medicinal materials from warehouse to warehouse, and the manager of the warehouse is holding a notebook, and his heart throbs every time he writes down an entry.

Although it is paid, but such a good medicinal material is eaten by a worm, it is simply violent.

Moreover, it takes a lot of energy to collect this medicinal material.

The manager of the storeroom was extremely entangled, and wanted to persuade her to take less, but finally sighed.

Seeing it eating so happily, Tong Li felt that eating it this way was not a good idea. Its stomach was like a bottomless pit. It digested as much as it ate, but the medicinal materials had little effect on it.

After thinking about it, she put it back into the box, turned around to pick up a batch of medicinal ingredients, and then took it to the pharmacy.

She put all the medicinal materials into the stove. Instead of letting it be eaten without restriction, it is better to make pills by herself, which can increase the efficacy of the medicine dozens of times. It can save materials and at the same time allow it to better restore the body. easy to carry.

Xiao Youbao is very obedient, knowing that Tong Li wants to cook something delicious for him, so he obediently stays in the box and waits.

Three hours later, bursts of tempting medicinal fragrance wafted from the medicine stove. Xiaoyoubao was a smart person, and when he smelled something good, he jumped up excitedly, and accidentally bumped into the roof.

With a slap, Urbo exerted too much force, and the roof was cracked by it.

One person and one insect looked up together, and the crack on the top was not too big or small, about 20 centimeters.

Tong Li looked helpless: "You."

Knowing that she had done something wrong, You Bao bowed her head guiltyly, seeing that Tong Li didn't blame it, and then quietly jumped back into the box.

After another two hours, the medicine stove was finally able to turn off the fire.

Qu Rui came here after hearing the news, and as soon as he opened the door, he could smell the fragrance all over the room. This fragrance was different from the past. As soon as he inhaled it, he was refreshed from the tiredness.

Definitely a good thing.

"What are you practicing? So fragrant?"

Tong Li didn't lift her head: "Some nutritional pills."

Qu Rui looked over and saw a bunch of small brown balls, which were more than before.

"so much."

"Well, it's not difficult this time." Tong Li replied lightly, completely unaware that the sentence in her mouth was not difficult, and they couldn't match it in their entire lives.

Qu Rui was heartbroken, but it didn't feel like it: "This pill is just for nutrition?"

Tong Li nodded: "Yes."

He took out two and handed them to Xiao Youbao.

"Give it something to eat?" Qu Rui was puzzled.


Qu Rui looked at Xiaoyoubao's mouth chewing, feeling a little extravagant.

Tong Li took out two more for it to eat, and put the rest in several bottles.

Qu Rui was scratching his head when he saw it, such a good thing...

He cheekily asked, "Can you give me two too?"

It's because Tong Li's things are so rare for him, he also wants to use two to study.

Tong Li has always been generous to him, without asking what he used it for, and threw him five directly, and said, "And your roof is cracked."

Qu Rui looked up and saw a crack that was neither long nor short, and there was a small round hole in the middle.


"How did this happen?"

Hit with something heavy?
Tong Li caught a glimpse of You Bao, whose nibbling movements slowed down, and immediately sold it out: "It's it, it jumped too high and hit the roof."

The sound of You Bao Ka eating completely stopped, and he wanted to see but didn't dare to look at Qu Rui.

Qu Rui smiled: "It's okay, I'll have someone come over later to make up for it."

Tong Li nodded: "Well, the cost will be on my account."

"You don't need to be so out of touch." He didn't like that it was so clearly distinguished.

Tong Li remained silent and continued with the work in hand.

Qu Rui then talked about Qu Manman's recovery: "Manman has recently been able to walk upright, she asked me when you will go to see her, she must thank you very much."

"So fast?" Tong Li was a little surprised. It stands to reason that it would take about half a month for her body to recover, how long will it take to stand up?

Her eyes fell on You Bao who was eating, and she thought of the cause and effect, and the credit must be indispensable.

This little thing is more powerful than she imagined.

Qu Rui also guessed that it was this little thing, he put his hands on his knees to support him, his fingers slid on its slippery skin: "You are such a baby."

You Bao proudly straightened her chubby waist, accepting their compliments frankly.

Qu Rui stood up straight, looked at Tong Li who was busy, thought about it for a while, and asked rather embarrassedly: "Tong Li, can you lend me Xiaoyoubao for a while."

"What are you taking with you?"

Qu Rui was a little embarrassed: "I have a friend who has a relatively stubborn disease, which has not been cured for most of his life. I want to take Xiao Youbao to see if I can help him."

It can also be said that his medical skills are not good. If Tong Li passes by, maybe he can be cured without Xiao Youbao.

Tong Li frowned slightly, Youbao just came back, and then recovered a bit, she didn't want to tell: "The little guy is very dangerous."

Although it can cure people, its lethality is also super invincible. If it hurts people, it is not a joke.

"It's okay, I'll be more careful, and it's so obedient." Qu Rui put Xiao Youbao on his palm, such a cute thing, probably no one would associate it with dangerous animals.

Tong Li was still worried.

Seeing that Tong Li was struggling, Qu Rui said directly, "Why don't you go with me?"

Tong Li shook her head: "No."

She had a headache and wanted to go back to sleep.

There was a little pity in Qu Rui's eyes, if Tong Li went, he could still ask how to cure this disease.

"You Bao, would you like to go out with me?"

"I have delicious food, you go out with me, I will give you a lot of delicious food, okay?"

You Bao was stunned when he heard the word "delicious", he didn't want to eat delicious food without bugs, but he turned his attention to Tong Li, as if he was seeking her advice.

Tong Li walked over and nodded its head: "You can go if you want, but you are not allowed to hurt anyone, you need to do what you can."

Youbao understood, and nodded obediently.

Qu Rui smiled happily, and praised it by the way: "Youbao is really smart."

Tong Li poured a few pills from the bottle for him, and asked Youbao to eat the pills when he was cured.

If you have any situation, tell it immediately.

Qu Rui repeatedly promised that he would take good care of Youbao, and bring it back to her immediately after using it.


(End of this chapter)

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