The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 285 Being dragged into a dream by others, dangerous?

Chapter 285 Being dragged into a dream by others, dangerous?
After Tong Li left the pharmacy, she asked the driver to take her home.

It's just that after the car returned to Pei's house, the person in the back seat fell asleep.

The driver didn't dare to disturb her. He sat quietly in the car and waited for 10 minutes. Seeing that there was no movement, he turned around and tried to call a few times.

But the people in the car seemed to be in a deep sleep and remained unresponsive.

The driver was a little strange. It stands to reason that people who are usually very defensive should not sleep so soundly.

He observed that Tong Li's complexion was normal, and his breathing was calm. Although he felt something was wrong, he just thought it was because Tong Li was too tired.

He waited in the car for another half an hour.

Half an hour later, the people behind still showed no sign of waking up.

The driver couldn't sit still anymore, got out of the car and opened the rear door, called her a few times, and pushed her a few times, but there was still no response.

His complexion changed, and he realized that something was wrong, so he immediately took out his phone and called Pei Jiuyin.

They didn't know what they were doing there, and they called several times but no one answered.

He called Qu Rui instead.

Although Qu Rui didn't know Tong Li well, he knew that Tong Li would fall into a deep sleep every once in a while.

After confirming that Tong Li was just asleep, he told the other side not to panic too much, and carried him back to the room first, and he will arrive later.

The driver looked at the sleeping Tong Li and was in a dilemma. He knew how nervous his young master was about Miss Tong. If he carried Tong Li in now, he would chop off his hand later.

To be on the safe side, he found a female bodyguard to carry him in.

After Pei Jiuyin finished handling the matter, he saw several calls from Tong Li's driver, and his heart skipped a beat, a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

He immediately called back, and the news he got made him unable to sit still.

Pei Jiuyin dropped his work and rushed home, when he just ran into Qu Rui who had rushed over.

After the two checked Tong Li, they confirmed that she was just asleep, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let her sleep, it will be fine after a short sleep." Pei Jiuyin knew that she must be exhausted, so he covered her with the quilt, turned off the bedside lamp, and turned the air conditioner to a suitable temperature before getting up and leaving.

And when Tong Li closed her eyes and opened them again, she found that she was in a dark place, she couldn't see anything, the surrounding was deadly silent, except for herself, she couldn't feel the breath of any living thing.

She didn't panic, but calmly analyzed her environment, and soon she realized that she should be in a dream.

Tong Li closed her eyes and pinched herself, trying to wake up from her dream, but a strange thing happened, and she couldn't wake up.

Should not!
Obviously this dream did not come in by herself, but someone dragged her into it.

"Who? Come out." Tong Li's voice was as cold as ice, which showed that she was in a very bad mood.

After waiting for a long time, except for the dark environment, no one answered her.

Tong Li frowned, and walked around slowly, looking for a way to wake up. After trying a few times, she found that her spells didn't work in this dream.

She simply stopped struggling, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to meditate.

Maybe she will come out when she opens her eyes again.

Time passed quickly in the dream, and when Tong Li opened her eyes again, there was still darkness in front of her.

She was even more puzzled, did she not come out of the dream?

She finally realized that this was not an ordinary dream.

Tong Li bit her finger, looked at the bright red blood on her fingertip, and quickly drew a spell in the air.

The rune is finished, but there is no movement in front of it, and even her blood has no effect in the dream?

Something is wrong, very wrong.

She can't sit still.

Tong Li suppressed the irritability in her heart, and walked in the dark in one direction based on her feeling.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, a small light spot suddenly appeared in front of her, two or three... She ran after the small light spot. The light spot seemed so close, but it was so far away.

The spot of light seemed to be playing tricks on her, no matter how fast she was, she couldn't catch up no matter how fast she was.

Just when she was about to give up, she bumped into a solid wall.

Tong Li groped for the wall with both hands, after touching one piece after another, suddenly there was a click sound in the silent darkness.

The wall slowly opened inward, she took a few steps back, the light from outside the wall became more and more dazzling, Tong Li subconsciously raised her hand to cover her eyes.

After the dazzling light disappeared, the environment around her also changed greatly.

The originally dark environment turned into green mountains and green waters everywhere, and she was standing under a big tree with green leaves at the moment.

When she first saw this tree, she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity with it.

Tong Li walked around the big tree before suddenly realizing that it seemed to be the tree in front of her sect.

She looked back and saw that there was nothing else but this tree.

what happened?

Did she make a mistake?
When she saw those scriptures on the tree, she could confirm that the tree was indeed the one of her denomination.

But why is there only one tree here?

What about other things?
Tong Li is full of doubts, looking up at the sky, is it an illusion?

But why did it feel so real to her?

bang bang bang
There was a knocking sound from behind, and Tong Li suddenly looked back.

Apart from the green mountains and green water ahead, there is no material that can make the sound of the drum. Where does the sound come from?

It's all too weird.

Tong Li took a step forward vigilantly, the scene in front of her eyes suddenly shattered little by little, and then pieced together a clear and transparent river. Soon she found that apart from the normal river, other things were either gray or black.
This place is like a world of black, white and gray. There is no color in anything. The surrounding air is very depressing and dull, making people subconsciously want to escape from here.

Tong Li looked at the river, the water in the river was very fast, but there was no sound.

She knelt down, picked up a stone and threw it into the river. The stone miraculously floated on the water, and then floated along the river to a bridge not far away.

When she turned her eyes back to the river in front of her, the water in front of her quietly turned gray.

As the water flows faster and faster, the color of the water also deepens, getting darker and darker, because the water without color at the moment looks more like black.

But Tong Li knew that it was not black, but red.

A very strong smell of blood gradually wafted from the red river, hitting her sense of smell.

Tong Li frowned in disgust, raised his hand to cover his nose, and the river surface gradually became cloudy,

This is a river of blood.

Is there a river of blood?

The blood river is still going on, and soon a simple bamboo raft will flow down the river. On the bamboo raft lies a woman in white clothes. Her clothes are more retro and grandly decorated, unlike the people of today.

The bamboo rafts followed the river, passed the stone bridge in front, and then disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the second bamboo raft went down the river. This time, the woman was wearing a Haiqing costume, obviously a monk.

The bamboo rafts still flowed downstream to the stone bridge and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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