Chapter 286 Do You Dare To Bite Me?

That stone bridge seems to be a bridge hole that can swallow all living things, no matter what, as long as it passes through it, it will disappear without a trace

Tong Li stood on the bank and looked at each other coldly, bamboo rafts appeared one after another, and disappeared one after another.

Women's clothing, from complex ancient clothing to simple modern clothing, seems to show her the evolution of history over time.

There is another problem that has to be said. The mouths of these women lying on the bamboo rafts have been pasted with yellow notes.

Once a dead person is pasted with a yellow note, even if he goes to the underworld, he will not be able to redress his grievances, and he will not be able to repay his grievances. He is full of grievances and can only swallow his stomach.

Seeing that the number of unjust souls is countless, this is definitely not as simple as ordinary unjust dead souls.

While she was thinking, all these drifting bamboo rafts suddenly disappeared, and the blood-red river changed drastically in an instant.

The river, which was originally full of blood, turned into an unbearable stench, and the water flow turned into bundles of hair.

They tried to climb up to the bank, but something in the river seemed to restrain them.

Those hair strands were constantly struggling in the river, and it could be seen that not only their mouths were sealed, but their actions were also controlled.

River full of hair?
This reminded her of the recently panicked wig case.

Shouldn't it be?

Tong Li stood by the river, her expression was frighteningly cold, and there was a deep mystery hidden in the depths of her pupils, she could probably guess a little bit of why she was here.

A group of ghosts and monsters who don't know how to live or die.

Perhaps because she sensed that Tong Li was angry, when she was about to leave, those hairs twisted and twisted in the river to form two words.

'Help. '

These two words only appeared for three seconds, and the river surface returned to calm in an instant.

At this moment, the scene in front of him collapsed instantly.

When she saw something again, it was dark.

Did she return to that dark dream?

No, there is temperature, breath, and familiarity here.

Tong Li moved her hands and found that her hands were tightly held.

Looking sideways, that handsome face came into view impressively.

she came out?

The soft bed shook slightly, Pei Jiuyin turned over and stood up, and when Tong Li's fingers touched slightly, he felt it.

Thinking that his hallucinations did not wake up, when he heard her breathing quickened slightly, and her palm moved again, he turned over abruptly, and two pairs of black shiny eyes met instantly.

Pei Jiuyin's initial doubts turned into joy: "Tongtong, you're awake."

He turned on the desk lamp, saw Tong Li's eyes open, he was so excited that he couldn't speak, and hugged her into his arms.

"You finally woke up." Pei Jiuyin was both surprised and happy, and his tone was full of rejoicing.

"You slept for so long this time, you almost scared me to death."

"How long have I been asleep?" Tong Liren just woke up, her throat was a little dry, she coughed lightly.

Pei Jiuyin had sharp eyes and ears, and immediately got up to pour water for her, saying, "One month."

After Tong Li drank up the whole glass of water, he felt a little better in his throat.

"How is it? Are you feeling better?" Pei Jiuyin took the water glass from her hand, and patted her on the back thoughtfully.

Tong Li stared blankly at the front, has this dream been so long?

Pei Jiuyin looked at Tong Li who was in a daze, and directly picked her up and nestled her in his arms, rubbing his slightly bearded cheeks against her neck: "What are you thinking?"

Tong Li felt a little uncomfortable and dodged a little, but the whole person was in his arms, where could he hide?

"It's nothing." Tong Li didn't intend to tell him, even if he did, he wouldn't understand.

But for a month...

"Pei Lizheng, have you come to see me?"

Pei Jiuyin's body was slightly stagnant, and his face was vaguely unhappy. The daughter-in-law had just woken up and was still in his arms, so she asked Pei Lizheng before she even asked.

Tong Li noticed his abnormal aura, raised her head slightly and saw him pursing his lips slightly, this man seemed unhappy?

"What's wrong".

Wasn't it fine just now?

Pei Jiuyin's face was expressionless, and his eyes were cold with tenderness. Taking advantage of the moment when she was in a daze, he deftly lifted her lower jaw, lowered his head, picked up the piece of glutinous rice flour and bit it.

Tong Li's eyes were slightly rounded, and she took a light breath, and there was a slight pain in her lips.

Both of them smelled blood, and Pei Jiuyin's tongue curled up with blood, and the jealousy in his heart remained undiminished.

Tong Li got angry and pushed Pei Jiuyin away.

Raising his hand to touch the place where he was bitten, he was slightly annoyed: "What are you doing, you dare to bite me."

"Hmph... This is the price you pay for talking about other men in my arms."

Pei Jiuyin pulled him back, but Tong Li refused to touch him.

"What kind of man is wrong?" She just asked Pei Lizheng.

After Tong Li finished scolding, she got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the beautiful figure who disappeared in the bathroom, and still didn't feel that he was wrong, but thinking about Tong Li's face just now, it seemed that it was really painful. He rubbed his lips and squeezed them hard... Sucking, it seemed to be true. It hurts.

The man who had tasted the pain sat on the bed and suffered for half an hour. When he saw Tong Li coming out, he ran over immediately, took the towel from her hand, and wiped it for her graciously.

Her mouth was extremely diligent: "I'm sorry, I was impulsive just now."

Pei Jiuyin passed her face over, pursed her lips slightly: "Why don't I let you bite it back, and don't be angry with me, okay?"

Seeing his childish behavior, Tong Li couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm not angry."

"Yeah." Pei Jiuyin smiled, stood up straight, and continued to wipe her hair.

After brushing for about 20 minutes, her hair was almost dry, Tong Li asked him to stop, and suddenly her body flew into the air, and she fell into the arms of the jackal again.

"You're all right, then it's my turn." The beauty could be so greedy to death.

Tong Li glanced out the window at the night, and the time now is estimated to be two or three o'clock.

"It's too late, let's go to bed."

"Well, go to sleep." Pei Jiuyin stared at her face, eyes full of lovesickness, no matter how she looked, she didn't look like she was going to sleep.

Pei Jiuyin put her down on the bed flat, as if she was afraid that she would run away, half body up, and began to question: "You have slept for so long, did you miss me in your dreams?"

Those eyes seemed to be warning her that as long as he dared to answer no, he would tear the person in front of him to pieces.

Tong Li lowered her eyes slightly and remained silent.

There was still something that Pei Jiuyin didn't understand, Wei Liang's fingers stroked her fair collarbone intermittently, and slowly slid up.

It seemed that he was considering whether to sip at the collarbone, the neck, or the face, and finally his gaze fell on the lip that was bitten by him.

Inexplicably, he felt that the wound was fatally attractive to him.

He lowered his head and wanted to kiss her, but Tong Li's side avoided him.

Pei Jiuyin kissed her directly on the cheek.

Tong Li pushed him away from her, and said fiercely: "You can't touch my mouth tonight."

Pei Jiuyin saw her serious eyes: "..."

Do you regret taking the medicine?

Don't Have
(End of this chapter)

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