Chapter 287 What are you running for?
If you don't want to kiss, then don't kiss, and there is not only one place where you can kiss, her whole body is his, so you can kiss wherever you want.

Seeing him see his malicious eyes, Tong Li had a bad premonition, her lips moved slightly, trying to warn him, but Pei Jiuyin knew what she wanted to say, and stretched out a finger to press her lips.

"Don't talk." Pei Jiuyin's emotional voice was like the mellow strings of a piano, making people's hearts tremble inexplicably.

When Tong Li was distracted, Pei Jiuyin instantly pulled her into a boundless vortex.

She clearly felt the changes in her body, she had no way to resist him, and could only follow him to sink step by step.

The man knew her too well.


When she woke up the next day, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and Tong Li looked sideways at the man with one hand on his cheek.

Pei Jiuyin had a sweet face, and every pore on his body was emitting a smile.

Tong Li moved to the side, she must stay away from this man.

When she moved Pei Jiuyin away, she moved over there, and he would not stop until he was stuck with someone.

"Why are you running? I won't eat you."

Tong Li rolled her eyes at him, and she was ashamed to say, what's the difference between wanting to eat people like that last night?

Guilty, Pei Jiuyin didn't dare to look into her eyes, and raised his hand to gently play with her hair.

The atmosphere on the bed is warm and harmonious, which makes people feel indescribably satisfied.

I thought to myself that this is actually very good for the two of you, as long as the two really love each other, then the marriage certificate is just a piece of paper, and it doesn't matter if you want it or not.

He has never considered the child, and it is exactly what he wants.

Pei Jiuyin grinned foolishly, and kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose.

Daughter-in-law is the best.

"Get up quickly." Tong Li pushed him, and her soft little hands touched his strong muscles, and Pei Jiuyin's aura instantly became dangerous.

"I thought about it, but you look at me like this, and you look at me so affectionately, how can you let me get up?" Pei Jiuyin's voice was hoarse, with warm palms on his delicate waist, one by one. Qiao Jin brought people above him.

Tong Li clearly sensed his change, wanted to scold him, but didn't know what to scold him.

Pei Jiuyin laughed happily, seeing Tong Li's embarrassment was not easy: "I'll go to work if I do it again."

bang bang bang...

As soon as the fire started, there was a knock on the outside door.

The two were taken aback, no one in this house dared to knock on this door.

Except for one person.

Pei Jiuyin's face became extremely ugly, obviously knowing who was knocking on the door.

"Someone is coming." Tong Li broke free from his restraint and got off him.

Pick up the clothes on the ground and put them on.

With a dissatisfied expression on his face, Pei Jiuyin violently hit the bed twice with both hands.

Tong Li suppressed her smile and reminded him specially: "Get up quickly."

Dong dong dong, there was another series of intensive knocking sounds on the door. The people outside were not knocking on the door, they were obviously smashing the door.

Pei Jiuyin had no choice but to get up from the bed, picked up the bathrobe thrown at the end of the bed, put it on casually, and opened the door with resentment.

As soon as the door opened, Pei Lizheng was taken aback by Pei Jiuyin's dissatisfied eyes before he could speak.

Intentionally or unintentionally, he wrote inside: "Is Tong Li awake?"

Pei Jiuyin turned sideways, raised his hand to block his peeping eyes, and said coldly, "I'm awake."

Pei Lizheng seemed to have noticed something, and touched his nose in a little embarrassment: "Then I will go down first, and you will let her down later."

Originally, today was just a routine question, and he didn't expect to break the good news of others. He can only say that the young people nowadays are really ignorant.


Pei Jiuyin slammed the door shut, venting her dissatisfaction.

After Tong Li washed and changed her clothes, she walked slowly downstairs.

As soon as Pei Lizheng saw her, he immediately went up to meet her, and couldn't help saying a few words to them: "You guys really got up early enough, and lunch will be ready for you a few minutes later."

"Uncle Lizheng, what's the matter with you?" Pei Jiuyin radiated dissatisfaction with him from head to toe.

About half a month ago, his uncle came to report to his house every day. He said that Tong Li was not awake, but he just didn't believe it. He came over on time every day to have a look, to make sure that she was really awake before leaving.

Ask him anything and he won't say anything.

Pei Lizheng gave him a cold look, said nothing to Tong Li, "Let's go, I'll take you somewhere."

Tong Li asked: "Have you found it?"

"a little."

"Where are you going? What are you looking for?" Pei Jiuyin felt uncomfortable watching the two chatting like a charade.

Pei Lizheng gave him a meaningful look: "Mind your own business and leave other things alone."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

What's the matter with him?He is very good.

Pei Jiuyin grabbed Tong Li and whispered in his ear: "What does Uncle Li Zheng want you to do? If he has any excessive demands, please ignore him."

Pei Lizheng raised his eyebrows slightly: How did his nephew become like this?When he is deaf?So bury him.

Tong Li: "Okay, you go to work first."

Pei Jiuyin: His daughter-in-law didn't take his side. What the hell are they plotting?


In the end, Pei Jiuyin squeezed into the car of the two of them, the kind who still couldn't get out of the car.

Pei Lizheng has finally seen that the arrogant nephew that outsiders say is almost as good as Lai Zi.

Is it because he is afraid that he will sell Tong Li?Is he that kind of person who wants to follow him life and death?
Oh, virtue.

Pei Lizheng looked at Pei Jiuyin through the rearview mirror. He had never been so clingy before. It felt a little goosebumps when it was used on his nephew.

Pei Lizheng withdrew his gaze and focused on the front.

He brought the two of them to an office building, which was actually not far from where Pei Jiuyin worked. The difference was that there was a civil building over there, and this was a public office, not everyone could enter.

Pei Lizheng led the two of them all the way without hindrance, and as soon as they entered the door, they could see everyone busy at work.

But Tong Li knew that they were working on the surface, but everyone was paying attention to their movements.

Pei Lizheng took them to a computer room where there were a lot of computers. When everyone saw them coming in, they didn't even glance at them, they were all busy with their own business.

"Tong Li, look, this is the place where we paired up before, I wanted to tell you before, but you"

"We have sent people to investigate these places, but nothing can be found."

"I've been to these two, and I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell what's wrong."

Pei Lizheng pulled out some pictures to show her.

Tong Li just glanced at it lightly, and said with certainty: "No problem."

Pei Lizheng took a closer look, and compared the manuscript given by Tong Li: "No, these two places are closest to yours, please take a closer look."

Tong Li shook her head: "No need to look, these two places are very clean and there will be no evil spirits."

"Yes, it's very abnormal." Pei Jiuyin helped, and everything the daughter-in-law said was right.

(End of this chapter)

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