Chapter 288
Pei Lizheng rolled his eyes.

I really don't like the current nephew, who looks like a slave to his wife, without the aura of a person in power in the Pei family.

An unlucky thing, being crushed to death by a woman.

While cursing silently in his heart, he called out all the pictures that had been screened out before.

"Look, we have conducted a large-scale global collection. The places marked on your map are all here. If you can find it, you will find it. If you can't find it, you can figure it out."

"Such cases are now happening all over the country. In just one month, more than 1000 victims have been added. The situation has become more and more serious. If the person behind the scenes is not found, the consequences will be disastrous."

"It can also be seen from these things that the people behind seem to be very anxious. They know that we are investigating, but they are still expanding the scope."

"Our team members have detected the den several times, but she escaped in the end."

As soon as he mentioned this, he felt even more aggrieved, obviously he was about to arrest someone, and in a blink of an eye, let alone someone, he didn't even have a house.

Now I can only pin my hope on Tong Li, let her quickly find out who is behind the scenes, so that the world can be peaceful.

Tong Li looked at the pictures played on the computer seriously, and suddenly a river on a picture caught her attention.


Pei Lizheng stopped immediately.

Tong Li narrowed her eyes slightly, measuring the size of the river in her heart, and the bridge in front of her, which was very similar to the one in her dream.

Does this bridge exist in reality?

"Where is this place?" Tong Li asked, pointing to the picture.

Pei Lizheng glanced at the picture, the scenery on the picture had only a slight resemblance to her manuscript, so it couldn't be this place.

He nimbly entered a few strings of codes on it, and called up the detailed address of the picture.

Tong Li frowned when she saw the words Miluo River above.

In other words, she didn't know this river at all before, but Ning Xuesheng mentioned it to her that day.

The Tongjia of the Miluo River.

"What? Got a clue?" Seeing her lost in thought, Pei Lizheng thought she had seen something.

Tong Li was worried and didn't answer, let him continue to read, but her mind was all on the river just now.

dream foreshadowing, wig, river
Tong Li didn't tell Pei Lizheng what she found unusual until she left. She wasn't sure if the river had anything to do with the wig case.

Only Pei Jiuyin saw that Tong Li was hiding something, but he was on his wife's side, and she didn't say that there must be her reasons.

He had also heard about wigs harming people, but even Pei Lizheng couldn't find out, which showed how deep the water was inside.

Pei Jiuyin held Tong Li's hand tightly, and his face became extremely serious: "Tongtong, I have no objection to you helping Pei Lizheng, but if it involves your own danger, you must put your own safety first."

"Yeah." Tong Li absent-mindedly responded, poking the cake on the plate again and again, thinking over and over about the connection between the river, the wig, and the woman.

Pei Jiuyin knew that she must not be relieved, so he sighed slightly.

After the two separated, Pei Jiuyin went to work, and Tong Li returned to the company.

When she got out of the elevator, she was taken aback by the scene in front of her as soon as she turned a corner.

The corridor was full of more than a dozen men and women, old and young, discussing in one go, as lively as a vegetable market.

If it wasn't for the familiar door, she would have wondered if she had gone to the wrong door.

Some people didn't know Tong Li, and thought he was here to grab resources from them. Everyone took a look, then looked away, and continued to discuss their own topics.

Tong Li walked in cautiously, full of suspicion.

The environment in the room is relatively good, with only a few people sitting on the sofa discussing.

As soon as Tong Li entered the door, all eyes fell on her.

Xiao Lingling's eyes widened, and when she saw her boss came back, tears filled her eyes with excitement: "Miss Tong, you are finally back."

If her boss doesn't come back, she will collapse.

Tong Li ignored her excitement, looked outside and asked, "What's going on outside?"

Xiao Lingling opened her mouth wide, wanting to say something but didn't know which one to say first.

"Yes... they all come here for fortune-telling. They said they used to be customers at the end of the street. After you moved away, they inquired everywhere. They finally found out that you are here, so they came here every day."

She couldn't be driven away, she was really exhausted.

"Master Tong, do you still remember me? I brought a child here last month." The old lady came tremblingly with the support of her daughter-in-law. The situation in the past two days really shocked him.

When I came here before, it was deserted and deserted, and there was no one around. This time, there were so many people that the door was almost bursting.

Tong Li nodded and recognized her, she is the family that has been cursed for generations.

"Hey, just remember."

"Then we..."

"Master Tong, you are Master Tong. Hey, it's our fault for being blind. I didn't recognize you when you walked past just now."

"I said where did such a beautiful little fairy come from? It turned out to be Master Tong."

"My fault, my fault."

The old lady flattered Tong Li, and then started to get to the point: "Master Tong, I was introduced by Aunt Chen. She said that you are very accurate in fortune-telling. I brought all the birth dates of my family here. You Help me do the math."

"It doesn't matter if it's more expensive, you can help me approve a batch of their lives. If there is any disaster, I can avoid it."

"Master Tong and I, I heard that you are very good at treating night crying. My granddaughter was just born three months ago and she cries every day. Her voice is hoarse, but she can't find the reason. When will you come and help her?" let me see."

"Master Tong and I, I've been waiting for you here for a long time. My family has had bad luck recently. Whenever you have time, please help me to see if there are any demons and ghosts. It's a matter of Feng Shui..."

"Master Tong and I..."

"And I……"

A group of people pushed and shoved in front of Tong Li like hungry wolves rushing for food, the whole scene became chaotic, Tong Li was pushed back again and again by them.

She didn't know what happened this month.

Suddenly a hand stretched out from behind, grabbed Tong Li's arm, and pulled her out of the crowd with force.

Before the group of grandpas and aunts could react, they quickly brought them into the office and locked the door.

Tong Li was able to escape from Shengtian.

When she saw the person in front of her clearly: "Why are you here?"

Ning Xuesheng raised a handsome smile: "Come and find you."

He glanced around and praised: "You Sixiang did a good job, amazing."

"However, with your ability, I thought you would have a great reputation in the capital, but when I asked about you here, everyone didn't know what to do. It took me a lot of effort to find this place."

"What do you want from me?" Tong Li bypassed him and sat back in her seat, completely uninterested in how he found someone.

(End of this chapter)

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