Chapter 289 Her Anxiety
Ning Xuesheng sat down in front of her, and smiled lightly: "Of course I'm here to persuade you to go back to Tong's house."

He had repeatedly thought about it before, and it would be a great loss to the Tong family and Tong Li's misfortune to let such a powerful person like Tong Li fall outside.

Anyone can do fortune-telling like this, but it's too overkill for her. It's better to go back to Tong's house to give full play to her value. It's definitely better than being a fortune-teller silently here.

Tong Li was not surprised by his reason.

It just so happened that she had something to ask him.

Tong Li took out a notebook from the drawer, and took out a pen to draw a river and some buildings beside the river.

After finishing the painting, I read it again, confirmed that it was correct, and then handed it to him: "Do you know where this is?"

Ning Xuesheng was still thinking about why she reacted so calmly this time, and when she saw the picture she drew, she frowned: "This?"

Tong Li: "Is it the Miluo River?"

Ning Xuesheng shook his head, and looked at Tong Li suspiciously: "To be precise, it is a branch of the upper reaches of the Miluo River."

"Why do you ask about this river?"

To be honest, this river and the mountain forest are under the jurisdiction of the Tong family, and ordinary people can't get in at all.

How did she know about the river?It can also accurately describe the surrounding environment.

she has been?
This statement was overturned in the next second.

Tong Li said: "I want to go and have a look."

Ning Xuesheng: "Go and see, what are you looking at?"

After realizing it, he was overjoyed, no matter what she wanted to see, wouldn't it be in his favor that she would go there?
He asked anxiously, "When are we going?"

For Yu Tongli, of course, the sooner the better, she wanted to find out whether that dream had anything to do with the wig case.

Bang bang bang... The door was knocked loudly.

Only then did the two remember that there were still many customers outside, and they could only hide for a while hiding inside.

Tong Li winked at Ning Xuesheng, if she didn't deal with these people today, she might not be able to get out of this door.

Ning Xuesheng didn't know why.

Tong Li moved her chin towards the door.

Ning Xuesheng reacted belatedly, and pointed at the tip of her nose in surprise: "You won't let me go..."

Tong Li nodded.

Ning Xuesheng was speechless.

What does this have to do with him? He's here to find someone.

But the meat has already reached the wolf's mouth, does he have a chance to resist?


In the end, Ning Xuesheng was dragged by Tong Li to work as a coolie, and some simple trivial matters were all pushed to him.

She only receives the accursed old lady.

The old lady seemed more impatient this time, and she paid a high price to persuade the clan to agree to open the ancestral grave.

She was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, so she rushed to look for Tong Li overnight, but it was a pity that she didn't find Tong Li when she arrived.

So she came and waited every day, and waited for nearly a week before Tong Li came back.

But at this moment, Tong Li couldn't spare time to go out, but fortunately she was not in a hurry.

Tong Li showed her a date and asked her to prepare all the things to be prepared, and she would go there when the time came.

The old lady didn't understand these things, so she did what Tong Li said. After confirming the date with Tong Li repeatedly, she went home with peace of mind.

Tong Li helped deal with a few more clients, while Ning Xuesheng worked a little harder, taking out orders and handling some uncle and aunt affairs.

After Ning Xuesheng came to his senses, he was exhausted. He couldn't figure out why he listened to Tong Li so much, and he did what she said.

Now that he thinks about it carefully, he feels that Tong Li gives him a feeling that she is a natural orderer, and others will obey unconditionally what she says.

Or maybe there is a win-win relationship between the two, and he obeys her orders unconsciously.

The hell knows what's going on.

On the other hand, Tong Li waited for Pei Jiuyin to come home, and told him directly that he was going to visit M City.

Pei Jiuyin knew at a guess that it was for the wig.

"It's okay to go, I'll go with me too." Now when he heard that she was going out, he panicked, especially when he went to some strange places.

Who knows if something will happen again, it's okay to go, you must take him with you.

At least he could be of some help.

"But your job?" Tong Li was a little worried, and didn't know if Guan Shangyi had left, what if she made trouble while he was away.

Pei Jiuyin didn't take it seriously: "It's okay, the sixth child is back, I'll let him go to work tomorrow, leave him the small things, and I'll just give you an opinion on the big things."

Old Six: Thank you so much.

Tong Li is still worried: "Guan Shangyi"

"Don't worry about her, something happened to her company abroad, and she won't be able to come back for a while."

Pei Jiuyin blocked her words everywhere, and Tong Li lowered her eyes and remained silent, tacitly acquiescing that he followed.


Three days later, Pei Jiuyin brought Tong Li to the airport. When he saw Ning Xuesheng, the alarm bells rang in his heart, and his tone was rather unfriendly: "Why are you here?"

No matter how you look at this man, you hate him.

Ning Xuesheng didn't expect Pei Jiuyin to follow him, and he also had a bad face when faced with this man who was exuding malice towards him: "Why can't you stay here? Your house drives the airport?"

"You..." Pei Jiuyin clenched his fists, seeing this man even more unpleasant.

"Don't make noise." Tong Li gave a cold look, and both parties shut up.

She didn't know what happened to these two men, it was only the second time they met, and they were like enemies when they met.


Seeing that Tong Li was unhappy, Pei Jiuyin closed his eyes angrily, and glared at Ning Xuesheng.

He endured it for Tong Li.

From then on, the two of them didn't say a word except to stare, but even if they didn't say anything, they could feel the smoke from their eyes as long as they got close.

Tong Li turned a blind eye.

The three waited in the VIP room for about half an hour, and the airport staff informed them to get on the plane first.

Pei Jiuyin took the first-class cabin, so that the two of them could spend more time together, but why did that obtrusive man follow him in.

He subconsciously wanted to chase him away, but Tong Li stopped him.

Pei Jiuyin could only endure the space of the three of them aggrievedly.

During this period, he wanted people to throw this thing out many times, but if Tong Li started arguing with him because of this, the loss outweighed the gain.

Pei Jiuyin could only bite his gums and swallow in his stomach.

After getting off the plane, Ning Xuesheng arranged them to a local big hotel.

To be honest, he brought Tong Li, but he didn't mention it to anyone except his old father.

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so, but everyone brought it, and there was no turning back.

Besides, if Tong Li wanted to go to the upper reaches of the Miluo River, he had to obtain the consent of the Tong family.

He planned to arrange people here first, and then discuss it with his father tonight. As for what to do tomorrow, we will talk about it tomorrow.

Tong Li began to feel uneasy after taking a seat in the hotel.

No, it should be said that from the moment I got off the plane, my brows kept jumping, as if to indicate that something bad would happen.

Pei Jiuyin sensed that Tong Li was not in the right mood, and approached quietly behind her, wrapping his slender arms around her waist, resting his chin lightly on her shoulders, his hoarse voice rang in his ears: "What's wrong?"

Tong Li turned around slightly: "It's okay."

"Are you too tired? Why don't you go to sleep first."

(End of this chapter)

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