Chapter 290 Meeting Tong's Family
After Ning Xuesheng returned home, he was anxious to find his father all over the house, even turning a blind eye to his own mother passing by.

Later, when he heard that his father was in the study, he ran up in three steps at a time, feeling extremely anxious.

Ning's mother had never seen such an anxious expression on her son, she wanted to follow up and ask, but after thinking about it, forget it.

She can't help him.

The two closed the door and chatted for half an hour. As soon as they left the room, they rushed to Tong's house. Father Ning didn't know that his son would bring him back so quickly.

Don't even say a word in advance.

It's a mess now.

Inviting people back is a matter of big or small, but after all, it is not their own business, and it is up to them to decide whether to accept them politely or not.

Ning Xuesheng's father and son rushed to Tong's house, it was already eleven o'clock, they would sleep and go out to play, basically no one was at home.

The two waited in the living room for a while before someone came down from upstairs.

"Brother Xuesheng? Uncle Yang." A handsome-looking boy with a slightly thin body came down the stairs.

He is the youngest son of the Tong family, and also the most precious one of the Tong family. He was weak and sick since he was a child, and he saved his life by using a lot of precious medicinal materials at home, so he took care of him naturally.

Ning Xuesheng stood up from the sofa, seeing his frail appearance, he wanted to go up and give him a hand.

But he has more pressing matters today.

"Tong Heng, where's your father?"

Tong Heng raised his hand to slightly cover his mouth and nose, and coughed twice: "He has left country Y and hasn't come back yet."

Ning Xuesheng asked again: "What about your elder brother?"

Tong Heng: "Go to S City to handle some business matters."

"Then your second sister...?"

"She went to Paris and it will take a month before she comes back."

Ning Xuesheng was even more anxious now: "Why did they all go out at this juncture."

Tong Heng frowned: "Brother Xuesheng, what happened? Call my dad if you are in a hurry."

Ning Yang stood up and said, "Let's fight."

"Children can't be the master of this matter."

Tong Heng sat on the sofa, poured himself a glass of water to moisten his throat, his eyes darkened slightly.

He knew that his body was thin, and he really couldn't make decisions about the affairs of the family. He could only be kept in captivity at home like a canary.

Ning Xuesheng dialed Patriarch Tong's phone number, and the phone was connected, but no one answered it for a long time.

1 minutes later.

Ning Xuesheng shook his head: "No one answered."

He thought about it for a while, and called the eldest brother of Tong's family again, but they didn't know what was going on today, and they all didn't answer the phone as if they had made an appointment.

Tong Heng raised his hand to smooth out the wrinkles on his clothes: "Brother Xuesheng, what's the matter?"

Ning Xuesheng twitched the corner of his mouth and suddenly regretted it. He should have informed the Tong family earlier, at least leaving someone who can make the decision, and it wouldn't be like this now.

He looked at the boy who had just grown up in front of him, although he looked quite stable... Forget it.

Just him.

Ning Xuesheng cleared his throat: "I ran into a girl when I was working outside some time ago. Her surname is also Tong, and her name is Tong Li."

Tong Heng lightly held the mirror frame, motioning for him to continue talking.

"She may be from your Tong family."

Tong Heng: "?"

"What do you mean? I don't understand?" Does his father have an illegitimate daughter outside?
Ning Xuesheng knew what he was thinking at a glance: "Of course not, what are you thinking?"

If Tong Li found out, she would definitely beat her up.

"Didn't I ask you before, that string of thousands of beads."

Tong Heng's eyes moved slightly: "So?"

"Tong Li is the owner of Yingqianzhu. I suspected that she had something to do with your Tong family, so I brought her back. Who knew that none of you who could talk to her was at home."

Hearing the extremely calm expression of Yingqianzhu, Tong Heng even wondered if the person in front of him was crazy: "Brother Xuesheng, are you kidding me? The string of Yingqianzhu is just an ancient magic weapon recorded in the book. Unknown."

What time is it now, it is modern, how can there be such a thing.

Ning Xuesheng also knew that his words were hard to believe. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

He walked up to Tong Heng, fixed his eyes on him, and pressed his body down little by little, forcing him to lean on the sofa. His expression was also more serious than ever: "It's true, she tomorrow It's really coming."

It has to be said that Tong Heng was frightened by his seriousness, and began to re-examine what he said just now: "Really?"

"Really, if I lie to you, you will be hit with lightning."

Now Tong Heng believed it. If an ordinary person would swear that he was a fart, but Ning Xuesheng's profession cannot be used as a joke.

Tong Heng stretched out a finger and pushed his shoulder, and the distance between the two became farther and farther: "Brother Xuesheng, if she really wants to come, then come."

The family will not be short of her bite.

Tong Heng didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all. He had little contact with family affairs, and in his opinion, he was just a person who came back.


The Ning family father and son looked at each other.

"She may go to the river above the Miluo River tomorrow." Ning Xuesheng said surprisingly.

"What?" Tong Heng frowned.

It was a forbidden area of ​​the Tong family, and no one could enter without the owner's consent. Moreover, every time my father entered, he would come out with a serious expression. No one knew what happened to him inside.

Tong Heng's eyes flashed strangely: "What is she going to do there?"


The next day, Tong Li woke up leisurely from the bed. When she opened her eyes, she saw a snow-white ceiling. She raised her hand to press the eyelids that were still beating, and her mood became even more congested.

Pei Jiuyin came in from the outside at this moment, and seeing Tong Li sitting on the bed in a daze, his face didn't look well, he hurried forward: "Get up."

Tong Li half covered her eyes and looked at him. She recognized him as someone else in a trance, but she soon regained consciousness.

The person in front is Pei Jiuyin.

"Hmm." She responded lightly.

"What's wrong? Is something uncomfortable?" Pei Jiuyin sat on the edge of the bed and held her other hand.

Tong Li shook his head.

Pei Jiuyin's long eyelashes blinked twice. From yesterday to now, Tong Li has been absent-minded. Although she looks calm on the surface, he can feel that she is very anxious in her heart, but she refuses to say anything.

He patted her arm: "get up and eat something first."

Tong Li seemed to have never heard of it, and her eyes fell on the Yingqianzhu in her left hand. It seemed to be heating up just now?
This thing doesn't react for no reason, why?
Tong Li covered it with her small hands, and found that it seemed to be all right.

Maybe I'm overthinking myself.

After Tong Li woke up, Ning Xuesheng also came over soon.

"Have you had breakfast? I'll take you to Tong's house to meet someone later."

"Meet someone? No, just take me to that river." She just wanted to go there and have a look to confirm what she suspected.

Ning Xuesheng frowned slightly: "That place is forbidden by the Tong family, not everyone can enter, and the consent of the Tong family is required to enter."

(End of this chapter)

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