Chapter 291 The Weirdness of the Tong Family
"I've already agreed with the Tong family, just go there, but the patriarch of the Tong family is not here, only a junior is there, if the time comes, if you make a slip of the tongue and say something unpleasant." Ning Xuesheng hesitated to speak, saying that I'm a little embarrassed.

Tong Li paused and said, "It's nothing."

Ding Dong
The bell rang outside the door.

Pei Jiuyin turned to open the door, it was the waiter delivering breakfast.

He turned his head and said to Tong Li, "Eat something first."

Tong Li walked to the dining table, she didn't have much appetite today, so she took two casual bites.

After eating, the three of them were ready to go to Tong's house.

Tong's house is not in the city, it's a three-hour drive from the city.

Tong Li sat in the back seat, maybe she didn't want people to see her irritability, so she simply closed her eyes tightly to hide her true emotions.

Pei Jiuyin kept holding Tong Li's hand tightly.

Ning Xuesheng in front of him also looked irritable.

The atmosphere in the car unknowingly became oppressive.

Pei Jiuyin was mainly worried about Tong Li's emotions, and Ning Xuesheng was worried that when she arrived at Tong's house later, Tong Heng would not let her go to that river, what would Tong Li do if she forced her in?
This woman has always gone her own way, and if there is a conflict, he will definitely not be able to hold Tong Li back.


He took out his mobile phone and tried to call Patriarch Tong, but unexpectedly he got through.

"Hello." I don't know what they are doing over there, and the surrounding voices are quite noisy.

"Uncle Tong, where are you now?" Ning Xuesheng covered his phone and lowered his voice, his voice was like a thief.

"What happened to me outside?"

"Uncle Tong, today I..." He whispered what he said to Tong Heng yesterday.

He didn't know what the reaction was, anyway, there was no sound for a long time.

After a long time, a trembling voice came from the other side: "You said her name is Tong Li?"


"You said she has Qianzhu?"


Ning Xuesheng was a little strange. Tong Heng was very calm when he heard this yesterday, but the other party was obviously more excited, as if he was suppressing something, especially when Ying Qianzhu was mentioned.

He felt that Tong Heng's reaction was reflected by normal people, after all, it was just something recorded in the book.

Hearing that an ancient magic weapon appeared in the present, everyone would doubt it.

After a long time, heavy breathing came from there.

"Xuesheng, please help me entertain good people first, you told Tong Heng to keep him, I will go back right away."

Immediately after this sentence, you can see how eager there is.

"Okay, uncle, slow down."

Although Tong Li closed her eyes and her ears were not deaf, she could hear their conversation clearly, but she didn't care much.

After Ning Xuesheng hung up the phone, he kept thinking about Patriarch Tong's words.

The car drove to Tong's Manor while she was dazed.

The Tong family deserves to be the number one wealthy family in M ​​City, just by looking at the magnificent gate, one can tell how rich the Tong family is.

But money is nothing, the most honorable thing is the aristocratic status of the Tong family.

For thousands of years, the nobles of the imperial palace have gone from old to new, but only the Tong family has managed to stand up to this day. No one knows how they did it. Anyway, no matter what they do, they can be independent and stand proudly in the world.

Now the Tong family looks like a wealthy family on the surface, but in fact, the Tong family can cover the sky with one hand in M ​​city. There is a rumor in their M city that the Tong family is the only one not to be messed with.

Those who understand it all understand it.

Although the Tong family is powerful, they are very low-key, never causing trouble, those who can move their mouths do not move their fists, this is the Tong family, although the family is the only one, but in M ​​city, everyone admires its existence .

But there was one thing that he couldn't figure out no matter how he thought about it.

The Taoism of the Tong family has been handed down from generation to generation, but their family has an uncivilized rule that no one in the Tong family, no matter whether they are talented or not, is not allowed to touch any kind of magic.

In the early years, the Tong family indeed produced a young man with extraordinary talent. The young man did not want to obliterate his talent, so he practiced secretly. Later, the Tong family found out, and kicked him out of the house directly, and kicked him out of the family tree without any discussion. room.

It was this thunderous method that made the members of the Tong family dare not think about it anymore.

After all, the Tong family's power is powerful, and being kicked out of the Tong family because of a mere Taoism would not be worth the loss.

They can't be touched directly, but they are strongly supported by the collateral, which creates a rather contradictory illusion.

As for the reason, no one has figured it out until now. It is said that only the previous Patriarchs know, but this secret will only be brought into the grave by him.

Ning Xuesheng sighed inaudibly, looking at the world of flowers and brocades of Tong's family, she had no intention of admiring such beautiful scenery.

Tong's Manor is very big, the car went in and turned a few turns before arriving at the main hall gate.

Ning Xuesheng looked at the empty steps, feeling a little dissatisfied.

He said a thousand words and ten thousand yesterday to make Tong Heng pay more attention. If he doesn't come out to greet him, at least he has to arrange some people to come out.

Looking at the deserted door, I thought Tong Heng was outrageous.

After the car stopped, Pei Jiuyin got out of the car first and walked to the side to open the door for Tong Li.

"be careful."

Tong Li slightly bent over and got out of the car.

Looking at the solemn gate of this manor, a different kind of emotion lingers in my heart.

Ning Xuesheng walked up to Tong Li with little confidence: "Let's go, Tong Heng should be inside."

Ning Xuesheng walked up the steps first, and Tong Li followed. Suddenly, she stopped and looked towards the west.

Pei Jiuyin was the first to notice her strangeness, and squeezed her palm: "What's wrong?"

Tong Li's expression was unusually indifferent, and he looked up at the gate of Tong's house again.


Pei Jiuyin didn't believe it, and neither did Ning Xuesheng.

As soon as the three of Ning Xuesheng entered the hall, they saw the housekeeper hurriedly coming from another passage.

When he saw Ning Xuesheng, his face was full of smiles: "Master Ning."

Ning Xuesheng nodded towards him: "Uncle Lin."

"Where's Tong Heng?"

"The young master is probably unwell and hasn't woken up yet. I've already asked someone to call."

Ning Xuesheng understood, after all, that child is like Lin Daiyu, even if the wind blows, it makes people feel distressed.

The butler cast his eyes on Tong Li, curious and respectful: "This is Miss Tong."

Tong Li nodded slightly, looking at the luxurious hall.

Butler Lin bowed slightly, with regret in his eyes: "I'm sorry, I was delayed by something just now, so I'm ignoring you, please come in, the young master will come down in a while."

Ning Xuesheng glanced at Steward Lin strangely, but he still didn't say anything, why is his attitude towards Tong Li so respectful?

This is not the way to treat a stranger.

Butler Lin led the three of them to the sofa to sit down and asked them to prepare tea and cakes.

There was a noise upstairs, and Tong Heng, who was in a drowsy sleep, was surrounded by people downstairs.

The weather in the morning was fine, slightly cool, at least not related to the cold, but Tong Heng went downstairs wearing a thick cloak.

Ning Xuesheng was not surprised, Pei Jiuyin had no interest on his face, and nothing could attract his attention except Tong Li.

Only Tong Li frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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