Chapter 292 Formal Meeting

"Uncle Lin." Tong Heng's voice was muffled and weak, his face was slightly pale, and his walking steps were flimsy and feeble, and he felt a little flustered.

He tightened the coat on his body. Compared with yesterday, he seemed to be in poor health again today.

"Young master." Seeing his appearance, Steward Lin hurried forward to help him stabilize.

When approaching him, she took the opportunity to whisper a few words in his ear.

Tong Heng's eyes widened instantly after hearing this, and he cast a surprised look at Tong Li.

'Is it an honored guest? '

There are not many who can be their Tong family's distinguished guests, and his father pays close attention to them personally.

"I see."

Just because Patriarch Tong made a phone call, Tong Li's courtesy and treatment were immediately mentioned as the highest.

Tong Heng was supported to sit on the sofa, and a servant brought several cups of tea and placed them in front of everyone.

Ning Xuesheng could see Tong Heng's face clearly now, and his heart ached instantly, this appearance...

It was fine yesterday, why did it become like this overnight?
He was slightly worried: "Tong Heng, are you okay?"

Ning Xuesheng stood up and wanted to go over to express condolences, but Tong Heng raised his hand to stop him.

"Brother Xuesheng, I'm fine. It's just an old problem. It will be fine in a while." He knew his body.

Ning Xuesheng didn't believe it, he didn't look like he was in trouble, but he couldn't help him with his body.


He stepped back and introduced to Tong Heng: "Tong Heng, this is Tong Li."

Tong Heng looked at her with his eyes, slightly raised his forehead, and moved his eyes uncontrollably to her wrist. From the perspective of the naked eye, it was indeed as exquisite and crystal clear as the ones depicted in the books.

As for whether he has the ability to destroy the world, he doesn't know.

Tong Heng withdrew his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and asked politely: "Hello, Miss Tong."

Tong Li stared at him and nodded slightly.

While he was looking at her, she was also looking at him. The boy's facial features are very three-dimensional, his forehead is wide and his ears are thick, his breath is clean, and he has not been polluted by the world. The Tong family must also try their best to protect him.

Looking at his pale and blue complexion, it's a pity that he was born in a blessed family, but he didn't become a blessed person.

She turned her head and glanced at Pei Jiuyin. At that time, this man was also short-lived. Although his body was weak, he was a blessed man.

Pei Jiuyin seemed to understand the meaning in her eyes, and grabbed her hand with a little more strength, implying that he was in good health and was different from this tuberculosis man.

The corners of Tong Li's mouth rose slightly.

Tong Heng Xuxu clenched his fists, his eyes were dark, he could see a look of regret in Tong Li's eyes.

He hates people looking at him like that.

He also wants to have a healthy body.

But that's impossible.

Tong Heng picked up the water glass on the table and took a few sips, until he put down the water glass without making a sound.

He remembered what Ning Xuesheng said yesterday about the purpose of Tong Li's coming: "I heard that Miss Tong is going to that river, is that right?"

Tong Li nodded.

Tong Heng's throat was a little itchy, and he coughed a few times before saying, "Sorry, that river belongs to the forbidden area of ​​the Tong family. If Ms. Tong must go in, it will take some more time. My father will go home after finishing the matter and ask for his consent. Only Miss Tong can go in."

As soon as Tong Heng's words fell to the ground, Lin Butler, who was standing aside, interrupted: "You don't have to wait too long, the master has already boarded the plane, and it only takes 12 hours to get here from country y."

Tong Heng's eyebrows twitched, and he was slightly surprised. Now he was even more curious about who this person in front of him was, who actually made his father suspend his official duties temporarily, just to rush back to see her.

Ning Xuesheng breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably: "That's okay, I can go back tonight."

He was afraid that Tong Li would say, I have to go today.

Then who can stop it.

Tong Heng didn't have any objection: "That's fine, Miss Tong can just wait here for a day."

Tong Li nodded, she was not too short of time, it would be fine to stay at Tong's house for a day.

The two sides finalized this.

Tong Heng's spirit was getting worse and worse, and after meeting Tong Li, he went back to his room to rest.

Ning Xue took it for granted that the two spent a day in the Tongjia Manor, and he said with great interest that he would take them to the villa area.

But Tong Li was not interested in these things, and Pei Jiuyin even sneered at such vulgar things, especially those from other people's homes.

If there is anything I don’t have at home, I have to come to this shitty place to see.


He took Tong Li to rest under a big tree, holding hands, talking about love, watching the clouds and the wind, it was not comfortable.

The two of them stayed under the big tree quite well. Suddenly there was a commotion in front of them. Looking for their reputation, they saw a few people rushing into the villa with a medicine box.

Ning Xuesheng also followed closely behind.

Looking at the posture, it is estimated that something happened.

Inside the room, Tong Heng was lying on the bed with his eyes closed tightly, his complexion as pale as snow, his thin lips as red as blood, he was still muttering something, and his mind had sunk into a daze.

Ning Xuesheng was a little startled, standing beside the bed could feel the heat emanating from his body, what kind of burn did this have?

"How about it?"

Ning Xuesheng was very worried.

He said that the young master was so weak that he collapsed without doing anything.

"Don't worry." The doctor slowly lowered his temperature and injected him with antipyretic injections.

They knew that Tong Heng's illness was urgent, and as long as he handled it properly, nothing would happen.

Not long after, another old man came. The old man had white hair and wrinkled face. He looked like he was in his eighties or seventies. He was already old enough to take care of himself, but he still had to walk around with a medicine box on his back.

He sat down in front of the bed slowly, and calmly took out a large pack of long needles from the medicine box. The long needles were as thin as hair, and they shone brightly under the refraction of the light.

The old man lifted Tong Heng's clothes, looked at his skin as thin as a cicada's wing, sighed, then shook his head helplessly, picked up a long needle and stabbed him one by one.

Ning Xuesheng frowned deeply, he didn't know that Tong Heng already looked like this, he looked normal to him last night.

Looking at it now, what is the difference between this and a dead person?

It was terrible, Tong Heng's whole body was morbidly pale, and every thread of red blood under the skin could be seen clearly, and even the flow of blood could be seen when he got closer.

While doing Chinese medicine and going west in an orderly manner, the people present were not surprised except that their faces were a little anxious, as if they were used to this kind of scene.

Ning Xuesheng stood aside worryingly watching them busy, he couldn't help at all.

He knew that Tong Heng's ailment was brought out from his mother's womb. When he was born, the doctor judged that he would not live to be three years old.

However, under the massive medical treatment of Tong's family, he has grown up safely, breaking the death sentence given to him by the doctor one after another.

Seeing adulthood, he thought he would develop in a good direction, but now, how long can he last?

Half an hour later, the look of the boy who was lying on the bed on the verge of death gradually became normal.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, his illness has always come and gone in a hurry.

The doctor repeatedly confirmed that Tong Heng was fine, and told the nurse to be careful before getting up and leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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