The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 293 The first person to enter the study

Chapter 293 No.1 Entering the Study Room

Seeing that he had nothing to do here, Ning Xuesheng saw that he opened his eyes and followed suit.

He came outside and found two people who were relaxing in the sun.

Thinking of Tong Heng's experience of life and death in it just now, he felt a little uncomfortable, and his tone became eccentric: "You guys feel comfortable in the sun."

Pei Jiuyin squinted at him slightly and ignored him.

Tong Li didn't even give him a look.

Ning Xuesheng groaned and sat on the chair next to him. The cool breeze blew, and he sighed comfortably. It didn't feel too good.

"That boy Tong Heng fell ill again."

"Every time this kid gets sick, it's like going to the gate of hell. If he wasn't born in Tong's family, with his appearance, he would probably see the King of Hades when he goes."

He didn't know why he said these things, but he just felt so uncomfortable to hold them in his heart.

"Well, under the circumstances, he won't last for two years." Tong Li casually said, which was the last death notice for the boy.

The boy's depression was in his muscles, and it was not so easy to save him.

Ning Xuesheng frowned and looked at her: "You know?"

Tong Li didn't answer.

Ning Xuesheng felt bored, so his eyes fell on Pei Jiuyin, remembering the information he had found before: "Mr. Pei, I heard that you have been in poor health since you were young, I don't know if you invited that highly skilled doctor to treat you. OK, can you introduce me?"

"Thank you very much."

Pei Jiuyin's face was slightly ugly: You have been in poor health since childhood, and your whole family has been in poor health since childhood. I don't know how good his health is.

Tong Li answered first: "It's not the same, the boy's body is already damaged, and ordinary medicine is useless."

Ning Xuesheng was a little puzzled, did he misunderstand the meaning?

"Ordinary medicine is useless, what about precious ones?"

Several precious medicinal materials appeared in Tong Li's mind: "You don't have regular medicine here either."

Ning Xuesheng sat upright and was stunned for a long while: "What do you mean? Can it be cured if there is medicine? What medicine do you want?"


Tong Li was pestered by Ning Xuesheng for a whole day because of one extra word of mouth.

He who never complimented others, bowed his eyebrows and bowed his waist all day today, talking nicely to Tong Li, he felt so humble that he was about to kneel down to her.

But for the sake of that just-adult child, it doesn't matter if he kneels down.

Tong Li sat on the sofa, staring at the man in front of him without saying a word for a long time.

Ning Xuesheng blushed, and racked her brains to continue persuading Tong Li: "Tong Li, you are so good at catching ghosts and exorcising demons, saving a person is easy for you."

"It is said that everyone who is beautiful is beautiful and kind-hearted, so you can save him, and don't you think you are destined to be with the Tong family? Like a little brother."

"Tong Heng has been gifted and intelligent since he was a child. If he is not in poor health, he is definitely better than his elder brother."

"Didn't you say you want to go to that river? You can exchange this with Uncle Tong. He will definitely allow you to go in. He loves Tong Heng the most. If you can save Tong Heng, he will promise you anything."

Tong Li was still silent, her idea was very simple, she just came to that river to verify one thing, she didn't want to cause trouble.

Moreover, Tong Heng's problem is systemic. It doesn't mean that the medicine he takes will heal immediately. It has to be rectified slowly...

Not necessarily, maybe Xiaoyoubao can help.

Fa Fa Fa Fa, there was a sound of metal wings in the sky outside.

"Clang, clang..." A Hemler clock at the top of the hall ticked the hour on time.

Everyone looked at the clock together, it was exactly nine o'clock.

Ning Xuesheng recovered and continued to beg: "Tong Li."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a series of hurried footsteps coming from the door.

Not long after, a row of bodyguards and a panting middle-aged man stood at the gate.

Ning Xuesheng was stunned when he saw the person coming.

In the past, Uncle Tong gave him the image of a serious, upright, majestic, domineering elder. No matter what happened, he had never seen a trace of anxiety or panic on his face.

As for him now, his broken hair is casually drooping on his face, and a thick layer of stubble is protruding from his chin. Although he is wearing a suit and leather shoes, there are several wrinkles on his meticulous clothes in the past, and the buttons are wrongly buttoned. How do you look at it? Embarrassed.

It's not like coming back from country Y, it's like coming back from a refugee camp

And he looked at Tong Li sideways with a face full of shock, as if he saw a ghost.

Ning Xuesheng couldn't help thinking in his heart: How about Tong Li, she doesn't look like a ghost, and other people are immediately fascinated by her.

His Uncle Tong looked like he was about to be scared away.

Tong Hongzhi stared at Tong Li intently, his eyes fell on her wrist involuntarily, and then slowly turned back to his face. When he saw her face clearly, his whole body was like a lightning strike, as if he had forgotten where he was. place.

He obeyed his instinct, moved his legs that weighed a thousand pounds, and walked forward step by step.

'It's so similar, it's exactly the same. '

'No, this is the deity, and others can't pretend to come, has he finally waited? '

Tong Hongzhi got closer and closer, his legs were so weak that he almost knelt down several times, but fortunately, the bodyguards on both sides stopped him in time to save him from being so embarrassed.

He came in front of Tong Li, resisting the urge to kneel down, with a trembling mouth: "Old..."

Tong Li narrowed her eyes slightly, with a sharp glint in her eyes, and Tong Hongzhi was so frightened that he swallowed back the address he wanted to blurt out just now.

Everyone in the living room looked at the two of them with very strange eyes.

It stands to reason that Tong Hongzhi is the master and Tong Li is the guest, and it is the first time they meet, the master who has always been aloof, why has he become a little humble?

Are they right?

Tong Hongzhi opened his mouth slightly, his throat seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't speak.

After a long time, Tong Hongzhi finally recovered his voice: "Can you please... come to the study to talk."

Tong Li nodded.

Tong Hong wiped the sweat from his forehead, leaned slightly and made a gesture of invitation, which was definitely a big gift for everyone.

"After you."

Pei Jiuyin stood up and took Tong Li's hand.

The attitude is obvious, and he also wants to follow.

But Tong Li rejected him this time.

"You wait for me below, and I will come down later." Tong Li pushed his hand away with an unquestionable tone.

After Tong Li said that, although Pei Jiuyin was a little unhappy, he didn't insist on following, and sat back on the sofa with a cold face.

The two entered the study on the third floor under everyone's doubtful eyes, and they didn't look back until they disappeared.

Tong Hengning Xuesheng was the most surprised. Where is the study?One can imagine.

They had never seen a woman who could enter that door openly, but Patriarch Tong invited her up in person.

This scene directly put the two of them together.

However, the moment the door was closed, it was a different scene inside.

Tong Hongzhi couldn't bear it any longer, and with a plop, his legs knelt on the ground, and there was a muffled blunt sound on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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