Chapter 294 The Purpose of the Past Dynasties

"what are you doing?"

Tong Li frowned slightly. She noticed that this man was abnormal just outside, and seemed to know something.

As soon as he came in, he knelt down and saluted her, so she couldn't help but think about it.

"Old ancestor."

Tong Hongzhi's voice trembled, and he called out the title he wanted to call out without hesitation.

He wasn't dreaming, it wasn't dazzled, he really saw it.

He didn't expect that in this life, he would be lucky enough to meet the ancestors of the Tong family. At this moment, his heart was churning like a wave, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

You must know that their Tong family has survived for thousands of years. In addition to the blessing of their ancestors, there is also a belief that has allowed them to persist for thousands of years.

That is to wait until their ancestors come back.

It is said that the ancestor flew to immortality in the Dharma-ending period. What kind of concept is that? It is something that people in the world can only hope for.

What an honor for a family.

The one who said was right, the ancestor will really come back.

In fact, each of their successor patriarchs must unconditionally perform a mission, which is to find the one in front of them.

To be honest, he didn't believe it at all before, he just regarded it as a myth, and when he was looking for the ancestor, he just pretended to deal with that one.

Unexpectedly, the old ancestor came to the door by himself.

Blessed by God, finally in his generation, he has fulfilled the purpose of the previous generations.

"The young boy Tong Hongzhi kowtowed to the ancestor." Tong Hongzhi knocked his head heavily on the ground, as if the louder he knocked, the more he respected him.

Tong Lidai frowned even tighter, she turned sideways for a while, she didn't know how this person knew, but she came here only for one thing, and didn't want to cause trouble: "You admitted your mistake."

Tong Hongzhi raised his head and looked at her steadfastly: This person looks exactly like the person in the portrait, how could it not be.

He's not that easy to fool.

Tong Hongzhi stood up, walked to the closet without hesitation, removed a landscape painting on it, and revealed an LCD panel inside.

He entered a string of complex passwords, then pressed his fingerprints, and authenticated his pupils. After a pause, a beep sounded, and a long tan box popped up from the wall on the left.

Looking at the layers of protection, one feels that the things in this long box are extremely precious things.

Tong Hongzhi's face was also full of respect.

He carefully took the box off, and slowly brought it to the table.

That cautious attitude didn't know that he thought he was holding a time bomb.

Looking at the box, Tong Li could tell at a glance that it was made of high-quality golden nanmu. Looking at the color deposited on it, the box was at least three to five hundred years old.

She didn't know what he wanted to do.

Tong Hongzhi stood up straight, and when he saw the long box, he breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had accomplished something important.

He turned and went to the safe to take out a key that had been sealed for a long time.

As long as she opened the box and took out the contents, she couldn't help but admit it.


When the key was turned, the sound was like hitting Tong Hongzhi's heart.

He opened the box to reveal its contents.

There is no treasure inside, but a vintage scroll painting.

Tong Hongzhi took out the scroll painting inside, placed it on the table, untied a rope on it, and spread the scroll carefully.

The things painted inside were finally able to see the light.

The painting on the drawing paper is a woman with a beautiful appearance.

When he saw this painting for the first time, a sentence immediately popped into his mind: The beauty of Qianqiu, the beauty of the world.

This person is none other than the one in front of him, the ancestor of their Tong family.

"Old Ancestor, look... this is you, our Tong family has been looking for you with this picture for generations."

"Finally, it's my generation, waiting for you." Tong Hongzhi burst into tears, and raised his finger to wipe away the excited tears. What an honor for him.

He verified their Tong family today, and the efforts he had made over the years were not in vain.

The person in the painting is exactly the same as her, no matter how much she denies it, it will be useless, and she still wears the treasure of her ancestors, saying that she is not believed by anyone, and he is not a fool.

Tong Li walked over and picked up the scroll on the table, slightly surprised in her heart, the person inside was indeed herself.

But after hundreds of millions of years, why does the Tong family have their own portrait?And when she was an adult, she had already left.

This portrait is obviously not when she was an adult, but when she was watching it.

Did the Tong family ever go to Tianqi Mountain when she disappeared?Then get this portrait in someone else's hands.

"Old ancestor." Tong Hongzhi wept with joy.

Tong Li closed the scroll.

He said sternly, "This is the end of this matter."

Tong Hongzhi was stunned: "..."

"Ancestor, you..."

Tong Li said, "I just want to go to that river."

"Yes, yes." Tong Hongzhi nodded sharply, let alone looking at the river, it's fine to rise up.

Tong Hongzhi thought of the people inside, and looked at her hesitating to speak.

"What? Can't go?"

"Yes, why not." How could he not be able to go, this frustrates him.

Tong Li nodded satisfied with the answer.

After the matter was finished, she turned around and went out, just as she reached the door, Tong Li suddenly stopped and warned the people behind her sharply: "Don't say what you shouldn't say."

The meaning is obvious, she doesn't want others to leak her information, and she doesn't want to have anything to do with the Tong family.

Although Tong Hongzhi didn't know why, he was still obedient.

He wanted to speak, but Tong Li gave him a cold look, which made him shut up immediately.

After Tong Li left, he breathed a sigh of relief, he just wanted the old ancestor to keep the painting.

After all, that painting has been passed down for thousands of years, and it can be regarded as a family heirloom of the Tong family. It always feels awkward to just take it away.


This painting fell into the hands of the deity, and I'm afraid I won't be able to get it back.


As soon as Tong Li walked out the door, Pei Jiuyin, who had been waiting downstairs for a long time, immediately got up from the sofa.

Seeing that Tong Li's complexion was not very good, he was so anxious that he ran up in three steps and two feet.

"It's alright."

Tong Li shook her head: "It's okay, go back."

"Okay." He longed to leave here, like hungry wolves.

As soon as the two of them got down to the stairs, Ning Xuesheng walked over.

"Tong Li, that"

"Okay, it's very late now, let's talk about something tomorrow." Pei Jiuyin knew what he wanted to say, and because he knew, he found this man annoying.

Tong Li is really a god, the boy looks like he is terminally ill, she can cure diseases, but she doesn't have the ability to bring people back to life.

Ning Xuesheng looked at the sky outside and thought so too.

"It's so late now, stay here tonight, you spend several hours going back and forth."

Pei Jiuyin sounded reasonable, and looked at Tong Li, he listened to Tong Li.

Tong Li glanced upstairs, then looked at the sky outside: "Stay here."

(End of this chapter)

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