The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 295 Tianzun, the ancestor chapter is here

Chapter 295 Tianzun, the ancestor is back
The Tong family directly arranged a detached villa for the two of them, and ordered that no one should disturb them without authorization.

Late at night, when they were supposed to fall asleep, the two of them stood on the balcony looking at the stars and the moon.

Today's night is also very cooperative. The sky is blue and the moon is beautiful. It is an excellent time to enjoy the moon.

But Tong Li was not admiring the moon, she was simply too bored to fall asleep, and Pei Jiuyin was with Tong Li.

"Tong Tong, did that old man tell you something today?" Pei Jiuyin kept refraining from asking, but Tong Li had been depressed since he came down, and he was worried.

Tong Li turned around, her dark pupils showed incomprehensible emotions, her emotions were indeed affected a bit, but the man in front of her was obviously not a good one to confide in.

"It's okay, just some shit."

Pei Jiuyin's eyes dimmed a lot immediately, Tong Li was fine, she just didn't want to tell him.

He couldn't help but sigh, is he so untrustworthy?

"Go to sleep if you have nothing to do."

"Go to sleep first." Tong Li turned around and put her hands on the balcony, continuing to look at the starry sky in the dark night. She still had something to think about.

The night was slightly cool, Pei Jiuyin waited for a while, seeing that she really didn't intend to go back to sleep, so he turned and went in, intending to get her a coat to wrap around.

When passing the tea table, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the painting scroll brought back by Tong Li.

He stood there watching for a few seconds, walked over in a strange way, picked it up and studied it in his hand, and told him directly that Tong Li became out of his mind because of this thing.

He looked at the people on the balcony, and then at the scroll in his hand. He knew it was not good to just look at people and things, but he really wanted to know what was inside, why Tong Li had been depressed since he came back and refused to tell He reason.

Distraught, he hesitated on the spot for a long time, but finally couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and opened the scroll with both hands.

When he saw clearly the people inside, he was completely stunned.

The person inside was dressed in white clothes, holding a sharp sword, stern beautiful eyes with a little tenderness, and the upturned corner of the mouth could not be ignored, because this kind of expression had hardly appeared on her face, at least he had never seen it.

The expressions inside were added by the painter?Or her original emotions?
Then who is the tenderness in her cold eyes directed at?
Pei Jiuyin's heart ached, and she couldn't believe that the person inside was her.

But the people in the painting are different except for their clothes, their facial features are almost carved out of her.

Another discovery shocked him, the drawing paper had turned yellow, and there were chips in some places, obviously it was old.

But there is no difference between the person in the painting and the person in front of you.

An answer flashed through Pei Jiuyin's mind, but it was too fast for him to catch it.

Just as he was trying to remember, his hand sank, and the painting in his hand was picked up by a hand stretched out from behind.

Pei Jiuyin put his hands behind his back, pursed his lips, and looked at Tong Li.

Tong Li didn't seem to intend to say anything, and rolled up the scroll directly.

Pei Jiuyin raised his hand to hold her hand: "Aren't you going to explain to me?"

Tong Li's black eyes stared at him unsatisfactorily: "Explain what?"

There is nothing to explain about a painting.

For some reason, Pei Jiuyin felt an inexplicable anger in his heart, and asked her in a dissatisfied tone: "Is that really you inside?"

"Hmm." Tong Li responded lightly.

"Who drew it?"

She answered frankly: "I don't know."

Pei Jiuyin's eyes darkened, and she grabbed her shoulders uncontrollably, making her only look at herself: "Tongtong, do you have something to hide from me?"

Tong Li's shoulders hurt slightly, Dai Mei frowned slightly, and looked straight into his eyes: "No."

Pei Jiuyin's face became ugly, and he knew that she was trying to put him off. How could a person not have any secrets? Before he even asked what it was, she said no.

Suddenly, a piece of warm and fragrant nephrite approached, and the faint fragrance rushed straight to the tip of his nose. Pei Jiuyin's back was slightly stiff, and a soft feeling swept across his heart.

Forget it, I don't want to say that he doesn't ask.

He despised himself for being so unprincipled towards Tong Li.

But facing Tong Li throwing himself into his arms, he really couldn't get angry with her, what could he do?His requirements are getting lower and lower.

"I really don't know who painted this painting, and I don't want to track down who painted it. I came here for one purpose. I will go to that river tomorrow to clarify my concerns, and we will go back."

"Really?" Pei Jiuyin asked anxiously.

In fact, when he saw Tong Hongzhi's respectful attitude towards her at night, he realized that Tong Li might have a close relationship with this family.

Perhaps since then he has been afraid, afraid that Tong Li would not go back with him.

But now with her assurance, he felt that he could do it.


Apart from these two, there was one other person in the Tongjia Manor who was awake.

When the moon was dark and the wind was calm, Tong Hongzhi, who had been waiting for most of the night, finally took action. He quietly opened the tunnel in his room and walked down with a flashlight.

The front row of the tunnel is very spacious, one is directly leading to the outside of the manor, and the other is not wide enough to accommodate only one person.

Tong Hongzhi's light moved to the narrow passageway ahead, and he walked straight forward. After walking about 500 meters, the front came to an end.

He looked up at a rope on the wall, stretched out his hand and shook the rope three times to the left and three times to the right.

Suddenly, a cool breeze blew in the closed tunnel.

The wall, which was still hard just now, suddenly turned into a mirror.

Although it is a mirror, it cannot reflect people.

Tong Hongzhi looked at the mirror and stepped over without any hesitation.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, the mirror behind him also disappeared.

Tong Hongzhi looked at the dark castle in front of him.

The surrounding environment was deathly silent, and there seemed to be no other living things except him, but he was not afraid in his heart, on the contrary, he was very happy.


The door of the weird castle in front of me slowly opened, and it was pitch black inside, and nothing could be seen.

Tong Hongzhi bowed three times towards the inside.

dong dong dong...

Rows of candles lit up in the castle, and the dim yellow candles swayed in the air, making the inside look even more gloomy. In the dark where the candles couldn't reach, it seemed that there was a man-eating beast hidden.

A relaxed smile appeared on Tong Hongzhi's face. He knew that the candle was lit, and the people inside agreed to let him in, so he stepped in without hesitation.

"What's the matter."

In the empty hall, a rough and unpleasant voice came out, and the reverberation in the hall was extinguished. Several candles were extinguished, which meant that the people inside were unhappy.

Tong Hongzhi's heart skipped a beat, and his muscles tensed instantly, not as wanton as before.

He hurriedly explained the purpose of today's visit: "Tianzun, the ancestor is back."

(End of this chapter)

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