Chapter 296

He had finished reporting the news, but the Tianzun in front of him didn't know what was going on, so he didn't respond for a long time.

Tong Hongzhi frowned, thinking that he didn't hear clearly, and said again with a straight mind: "Tianzun, the appearance of the old ancestor is exactly the same as in the portrait, there is no change, she..."


Tong Hongzhi hadn't finished speaking when a powerful gust of wind emerged from the gloomy space, and before he could react, he was swept away by that powerful storm.

The candles in the house were completely extinguished at this time.

With a bang, the door shut tightly.

Tong Hongzhi stood in a daze outside the castle.

He couldn't figure it out, and he didn't say anything wrong, so why was he kicked out?

Obviously it was Tianzun who told him that if he finds the old ancestor, he must report to him immediately.

What does it mean to drive him out after the report?
Can Tianzun come out?

Is he waiting here?Or go back first?

No one can give him an answer.

Tong Hongzhi waited on the spot in a daze for a while, seeing that there was still no movement inside, he simply went back first, since his task had been completed anyway.

What is your love?

As a result, as soon as he left, the eyes of the man in the castle on the back foot opened instantly. He moved his lips, and a mosquito-like voice came out of his throat that hadn't uttered a sound for a long time: "Are you back? Have you finally made me wait?"

The man leaned on the bed rail and sat up tremblingly. It was very dark inside and he couldn't see anything.

With a wave of his long arm, two candles lit up in the room instantly.

But the room was too dark, even if two candles were lit, only one figure could be vaguely seen.

The man looked around with the faint light, and had the illusion of not knowing where he was.

In order to reduce his own energy consumption, he would put himself into a deep sleep when nothing happened. This time, he didn't know how long he slept.

He retracted his gaze, and his eyes fell on his hands.

After seeing his current situation clearly, his hands trembled slightly, and he looked at the hands that looked like skeletons in shock.

The skin of these hands was as rough as tree bark, the blood vessels on them were clearly visible, and the backs of the hands were cracked one after another at some unknown time.

It doesn't look like a pair of normal people's hands.

He also seemed unable to accept himself like this, and kept muttering to himself: "No, no, I must not let her see myself like this."

"No, no."

The man looked at the table not far away, with a strange look in his eyes: "Yes, the box."

He stretched out his shriveled and withered arm, trying to use all his strength to fetch the opposite box, but his body was too weak, and it was extremely difficult to even hold a box.

After sleeping for too long, he didn't know that he was so weak, but he wanted to see Tong Li, right now.
Enduring the pain in his body, he stood up with difficulty, and when he wanted to walk over, he realized that he couldn't even lift his feet.

He walked with difficulty and moved step by step. The distance between the bed and the table was only more than ten meters, but it was so far away for him.

When he walked to the table, it was already 5 minutes later. He was sweating profusely and breathless when he walked in such a short distance of more than ten meters, but he said, "I got it, I got it, I can finally see you."


There were sharp and piercing laughter in the sky above the castle, and the birds that had already rested in the forest ran wildly, frightened by the terrifying laughter. Several of them accidentally collided in the air, tilted their heads, and passed out directly. .

And Tong Li, who just fell asleep, seemed to sense something, and got up from the bed with a jerk!

She threw off the quilt and quickly ran to the balcony, looking into the dark distance with extremely cold eyes.

Such a big movement naturally disturbed Pei Jiuyin.

"Tongtong." He also lifted the quilt and walked towards her.

"what happened?"

Tong Li looked into the distance and didn't speak until the stars in the sky kept flickering. She quickly pinched her fingers a few times, as if she had counted something bad, her complexion changed slightly.

"I'm going out for a while." Turning around and walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Pei Jiuyin reached out to grab her hand, but Tong Li's speed was so fast that he didn't even touch her arm.


Pa, Tong Li didn't respond to him, leaving only the sound of closing the door.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the closed door, his expression became gloomy, and he said softly, "Take me with you wherever you go."

Pei Jiuyin thought for a while, then put on his clothes and followed out.

As soon as they left, they immediately alarmed the people of Tong's family, and then the forest security system that they had been forbidden to enter also sounded.

Basically no one dares to trespass here.

So when the alarm sounded, everyone thought they had heard it wrong.

The security captain reacted the fastest and immediately summoned personnel to start an investigation.

They turned on the infrared system in the woods.

A small red dot was clearly seen on the instrument, moving at a speed of [-] meters per second, and it was carrying abnormal electromagnetic waves.

Everyone was on the alert immediately, because it is impossible for normal creatures to have such a fast speed, and it is impossible for there to be energy waves that cannot be analyzed by instruments.

Someone released a dozen hounds and began to search in the forest.

Just as they were looking for the location marked by the instrument, something weird happened.

Suddenly all the infrared rays disappeared, all the instrument panels failed, and everyone lost their direction.

The hounds didn't know what disturbed them, they kept circling in place and barking, they seemed to have a premonition that there were some terrible creatures in the woods.

Regardless of the master's order, turn around and run back.

Everyone has already noticed that something is wrong, and they stand still and don't know whether to advance or retreat.

After some discussion, they decided to go in and check again, but they received an order from Patriarch Tong when they walked 20 meters away, telling everyone to retreat and not to step into the woods.

Although everyone was puzzled, no one dared to resist the Patriarch's order.

Everyone can only go back home.

Tong Li was standing on a gloomy path at this time, the surrounding was silent, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of green grass. She raised her head and looked at the black air flying all over the sky, and the black air was wrapped with wisps of vitality.

That is the vitality extracted from the normal body by the wig.

It seems that this time she came to the right place, the source is there.

Without any hesitation, Tong Li ran towards the source.

It didn't take long to come to the river in the dream, a river without any sound of water flowing, and the place where she was standing at the moment was exactly the position in the dream.

The river is bottomless, and there is a stone bridge not far away.

Countless black air poured into the sky from under the stone bridge and reached a certain location.

She only hesitated for three seconds before jumping into the river.

As soon as she fell into the river, she felt that the river was extremely cold and had a strong stench.

Tong Li frowned and held her breath, and continued to swim forward, when suddenly a dark mass in front of her came against her.

(End of this chapter)

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