Chapter 297
She transformed into a sword, swung the sword forward, and the dreary sword energy went straight to the black mass.

The black mass didn't even have a chance to react, it was split into pieces in an instant.

Tong Li continued to march forward, and soon she came under the stone bridge, with the stone bridge as the center, a black wall appeared in front of her.

She thought that the corpses she saw in her dream were probably hidden behind the scenes.

So here she has to go in.

Tong Li's palm moved slightly, gathering a force in the palm of his hand, and punched out directly.

But it was strange that the black screen was not destroyed, and directly sucked her power in without any reaction.

Did she digest her strength?
With doubts, Tong Li slowly swam to the front of the shady scene, and kissed her with her fingers. As soon as she touched it, the shady scene immediately swept through a strong suction force. She didn't resist, but took advantage of the trend.

When she landed smoothly, she was completely stunned by the sight in front of her.

This is a place completely isolated from the water. The naked eye can see that resentment is soaring, evil spirits are flying all over the sky, and there is a miasma everywhere.

The female corpse on the high platform was exuding an extremely evil black energy continuously.

Under the high platform stood one skeleton after another. Each skull wore a wig and a yellow strip on its mouth.

Different from the evil skeleton above, the top of these skeletons exudes vitality absorbed from the outside.

Evil energy is wrapped in vitality, and it keeps sending in one direction.

The matter finally became clear, the Tong family... Tong Li had a look of disgust on his face.

But the matter has not been concluded for the time being. The so-called Patriarch of the Tong family has no evil in him, but this is the forbidden area of ​​their Tong family. Regardless of whether they have a direct relationship with them, it is unacceptable to raise evil things without authorization.

Tong Li raised the sharp sword in his hand, and with menacing force, he directly slashed at the skeleton man who was exuding evil spirit continuously.

Her sword was powerful, but it couldn't move the skeleton at all.

Tong Li frowned as she looked at the sword in her hand.

She didn't expect such a result.

Tong Li retracted the sword, took out twelve talismans from his body, and threw them into the air without hesitation.

Twelve golden talismans circled the skeleton, spinning continuously, and began to slowly radiate their own power.

Tong Li kept chanting the mantra, and the twelve talismans began to rotate from slow to crazy, just as she was about to finish chanting.

bang bang bang...

The twelve yellow talismans exploded without any abnormality.

Tong Li's eyes narrowed slightly, a situation like this had never happened to her before.

And there is no abnormal energy fluctuation here.

She looked at Zhou with sharp eyes.

After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he took out the talisman and threw it on the skeleton rack, just like the operation just now.

But it didn't take long for her talisman to explode again.

But this time she saw clearly, this time there was still no energy fluctuation, but there was an invisible gas, which broke through the eye of the talisman directly when she was halfway through the talisman, causing the talisman to explode instantly.

From her point of view, this is impossible. The talisman array was created by herself. No one can tell where the talisman eyes are except her, and how does the other party know?

Tong Li didn't expect things to be so difficult, talismans cannot be broken, and swords cannot be overcome.

She tightened her mind, looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and touched the Yingqianzhu in her hand, but once Yingqianzhu left her body, her own strength would drop by half.

Just when she was hesitating, the wig suddenly exploded, and countless vitality was being quickly absorbed.

It is estimated that they are afraid of her damage, so they have to speed up.

Tong Li looked at the endless stream of vitality, and without hesitation, resolutely took the Yingqian Pearl in her hand.

Throw it into the sky.

And in a castle in the distance, the gray-haired old man was quickly absorbing the hard-won vitality.

His body is also slowly beginning to change, the most obvious is that his hair is slowly turning gray and black.

The skin on the face and hands began to be repaired with vitality, the age spots on the body faded, the skin became firmer, and he has changed from an old man to a strong middle-aged uncle.

He naturally also felt that Tong Li broke into the secret forbidden area of ​​Zhihe, and he also knew that she would not stand by and watch, but he has no time to take care of it now.

He wants to be fast, faster, very fast.

"Li...give me a little more time, give me a little more time, okay?"

But when he saw Tong Li take out the Yingqian Pearl, he froze for a few seconds, and then desperately sucked in a lot of vitality.

A large amount of vitality poured into his body, and his body couldn't digest it for a while, the muscles of his whole body were tense like stones, and his two eye sockets were strangely scarlet.

He was able to break Tong Li's formation again and again, but only because of his understanding of her.

If she uses Yingqianzhu...

With the help of Ying Qianzhu's power, Tong Li wanted to crush this boundless evil together.

As it happens now, a force of good and a force of evil are fighting over the skull.

She really wanted to know who the other party was and why he was so familiar with her own things, not to mention that the talisman array was easily broken by him.

But Yingqianzhu is the most personal thing, and there is no possibility for others to touch it. Why can Yingqianzhu launch any attack, this evil energy can be perfectly avoided.

The people over there seemed to already know what she would do.

How much does it take to know Ying Qianzhu to do this?

Besides her, who would be so relieved of Ying Qianzhu?

It was pitch black here, thunderclouds billowed in the sky outside, and the stars and moon that were still hanging high had long since disappeared.

Pei Jiuyin stood anxiously in the dark woods, he didn't know which direction Tong Li was in, so he could only run blindly in the woods.

He really regrets it now, before he came, he should have given her the locator prepared for Tong Li, at least he could know her location in real time.

I don't want to run around like a headless chicken.

When he came to a forked road, he hesitated.

No matter which way you go, you have a chance to miss Tong Li.

"Master, to the north is to the river. Miss Tong said that she is going to the river. Where should she be?" The bodyguard at the side gave him a pertinent suggestion.

Pei Jiuyin thought for a few seconds before choosing the direction to go north.

He walked for nearly 10 minutes, and when he found himself back to the original place, he knew that he had been hit by Tong Li's ghost hitting the wall.

Once you get hit by the ghost hitting the wall, you can only keep spinning in place.

"Master, we can't get out like this." The bodyguard was also very troubled. Only Miss Tong can solve this situation, but she is not here.

That Ning Xuesheng would probably be fine too.

In other words, helicopters are also fine, but this is not their territory, and it is not realistic to call for helicopters immediately.

Pei Jiuyin looked up at the dark sky, he didn't know it, but did he just give up like this?


"Continue to go."

(End of this chapter)

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