Chapter 298 Master, You Are Finally Here
Although Tong Li was very surprised, even if he could escape Ying Qianzhu's attack, so what if he could avoid one or two attacks or three or four?

She couldn't believe it.

She wants to see how capable the other party is.

Tong Li put her finger into her mouth and bit it, a stream of bright red blood came out from her thumb, and a drop of blood accidentally landed on her lips, she pursed her lips, a faint blood flowed in her mouth, she He frowned rather disgustedly.

She formed a seal with blood, and quickly drew a red and gold-rimmed rune in the air to bless Ying Qianzhu.

The seal was formed, and the majestic power was continuously sent to Yingqianzhu.

Ying Qianzhu's speed became fast and violent, and every power attack directly hurt the vitals.

The opponent's speed visibly slowed down, as if he was about to lose in the next second.

In fact, all Tong Li's strength is concentrated on Ying Qianzhu at this time, and it is most likely to succeed if she sneaks up behind her at this moment.

But the people over there would rather hurt themselves than hurt her at all.

The back side simply dodged, and after a few moves, Tong Li found that the other party seemed to be delaying time.

Then she immediately turned her attention back to the crossed skull girl.

She waved the sharp blade in her hand, and the sharp blade cut back and forth to the conveyor belt repeatedly.

The people over there were terrified, the delivery channel was about to be cut off by Tong Li, the vitality in his body was not enough, it was still worse....

He wants to return to his most perfect appearance to meet her...


With her own strength, Tong Li completely blocked this vitality conveyor belt, and the surrounding area was affected by excess energy. Many skeletons were shaken and fell to the ground, and the wig skeletons were scattered all over the place. Wandering in the air like a main thing.

After only lingering for a few seconds, they all flew towards the Yingqian Bead that was still hanging high in the sky, and the Yingqian Bead stored all the remaining vitality in it.

Tong Li didn't take back Yingqianzhu until it was completely absorbed.

She didn't dare to stay for a moment, and after taking back Yingqianzhu, she left here to look for the culprit.

Tong Li got out of the river and ran into the woods, and began to search for traces to find the direction to receive the evil energy.

While running, she suddenly felt something, she stopped and looked in a certain direction.

He took out a yellow talisman from his body and folded it a few times in his hand, and a simple little paper crane was completed.

"Go ahead and take them out."

Tong Li watched the little paper crane disappear into the woods, and she continued to chase forward.

Pei Jiuyin was trapped here for an hour. No matter what methods they tried, they couldn't break the wall. Suddenly, they saw a small paper crane flying towards them without any power.

With just one glance, he was extremely sure that this thing was sent by Tong Li. He thought that Tong Li sent this little paper crane to take them to find her.

So he followed Xiaohe without hesitation.

But when they saw outside the woods, they realized that Tong Li had just brought them out.

Without even thinking about it, Pei Jiuyin turned around and wanted to go in.

The bodyguard who was in charge of his personal safety immediately stopped in front of him and remonstrated to the death: "Master, Miss Tong has her reasons for doing this, you better not go."

"Even if we go, with our strength, we still can't break through that ghost wall."

Pei Jiuyin frowned slightly, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He knew it was the reason, but he couldn't do it if he was asked to wait here.

"Master." Another bodyguard stood in front of him.

"Since Ms. Tong can send paper cranes to take us out, it means she knows your situation and her situation is safe. If you go in blindly, you may disturb her."

To put it bluntly, it is cumbersome.

"Why don't we go back and find Ning Xuesheng, or Patriarch Tong."

As soon as they finished speaking, they saw Ning Xue running over angrily.

On Tong Li's side, she broke through one formation after another and found a house with an extremely secret location.

The house in front of me is not too big, but what is frightening is that the house exudes an extremely sinister and dark aura inside and out, and the evil spirits inside must be quite powerful.

Tong Li looked around vigilantly. Although there were evil spirits around, these things did not intend to attack her.

She watched all directions with her eyes, listened to all directions, and tried to take a few steps forward.

Creaking, the door opened automatically without any warning.

Tong Li's small hand turned into a sharp sword to defend himself, and the sword body burst out with powerful and fierce arrogance, and the evil energy scattered everywhere it went.

Tong Li looked at the open door, and then looked up at the gloomy sky. She knew that someone else might be inviting you into the urn.

But even so, she had to go in.


There was a thunder in the sky, and the silent forest was struck by a bolt of lightning, and there was a deafening thunderclap.

With the help of the lightning just now, she took a rough look at the situation inside.

The hall inside is bottomless, with evil and distorted pictures painted on both sides of the walls, which looks very creepy.

The people inside seemed to light up all the candles in the hall in order to let her see more clearly.

Under the dim candlelight, she could see clearly, but the scene at this time was not what Lei Dian saw just now.

In the hall is a round pear table with a jug of wine and two small jade porcelain wine glasses on it.

The strong smell of wine wafted everywhere, and the tip of Tong Li's nose twitched, the smell of the wine was still somewhat familiar.

Thinking back carefully, isn't this the best pear blossom brewed by her big apprentice?In the past in Tianqi Mountain, whenever he brewed the latest pear blossom wine, he would bring it to her for a taste as soon as possible.

Time blurred, and she couldn't remember when was the last time she drank pear blossom brew.

Suddenly, a pear blossom appeared out of thin air and floated leisurely towards her.

Tong Li raised her hand to catch it, the pear blossoms were as white as snow and full of fragrance.

Her eyes darkened slightly, her complexion was icy cold, she lightly clenched her palms, and the pear blossoms that were in full bloom just now turned into powder in an instant.

She sprinkled the pear blossom powder in her hands into the air, put her hands behind her back, and strode forward.

As soon as I stepped into the house, I heard the melodious and mournful sound of the piano, which seemed to be accusing someone of not showing up.

Tong Li had never heard the sound of the qin, but she understood the sound of the qin. In a certain syllable, she also recognized who was playing it.

Tong Li wasn't in a hurry anymore, she stood in the living room and waited quietly.

Waiting for the master here to appear.

At the end of the song, the sound of the piano dissipated, and the hall returned to calm.

A few minutes later, there was a door opening sound from a dark corner.

Tong Li's cold eyes stared tightly at a certain direction, and after a while, a man with a cold appearance and a thinner figure slowly came out of that door.

The man had a golden crown and jade belt, and was wearing a crescent-white white shirt. He had an indescribably noble aura about him.

The next second he saw her, an excited yet restrained smile appeared on that extremely handsome face.

He called out a title that he hadn't called out for a long, long time: "Master, you are finally here."

This person is none other than Tong Li's big disciple: Chu Mo

(End of this chapter)

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