Chapter 299 He is the one behind the scenes

"It's really you." Tong Li frowned so much that she could kill a few flies. She couldn't believe that the mastermind behind all this was actually her own apprentice.

Chu Mo saw that Tong Li's shocked eyes were still filled with disgust, and his slightly bright black eyes dimmed a bit.

He pretended not to care, put a smile on his face, and walked forward slowly. She knew very well in her heart that he should have expected today's situation since he embarked on this road of no return.

"Master, looking at me here, are you surprised? I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Tong Li's face was extremely cold, and she stood motionless on the spot. When Chu Mo was ten meters away from her, she sternly stopped: "Stop."

Chu Mo stood obediently not far away, not dissatisfied with her attitude, but said with a smile: "Master, why don't you sit down and have a drink."

"It's been a long time since we master and apprentice sat down and had a drink."

After he finished speaking, he went to the table and sat down. Regardless of whether Tong Li could not come over, he picked up the ear of the pot with his slender fingers, and filled the two glasses of wine on his own.

In an instant, every corner of the room was filled with the pleasant scent of pear blossoms.

Chu Mo took a deep breath, with a natural expression, just like when he was in Tianqi Mountain before: "Master, you must be wondering why I became like this."

Tong Li has always been taciturn, and she is still the same now.

"Master, after drinking this cup, I'll tell you everything, okay?" Chu Mo softened his voice, with a hint of prayer.

It was only in front of Tong Li that he would show his soft-spoken side.

Tong Li's attitude was unusually indifferent, and after thinking for a while, she still walked over to him and sat down.

Chu Mo smiled happily like a child, and in the next second he tightened his expression: "Master, it was I who violated the teacher's Taoist teachings and insulted the master's sect rules. I will punish myself with three cups."

Chu Mo picked up the jug, picked up the wine glass and drank three glasses in a row before putting it down. The pear blossom wine has a low alcohol content and a hint of sweetness. .

He looked down at the empty wine glass, and smiled wryly: "This wine tastes different from before, it's so hard to drink."

"Master, have a drink and see if the apprentice's skills have regressed."

Tong Li sat quietly on the side, indifferent to his words.

Chu Mo didn't expect her to respond, but seeing her indifferent eyes, he still couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

He looked at the charming face that he was thinking about, and he didn't know how long he hadn't seen this face, but this face was engraved in his mind all the time, even after thousands of years, he still couldn't get it out of his mind. remove.

His master is still so beautiful, and the years have never stayed on her face.

But he...

Chu Mo resisted the urge to cry, and looked outside, recalling the past: "Master, do you remember the first time we met?"

He paused for a moment, then said again: "Master must have forgotten such a trivial matter."

"But I, I remember, and I will always remember."

"At that time, I was five years old. Because I was too hungry, I ate other people's sacrifices. I was caught by my master. They beat me half to death and threw me on the mountain. Those hungry dogs and wolves came here smelling the blood."

"It's a strange thing to think about it. I didn't cry, I wasn't afraid, and I even felt a little happy when I saw those firewood wolves, tigers and leopards, because I felt that I was finally relieved, and I finally didn't have to worry about my last meal or my next meal. I died like this That’s okay, it’s over.”

"But when all my thoughts were lost, you saved me from the mouth of a hungry wolf, you cured me, and you gave me a bite to eat."

"Although I didn't understand anything at that time, I knew that you were my savior."

As Chu Mo spoke, his mood became depressed: "Master, do you know? I am a child without parents. As long as I can remember, I have been running away, stealing things and being beaten. I can only run away. Others don't like it." Hit me, I can't fight, I can only run away."

Chu Mo raised his head and looked at her, smiling very gently, his heart was full of only the girl with the cold face: "Only you, let me feel the warmth of the human world, Master, you are the only one in my world."

"I admit that I am not a good person. In order to stay by your side, I tried my best to get you to accept me as a disciple. I did not hesitate to harm myself and tried my best..."

"Master, do you know? I do so much because I want to follow you."

"Although you are usually indifferent to me, as long as I can stay by your side, I know enough."

"Later, you finally agreed to accept me as an apprentice. I was so happy that I couldn't sleep for three days and three nights."

"Master, being by your side is my happiest day."

"You said you want to open a sect, but I'm actually not very willing. Opening a sect means accepting disciples, many, many disciples, but I just want the master to belong to me alone."

"But that's what you want to do, and I will do my best to help you complete it, let alone opening a sect."

Chu Mo poured down a glass of wine, drank it all in one gulp, broke his face with a smile, and said in a drunken way: "Master, you don't know, every time I open a sect to accept disciples, I will secretly drive away several talented people. People, even if I can stay with luck, I will try my best to suppress their talents."

"Because if they give full play to their talents, they will definitely surpass me. Master likes children with extremely high talents. How can I let Master's eyes fall on other people?"

When Tong Li heard his words, she felt extremely calm. In other words, she had already seen through his essence, but she thought it was all harmless things, and she was too lazy to take care of them.

Chu Mo saw that there was no fluctuation in her eyes, not even a trace of anger, his heart ached, what should I do?
He deceived himself and said: "Master, you still love me, don't you? You clearly know that I have done so many things wrong, but you are never willing to punish me."

In fact, he knew in his heart that it was because she didn't care, she didn't care about him, she didn't care about anyone, she didn't care about anything, and she was only in her heart.

"Master, I'm sorry that I failed your cultivation. I'm not a good person. I never have been. From the moment my parents gave birth to me and abandoned me, from the moment everyone bullied me, I can no longer be a good person."

"I can pretend to be a good person when you're around, but I can't be a good person anymore the moment you're gone."

"You disappeared. I looked for you like crazy. I searched all over the world, from all corners of the world, to kill those who speak ill of you."

"Oh, by the way, Master, I did one more thing wrong. I killed someone."

Chu Mo's eyes suddenly became vicious: "They are too much, they even said that you are married, they dare to slander you, I will kill them, kill them all."

"I want to find you, but I can't find you, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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