The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 300 Killing all the people in the world, just waiting for you

Chapter 300 Killing all the people in the world, just waiting for you

Seeing that Tong Li frowned, he felt that he might be too excited. After calming down a little, he continued: "Not long after that, the world situation changed drastically, the aura of heaven and earth disappeared, and human beings could no longer use the aura of heaven and earth to practice. All species can only obey the laws of life and death."

"But I haven't found you yet, I can't die."

Chu Mo's pupils were slightly dull, and he kept repeating in his mouth: "Master, I worry about you every day, and I can't die until I find you."

"So you just let yourself fall into evil ways." Tong Li's voice was cold and tinged with anger, and he opened and closed his palms several times...

"Master, I have no choice. If I don't enter the magic way, I will die. If I die, I won't be able to find you. I can't, I can't." Chu Mo said incoherently, his eyes flushed with excitement.


Tong Li slapped the table to his feet, and asked sharply, "So you killed so many people just to prolong your life?"

"Do you still know who you are?"

Chu Mo lowered his head and remained silent. He knew who he was, but so what, no matter who he was, he couldn't change his decision to find her.

"You are confused."

Tong Li felt very distressed, with mixed feelings in her heart for a while, this was the first apprentice she chose, and it could be said that she watched him grow up.

How could a person who was so obedient become like this.

Chu Mo saw that she was angry, with strange emotions on her face, but laughed out loud: "Master, I don't regret what I did, my goal has been achieved, I'm waiting for you."

As for what will happen next, he doesn't care.

"Master, what are you going to do now? Follow your way and kill me, this demon?"

He said this with confidence, he wanted to see Tong Li worry about him, worry about him, as long as it wasn't that cold face.

Tong Li was speechless.

He killed so many people, it is absolutely impossible to just count it like this.

After a while, Tong Li opened his mouth, wanting to express his plan, but was interrupted by a group of people rushing over.

"Tongtong." Pei Jiuyin's anxious voice came from outside.

Seeing that Tong Li was safe and sound, his eyes were shattered, and he ran over with great joy, his eyes were all on her, and he didn't see a man sitting opposite her at all.

Tong Li stood up and put away the coldness on his face: "Why are you here?"

She clearly asked the paper crane to take them out.

The worry in Pei Jiuyin's eyes remained undiminished. He took her left hand and weighed her right hand again.

"I couldn't worry about you, so I came here."

Seeing that she was fine, he let go of his hanging heart quietly: "Why are you running so fast, you don't wait for me, what if something happens."

Tong Li: "I'm fine."

And Chu Mo, who was sitting by the side, couldn't stay calm anymore when he saw the two people's intimate behavior. The wine glass in his hand cracked and was smashed to pieces by him. The wine in the glass flowed down the blood on his hand, dripping on the tabletop.

He stood up suddenly, pointed at Pei Jiuyin rudely: "Master, who is this man?"

It was only now that Pei Jiuyin realized that there was a foreigner next to him. At first glance, he thought that the man was dressed strangely, and his eyes were full of shock and anger.

"Tong Tong, who is this person?" Pei Jiuyin also asked Tong Li.

Tong Li looked at Chu Mo calmly, it didn't matter to her who the person in front of her was.

Chu Mo knew Tong Li too well, he knew what she wanted to express with every move and look in her eyes.

Chu Mo watched the two holding hands close to each other for a moment, his body trembling uncontrollably, his heart that had just ignited was as if thrown into an extremely cold place, so cold that he couldn't feel a trace of warmth.

Master is such a cold-hearted person, without her consent, no one can get close to her.

What's more, this man's expression is tense, his tone is familiar, and he understands everything.

"Hehe." He smiled, with a sinister smile mixed in, he was very sure that the man in front of him wanted to steal his master.

Heh, anyone who dares to rob his master will die.

There were bursts of stabbing pain in Chu Mo's head, and his whole face became distorted instantly, but the physical pain was not half as great as his heart.

He has never seldom talked about those love affairs. He thinks that the two people are the most compatible because you understand me and I understand you.

Besides, Master would never consider this kind of thing, so he has always buried all his feelings for her in his heart.

He was also afraid that Master would feel disgusted with him and alienate him if he knew about it, so he didn't dare to show any love for her on his face.

He had heard a saying before that the most affectionate confession was to be by her side and help her handle everything around her.

Master is the most noble and holy person in his heart, so how could he be polluted by such petty affections.

Although he also fantasized about being able to hold the master's hand and appear in front of many disciples in an open and aboveboard manner.

But all that is just fantasy.

He De He Neng next to this man.

When Chu Mo thought of the hands they held tightly, his heart felt even more painful, and the hatred all over his body triggered the evil thoughts that had just been hidden in his body.

A black air flashed at the end of Chu Mo's eyes, and a black air immediately accumulated in the palm of his hand. Without the slightest hesitation, he swung directly at Pei Jiuyin who was in front of him.

All Pei Jiuyin's attention was on Tong Li, and he never expected that the man next to him would attack him.

Even if he knew it, it seemed like he could do nothing. He did have some skills, but no matter how powerful he was, he was still a mortal body. Even if he predicted it in advance, he couldn't avoid the attack.

If he was hit by his palm, he would lose half his life even if he was not dead.

"Be careful."

Fortunately, Tong Li, who was on the side, pushed Pei Jiuyin away and stopped Chu Mo from delivering a fatal blow.

It happened so suddenly that Pei Jiuyin lost his weight and fell backwards uncontrollably. Fortunately, Ning Xuesheng behind him helped him to avoid the fate of falling.

It's good that Tong Li didn't protect her, but this protection completely awakened the demon in Chu Mo's heart.

As far as he is concerned, Tong Li is his, and it can only be his. He has worked so hard to pretend to be snatched away by a man who jumped out of nowhere, and he can't accept it no matter what.

All the men close to Tong Li had to disappear, he didn't allow anyone to touch his master's mind.

Black air gathered in Chu Mo's hands again, and he swung it at Pei Jiuyin again.

But as long as Tong Li is around, it is impossible for Chu Mo to hurt him.

She guarded Pei Jiuyin tightly behind her, no matter how much Chu Mo jumped around, she couldn't hurt him at all.

Chu Mo couldn't control his emotions now, especially seeing Tong Li protecting this man so much.

How can she protect others.


Chu Mo began to fall into madness, his eyes suddenly turned black, and after a while they turned scarlet again. The evil energy poured out of his body continuously, and after a while, the black energy completely submerged the entire castle.

Tong Li knew at a glance that the big thing was not good, it was going to be demonized, and it was still so quantified.

"You go first."

(End of this chapter)

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